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  • 注册时间: 2008-04-07 08:51





















分类: Oracle

2021-04-16 20:01:32




  1. kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process
  2. Errors in file /home/ora/diag/rdbms/eastdb/orcl/trace/orcl_cjq0_3462.trc:
  3. Process J000 died, see its trace file
  4. kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process
  5. Errors in file /home/ora/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_cjq0_3462.trc:
  6. Process W000 died, see its trace file
  7. Process J000 died, see its trace file
  8. kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process
  9. Errors in file /home/ora/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_cjq0_3462.trc:
  10. Fri Apr 16 08:46:18 2021
  11. Process J000 died, see its trace file
  12. kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process
  13. Errors in file /home/ora/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_cjq0_3462.trc:
  14. Fri Apr 16 08:46:21 2021
  15. Process W000 died, see its trace file
  16. Fri Apr 16 08:46:21 2021
  17. PMON (ospid: 3335): terminating the instance due to error 474
  18. Fri Apr 16 08:46:22 2021
  19. System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=3335 (PMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination].
  20. System State dumped to trace file /home/ora/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_diag_3370.trc
  21. Instance terminated by PMON, pid = 3335
关键信息是 error 474,这个代表smon完蛋了。


很好还是diag的trace文件,这里是 orcl_diag_3370.trc
搜索process 13:smon ,其中的13 是这台机器的 oracle id 进程编号,其他机器上会不同
继续往下搜Session Wait History,看看有无异常的等待:


  1. Session Wait History:
  2.         elapsed time of 0.263819 sec since current wait
  3.      0: waited for 'smon timer'
  4.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  5.         wait_id=9247545 seq_num=7117 snap_id=1
  6.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  7.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  8.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  9.         occurred after 0.439011 sec of elapsed time
  10.      1: waited for 'smon timer'
  11.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  12.         wait_id=9247544 seq_num=7116 snap_id=1
  13.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  14.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  15.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  16.         occurred after 0.253953 sec of elapsed time
  17.      2: waited for 'smon timer'
  18.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  19.         wait_id=9247543 seq_num=7115 snap_id=1
  20.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  21.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  22.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  23.         occurred after 0.030880 sec of elapsed time
  24.      3: waited for 'smon timer'
  25.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  26.         wait_id=9247542 seq_num=7114 snap_id=1
  27.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  28.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  29.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  30.         occurred after 0.047717 sec of elapsed time
  31.      4: waited for 'smon timer'
  32.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  33.         wait_id=9247541 seq_num=7113 snap_id=1
  34.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  35.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  36.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  37.         occurred after 0.007141 sec of elapsed time
  38.      5: waited for 'smon timer'
  39.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  40.         wait_id=9247540 seq_num=7112 snap_id=1
  41.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  42.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  43.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  44.         occurred after 0.176498 sec of elapsed time
  45.      6: waited for 'smon timer'
  46.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  47.         wait_id=9247539 seq_num=7111 snap_id=1
  48.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  49.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  50.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  51.         occurred after 0.183811 sec of elapsed time
  52.      7: waited for 'smon timer'
  53.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  54.         wait_id=9247538 seq_num=7110 snap_id=1
  55.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  56.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  57.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  58.         occurred after 0.088497 sec of elapsed time
  59.      8: waited for 'smon timer'
  60.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  61.         wait_id=9247537 seq_num=7109 snap_id=1
  62.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  63.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  64.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  65.         occurred after 0.262751 sec of elapsed time
  66.      9: waited for 'smon timer'
  67.         sleep time=0x12c, failed=0x0, =0x0
  68.         wait_id=9247536 seq_num=7108 snap_id=1
  69.         wait times: snap=5 min 0 sec, exc=5 min 0 sec, total=5 min 0 sec
  70.         wait times: max=5 min 0 sec
  71.         wait counts: calls=1 os=99
  72.         occurred after 0.029236 sec of elapsed time
  73.     Sampled Session History of session 66 serial 1
  74.     ---------------------------------------------------
  75.     The sampled session history is constructed by sampling
  76.     the target session every 1 second. The sampling process
  77.     captures at each sample if the session is in a non-idle wait,
  78.     an idle wait, or not in a wait. If the session is in a
  79.     non-idle wait then one interval is shown for all the samples
  80.     the session was in the same non-idle wait. If the
  81.     session is in an idle wait or not in a wait for
  82.     consecutive samples then one interval is shown for all
  83.     the consecutive samples. Though we display these consecutive
  84.     samples in a single interval the session may NOT be continuously
  85.     idle or not in a wait (the sampling process does not know).
  87.     The history is displayed in reverse chronological order.



