高CPU是因为日志文件太大了 ,解决方法见 [DOC ID 2056666.1]
看不到最新内容可能是文件被损坏了,见 [
DOC ID 2262659.1]
从11g开始,oracle提供了 x$dbgalertext 视图,关联xml格式的告警信息
set lin 200 pages 1000
col message_text for a80
col riqi for a22
select to_char(originating_timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')riqi,message_text
from x$dbgalertext
where originating_timestamp > sysdate - 7 and
(message_text = 'ORA-00600'
OR message_text LIKE '%fatal%'
OR message_text LIKE '%error%'
OR message_text LIKE '%ORA-%'
OR message_text LIKE '%terminating the instance%'
message_text这么多like 是推荐的,看着MESSAGE_TYPE
或 message_leve 很香,但不是你认为的香。
col message_text for a80
select message_level,count(0) from x$dbgalertext group by message_level;
col COMPONENT_ID for a20
select COMPONENT_ID,count(0) from x$dbgalertext group by COMPONENT_ID;
col riqi for a12
select to_char(originating_timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd') riqi,count(0) from x$dbgalertext group by to_char(originating_timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd') order by 1;
从oracle 12.2开始可以把视图替换为 v$diag_alert_ext
set lin 200 pages 1000
col message_text for a80
col riqi for a22
select to_char(originating_timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')riqi,message_text
from v$diag_alert_ext
where originating_timestamp > sysdate - 7 and
message_text = 'ORA-00600'
OR message_text LIKE '%fatal%'
OR message_text LIKE '%error%'
OR message_text LIKE '%ORA-%'
OR message_text LIKE '%terminating the instance%'
col msg for a120
with oneday as (select /*+ materialize */ * from
v$diag_alert_ext where ORIGINATING_TIMESTAMP>systimestamp-1)
select to_char(ORIGINATING_TIMESTAMP,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')||' ' || message_text msg from oneday
where ORIGINATING_TIMESTAMP>systimestamp-5*(1/24/60) and -- 最近5分钟
message_text like '%ORA-%' and
message_text not like '%result of ORA-609%' and
message_text not like '%result of ORA-28%' and
message_text not like '%(ORA-3136)%' and
message_text not like '%ORA-01013:%';
col message_text for a80
select message_level,count(0) from v$diag_alert_ext group by message_level;
col COMPONENT_ID for a20
select COMPONENT_ID,count(0) from v$diag_alert_ext group by COMPONENT_ID;
col riqi for a12
select to_char(originating_timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd') riqi,count(0) from v$diag_alert_ext group by to_char(originating_timestamp,'yyyy-mm-dd') order by 1;
create directory BDUMP as '/u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump';
create table
alert_log ( msg varchar2(200) )
organization external (
type oracle_loader
default directory BDUMP
access parameters (
records delimited by newline
reject limit 1000;
select msg from alert_log where msg like 'ORA-%';
但是普通用户无法访问X$DBGALERTEXT, 需要定制一下
create or replace view SYS.MGMT_ALERT_LOG as select * from X$DBGALERTEXT;
grant select on MGMT_ALERT_LOG to DB_MONITOR;
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