  1. 0BF4F4EC0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [................]
  2.         Repeat 113 times
  3. 0BF4F55E0 BF4F55E0 00000000 BF4F55E0 00000000 [.UO......UO.....]
  4. 0BF4F55F0 00000000 00000000 BF4F55F8 00000000 [.........UO.....]
  5. 0BF4F5600 BF4F55F8 00000000 00000000 00000000 [.UO.............]
  6. 0BF4F5610 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [................]
  7.   Repeat 1 times
  8. kjzduptcctx: Notifying DIAG for crash event
  9. ----- Abridged Call Stack Trace -----
  10. ksedsts()+461<-kjzdssdmp()+267<-kjzduptcctx()+232<-kjzdicrshnfy()+53<-ksuitm()+1332<-ksulhdcb()+499<-ksucln()+1243<-ksbrdp()+971<-opirip()+623<-opidrv()+603<-sou2o()+103<-opimai_real()+266<-ssthrdmain()+252<-main()+201<-__libc_start_main()+253<-_start()+36
  12. ----- End of Abridged Call Stack Trace -----

  13. *** 2021-04-16 08:46:21.779
  14. PMON (ospid: 3335): terminating the instance due to error 474
  15. ksuitm: waiting up to [5] seconds before killing DIAG(3370)
call stack trace对于问题定位非常重要。



  1. ORA-474:SMON进程终止并出现错误
  2. 1- ORA-00474:SMON进程在并行事务恢复期间因错误而终止

  3. 解决方案:

  4. 通过在您的init@SID.ora中添加以下参数来关闭并行恢复,
  5. fast_start_parallel_rollback = FALSE
  6. 反弹实例。

  7. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅:

  8. Ora-600 [15789]和Ora-474(Doc ID 1094645.1)

  9. 2-导致数据库崩溃的ORA-600 [504]和ORA-474实例崩溃,ORA-600 [kcbnew_3]可以使它们崩溃。(低于11.2.0.2的版本)

  10. 解决方案:

  11. 升级到10.2.0.5或11.2.0.2或更高版本

  12. 检查MOS平台上一次性修补程序:9084487的可用性。

  13. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅:

  14. ORA-00600 [504]和ORA-474导致数据库崩溃(文档ID 1209577.1)

  15. 3-在警报日志中报告的ORA-600 [13011]和ORA-474,其中跟踪失败的SQL类似于“从smon_scn_time删除,其中scn =(从smon_scn_time中选择min(scn))”

  16. 解决方案:

  17. 分析表smon_scn_time验证结构级联并重建其所有索引

  18. 有关更多详细信息,请参阅:

  19. 实例终止于错误ORA-00474:SMON进程终止于错误(文档ID 1361872.1)

  20. 如果报告了不同表的错误,请尝试相同的解决方案(分析报告的表和重建其索引)

  21. 有关此错误的疑难解答,请参阅以下文档,以了解更多详细信息:

  22. 了解和诊断ORA-00600 [13011]错误(文档ID 1392778.1)

  23. 4-使用ORA-474和ORA-660 [4464] / ORA-600 [4427](在低于11.2.0.2的版本上)导致实例崩溃

  24. 这是Bug 11814907:用ORA-00474重新启动实例:由于关闭了SMON过程而导致错误终止错误9857702的重复项:返还ORA-600 [4464]

  25. 解决方案:

  26. 升级到11.2.0.2或更高版本,或者安装临时补丁9857702(如果适用于您的平台)

  27. 5-警报日志中报告了ORA-00600 [KDOURP_INORDER2]和ORA-00474(版本低于11.2)

  28. 是错误7627304:ORA-00600 [KDOURP_INORDER2]和ORA-00474:SMON,过程PMON终止实例已作为错误7662491的副本关闭:实例崩溃/ ORA-600 [KDDUMMY_BLKCHK]恢复期间命中

  29. 解决方案:

  30. 升级至11.2或安装临时补丁7662491(如果适用于您的平台)

Troubleshooting ORA-46x and ORA-47x xxxx Process Terminated With Error (Doc ID 1907129.1)
SRDC - Instance Termination (non-RAC) Issues : Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 2507010.1)
数据库系统监视进程(SMON)(文档ID 1495163.1)

对于宕机问题,搜集方法可以用 tfactl,顺便看看帮助内容----很丰富。

  1. [oracle@shdb01 ~]$ tfactl diagcollect -srdc -help
  2. Service Request Data Collection (SRDC).
  3. Usage : /opt/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect -srdc [-tag ] [-z ] [-last | -from -to | -for ] -database
  4. -tag The files will be collected into tagname directory inside
  5. repository
  6. -z The collection zip file will be given this name within the
  7. TFA collection repository
  8. -last Files from last 'n' [m]inutes, 'n' [d]ays or 'n' [h]ours
  9. -since Same as -last. Kept for backward compatibility.
  10. -from "Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" From
  11. or "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
  12. or "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"
  13. or "yyyy-mm-dd"
  14. -to "Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" To
  15. or "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
  16. or "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"
  17. or "yyyy-mm-dd"
  18. -for "Mon/dd/yyyy" For .
  19. or "yyyy-mm-dd"
  20. can be any of the following,
  21. DBCORRUPT Required Diagnostic Data Collection for a Generic Database Corruption
  22. Listener_Services SRDC - Data Collection for TNS-12516 / TNS-12518 / TNS-12519 / TNS-12520.
  23. Naming_Services SRDC - Data Collection for ORA-12154 / ORA-12514 / ORA-12528.
  24. ORA-00020 SRDC for database ORA-00020 Maximum number of processes exceeded
  25. ORA-00060 SRDC for ORA-00060. Internal error code.
  26. ORA-00494 SRDC for ORA-00494.
  27. ORA-00600 SRDC for ORA-00600. Internal error code.
  28. ORA-00700 SRDC for ORA-00700. Soft internal error.
  29. ORA-01031 SRDC - How to Collect Standard Information for ORA - 1031 /ORA -1017 during SYSDBA connections
  30. ORA-01555 SRDC - ORA-1555: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682708.1)
  31. ORA-01578 SRDC - Required Diagnostic Data Collection for ORA-01578
  32. ORA-01628 SRDC for database ORA-01628 Snapshot too Old problems
  33. ORA-04020 SRDC for ORA-04020
  34. ORA-04021 SRDC for ORA-04021.
  35. ORA-04030 SRDC for ORA-04030. OS process private memory was exhausted.
  36. ORA-04031 SRDC for ORA-04031. More shared memory is needed in the shared/streams pool.
  37. ORA-07445 SRDC for ORA-07445. Exception encountered, core dump.
  38. ORA-08102 SRDC - Required Diagnostic Data Collection for ORA-08102.
  39. ORA-08103 SRDC - Required Diagnostic Data Collection for ORA-08103.
  40. ORA-12751 SRDC for ORA-12751. Internal error code.
  41. ORA-22924 SRDC - ORA-22924 or ORA-1555 on LOB data: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682707.1)
  42. ORA-27300 SRDC for ORA-27300. OS system dependent operation:open failed with status: (status).
  43. ORA-27301 SRDC for ORA-27301. OS failure message: (message).
  44. ORA-27302 SRDC for ORA-27302. failure occurred at: (module).
  45. ORA-30036 SRDC for database ORA-30036 Unable to extend Undo Tablespace problems
  46. TNS-12154 SRDC - Data Collection for TNS-12154.
  47. TNS-12514 SRDC - Data Collection for TNS-12514.
  48. TNS-12516 SRDC - Data Collection for TNS-12516.
  49. TNS-12518 SRDC - Data Collection for TNS-12518.
  50. TNS-12519 SRDC - Data Collection for TNS-12519.
  51. TNS-12520 SRDC - Data Collection for TNS-12520.
  52. TNS-12528 SRDC - Data Collection for TNS-12528.
  53. ahf SRDC - Data Collection for orachk or exachk issue, after running orachk -debug or exachk -debug.
  54. crs SRDC FOR CRS
  55. crsasm SRDC FOR ASM CRS Related Errors
  56. crsasmcell SRDC FOR ASM CRS CELL Related Errors
  57. dbacl SRDC - How to Collect Standard Information for Access Control Lists (ACLs).
  58. dbaqgen SRDC - How To Collect Information For Troubleshooting Problem In An Oracle Advanced Queuing Environment.
  59. dbaqmon SRDC - How to Collect Information for Troubleshooting Queue Monitor (QMON) Issues.
  60. dbaqnotify SRDC - How to Collect Information for Troubleshooting Notification in an Advanced Queuing Environment.
  61. dbaqperf SRDC - How To Collect Information For Troubleshooting Performance In An Oracle Advanced Queuing Environment.
  62. dbaqpurge SRDC - How to Collect Information for Troubleshooting Non-Purged Messages in an Advanced Queuing Environment
  64. dbaudit SRDC - How to Collect Standard Information for Database Auditing
  65. dbaum SRDC - AUM : Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682741.1)
  66. dbaumwaitevents SRDC - Wait Events related to Undo: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1682723.1)
  67. dbawrspace SRDC for database AWR space problems
  68. dbbeqconnection SRDC - Bequeath Connection Issues: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1928047.1)
  69. dbdatapatch SRDC - Data Collection for Datapatch issues.
  70. dbddlerrors SRDC - DDL Errors: Checklist of Evidence to Supply
  71. dbemon SRDC - How to Collect Information for Troubleshooting Event Monitor (EMON) Issues
  72. dbenqdeq SRDC - How to Collect Standard Information for Advanced Queueing Issues Using TFA Collector (Recommended) or Manual Steps
  73. dbexp SRDC - How to Collect Information for Troubleshooting Export (EXP) Related Problems
  74. dbexpdp SRDC - Diagnostic Collection for DataPump Export Generic Issues
  75. dbexpdpapi SRDC - Diagnostic Collection for DataPump Export API Issues
  76. dbexpdpperf SRDC - Diagnostic Collection for DataPump Export Performance Issues
  77. dbexpdptts SRDC - Data to supply for Transportable Tablespace Datapump and original EXPORT, IMPORT
  78. dbfra SRDC - Required diagnostic data collection for FRA related errors.
  79. dbfs SRDC for dbfs.
  80. dbggclassicmode SRDC for DOC ID 1913426.1, 1913376.1 and 1912964.1
  81. dbggintegratedmode SRDC for GoldenGate extract/replicat abends problems.
  82. dbhang SRDC for database Hang problems
  83. dbimp SRDC - Diagnostic Collection for Traditional Import Issues
  84. dbimpdp SRDC - Diagnostic Collection for DataPump Import (IMPDP) Generic Issues
  85. dbimpdpperf SRDC - Diagnostic Collection for DataPump Import (IMPDP) Performance Issues
  86. dbinstall SRDC for Oracle RDBMS install problems.
  87. dbinstancecrash SRDC - Instance Termination (non-RAC) Issues : Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 2507010.1)
  88. dbinvalidcomp SRDC - Invalid Components and Objects : Checklist of Evidence to Supply
  89. dbinvalidobj SRDC - Objects Getting Invalidated: Checklist of Evidence to Supply
  90. dbparameterfiles SRDC - Parameter Files :Checklist of Evidence to Supply.
  91. dbparameters SRDC - Database Parameters: Checklist of Evidence to Supply.
  92. dbpartition SRDC - Data to Supply for Create/Maintain Partitioned/Subpartitioned Table/Index Issues
  93. dbpartitionperf SRDC - Data to Supply for Slow Create/Alter/Drop Commands Against Partitioned Table/Index
  94. dbpatchconflict SRDC for Oracle RDBMS patch conflict problems.
  95. dbpatchinstall
  96. dbperf SRDC for database performance problems
  97. dbplugincompliance SRDC - Collect Relevant Diagnostic Information For All Compliance Related Issues Within Enterprise Manager 12c and 13c for Oracle Database.
  98. dbpreupgrade SRDC for database preupgrade problems.
  99. dbprocmgmt SRDC - Generic Process Management and Related Issues: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 2500734.1)
  100. dbrac SRDC FOR RAC Specific Issues
  102. dbracmin Minimal SRDC FOR RAC Specific Issues
  103. dbracperf SRDC for RAC database performance problems
  104. dbrman SRDC - Required diagnostic data collection for RMAN related errors.
  105. dbrmanperf SRDC - Required diagnostic data collection for RMAN Performance(1671509.1).
  106. dbscn SRDC for database SCN problems.
  107. dbshutdown SRDC - Shutdown Issues : Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1906473.1)
  108. dbslowddl SRDC - Slow DDL: Checklist of Evidence to Supply
  109. dbspatialexportimport SRDC - Data Collection for Oracle Spatial Export/Import Issues.
  110. dbspatialinstall SRDC - Data Collection for Oracle Spatial Installation Issues.
  111. dbsqlperf SRDC - How to Collect Standard Information for a SQL Performance Problem Using TFA Collector.
  112. dbstandalonedbca SRDC - DBCA Issues: Checklist of Evidence to Supply
  113. dbstartup SRDC - Startup Issues: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1905616.1)
  114. dbtde SRDC - How to Collect Standard Information for Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) (Doc ID 1905607.1)
  115. dbtextinstall SRDC - Data Collection for Oracle Text Installation Issues - 12c.
  116. dbtextupgrade SRDC - Data Collection for Oracle Text Upgrade Issues - 12c.
  117. dbundocorruption SRDC - Required Diagnostic Data Collection for UNDO Corruption.
  118. dbunixresources SRDC to capture diagnostic data for DB issues related to O/S resources
  119. dbupgrade SRDC for database upgrade problems.
  120. dbvault SRDC - How to Collect Standard Information for Database Vault
  121. dbwindowsresources SRDC - DB on Windows Resources : Checklist of Evidence to Supply.
  122. dbwinservice SRDC - OracleService on Windows: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1918781.1)
  123. dbxdb SRDC for database XDB Installation and Invalid Object problems
  124. dnfs SRDC for DNFS.
  125. emagentgeneric SRDC - Collect Trace/Log Information for Enterprise Manager Management Agent Generic Issues
  126. emagentpatching SRDC - Collect Trace/Log Information for Failures during Enterprise Manager 13c Management Agent Patching.
  127. emagentperf EM SRDC - Collect Diagnostic Data for EM Agent Performance Issues.
  128. emagentstartup SRDC - Collecting Logs for Enterprise Manager 13c Agent Startup Errors.
  129. emagtpatchdeploy SRDC - Collecting Log Files for EM 13c Agent or Agent Patch Deployment.
  130. emagtupgpatch SRDC - Collecting Log Files for EM 13c Agent Upgrade or Local Installation or Patching.
  131. emcliadd EM SRDC - Errors during the adding of a database/listener/ASM target via EMCLI.
  132. emclusdisc EM SRDC - Cluster target, cluster (RAC) database or ASM target is not discovered.
  133. emdbaasdeploy SRDC - Collect Trace/Log Information For Failures During Database As A Service(DBAAS) Deployment.
  134. emdbsys EM SRDC - Database system target is not discovered/detected/removed/renamed correctly.
  135. emdebugoff SRDC for unsetting EM Debug.
  136. emdebugon SRDC for setting EM Debug.
  137. emfleetpatching SRDC - Collecting Diagnostic Data for Enterprise Manager Fleet Maintenance Patching Issues.
  138. emgendisc EM SRDC - General error is received when discovering or removing a database/listener/ASM target.
  139. emmetricalert SRDC for EM Metric Events not Raised and General Metric Alert Related Issues.
  140. emomscrash SRDC - Collect Diagnostic Data for all Enterprise Manager OMS Crash / Restart Performance Issues.
  141. emomsheap SRDC - Collecting Diagnostic Data for Enterprise Manager OMS Heap Usage Alert Performance Issues.
  142. emomshungcpu SRDC - Collecting Diagnostic Data for Enterprise Manager OMS hung or High CPU Usage Performance Issues.
  143. emomspatching SRDC - Collect Trace/Log Information for Failures during Enterprise Manager 13c OMS Patching.
  144. empatchplancrt SRDC - Collecting Diagnostic Data for Enterprise Manager Patch Plan Creation Issues.
  145. emprocdisc EM SRDC - Database/listener/ASM target is not discovered/detected by the discovery process.
  146. emtbsmetric SRDC - Collect Relevant Diagnostic Information For All Tablespace Space Used (%) Metric Issues Within Enterprise Manager For Oracle Database 12c and 13c.
  147. esexalogic SRDC - Exalogic Full Exalogs Data Collection Information.
  148. exservice SRDC - Exadata: Storage Software Service Or Offload Server Service Failures.
  149. exsmartscan SRDC - Exadata: Smart Scan Not Working Issues.
  150. gg_abend SRDC for DOC ID 2650417.1
  151. ggintegratedmodenodb SRDC for GoldenGate extract/replicat abends problems.
  154. instterm SRDC for instance terminated events, such as ORA-00469: ORA-00470: ORA-00480: ORA-00490: ORA-00491, ORA-00492, ORA-00493, ORA-00495, ORA-00496, ORA-00497, ORA-00498
  155. internalerror SRDC for all other types of internal database errors.
  156. ora1000 SRDC - Open Cursors:Checklist of Evidence to Supply.
  157. ora18 SRDC - ORA-18 or Sessions Parameter: Checklist of Evidence to Supply.
  158. ora25319 SRDC - How to Collect Information for Troubleshooting an ORA-25319 Error in an Advanced Queuing Environment.
  159. ora4023 SRDC - ORA-4023 : Checklist of Evidence to Supply
  160. ora4063 SRDC - ORA-4063 : Checklist of Evidence to Supply
  161. ora445 SRDC - ORA-445 or Unable to Spawn Process: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 2500730.1)
  162. xdb600 SRDC - Required Diagnostic Data Collection for XDB ORA-00600 and ORA-07445 Internal Error Issues using TFA Collector
  163. xdbinstall SRDC - Required Diagnostic Data Collection for XDB Installation and Invalid Object for Issues for 12c and Onward
  164. zlgeneric SRDC - Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA) Data Collection.
  165. [oracle@shdb01 ~]$

从 dba_hist_active_sess_history 看看出问题前库里在忙啥

set lines 500
set long 9999
set pages 999
set serveroutput on size 1000000 
alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss';
alter session set nls_timestamp_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';

select instance_number, sample_id,sample_time,count(*) cnt
from dba_hist_active_sess_history where SAMPLE_TIME between 
 TO_TIMESTAMP('2021/04/15 13:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi') and
TO_TIMESTAMP('2021/04/16 10:00', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi')
group by instance_number, sample_id,sample_time
order by instance_number, sample_id,sample_time;  


Process J000 is dead ... state=KSOSP_SPAWNED


  1. Apr 11 18:58:27 host auditd[1737]: Audit daemon rotating log files
  2. Apr 11 22:05:14 host auditd[1737]: Audit daemon rotating log files
  3. Apr 12 11:09:15 host auditd[1737]: Audit daemon rotating log files
  4. Apr 12 20:10:36 host auditd[1737]: Audit daemon rotating log files
  5. Apr 13 13:01:16 host auditd[1737]: Audit daemon rotating log files
  6. Apr 13 19:23:24 host auditd[1737]: Audit daemon rotating log files
  7. Apr 14 13:49:20 host auditd[1737]: Audit daemon rotating log files
  8. Apr 15 12:23:09 host auditd[1737]: Audit daemon rotating log files
  9. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: oracle invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x201da, order=0, oom_adj=0, oom_score_adj=0
  10. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: oracle cpuset=/ mems_allowed=0
  11. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Pid: 3388, comm: oracle Tainted: G --------------- T 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 #1
  12. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Call Trace:
  13. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? cpuset_print_task_mems_allowed+0x91/0xb0
  14. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? dump_header+0x90/0x1b0
  15. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? security_real_capable_noaudit+0x3c/0x70
  16. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? oom_kill_process+0x82/0x2a0
  17. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? select_bad_process+0xe1/0x120
  18. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? out_of_memory+0x220/0x3c0
  19. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? __alloc_pages_nodemask+0x8ac/0x8d0
  20. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? alloc_pages_current+0xaa/0x110
  21. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? __page_cache_alloc+0x87/0x90
  22. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? find_get_page+0x1e/0xa0
  23. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? filemap_fault+0x1a7/0x500
  24. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? __do_fault+0x54/0x530
  25. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? handle_pte_fault+0xf7/0xb00
  26. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? rb_reserve_next_event+0xb4/0x370
  27. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? native_sched_clock+0x13/0x80
  28. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? rb_reserve_next_event+0xb4/0x370
  29. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? native_sched_clock+0x13/0x80
  30. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? handle_mm_fault+0x22a/0x300
  31. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? __do_page_fault+0x138/0x480
  32. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? thread_group_times+0x3d/0x120
  33. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? ring_buffer_lock_reserve+0xa2/0x160
  34. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? mmput+0x1e/0x120
  35. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? trace_nowake_buffer_unlock_commit+0x43/0x60
  36. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? ftrace_raw_event_sys_exit+0xb9/0xc0
  37. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? do_page_fault+0x3e/0xa0
  38. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [] ? page_fault+0x25/0x30
  39. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Mem-Info:
  40. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Node 0 DMA per-cpu:
  41. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 0: hi: 0, btch: 1 usd: 0
  42. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 1: hi: 0, btch: 1 usd: 0
  43. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 2: hi: 0, btch: 1 usd: 0
  44. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 3: hi: 0, btch: 1 usd: 0
  45. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Node 0 DMA32 per-cpu:
  46. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 0: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 0
  47. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 1: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 0
  48. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 2: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 0
  49. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 3: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 0
  50. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Node 0 Normal per-cpu:
  51. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 0: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 0
  52. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 1: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 0
  53. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 2: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 23
  54. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: CPU 3: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 0
  55. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: active_anon:463690 inactive_anon:140220 isolated_anon:0
  56. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: active_file:245 inactive_file:504 isolated_file:0
  57. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: unevictable:0 dirty:11 writeback:0 unstable:0
  58. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: free:22140 slab_reclaimable:10286 slab_unreclaimable:84990
  59. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: mapped:11740 shmem:46989 pagetables:215832 bounce:0
  60. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Node 0 DMA free:15684kB min:248kB low:308kB high:372kB active_anon:0kB inactive_anon:0kB active_file:0kB inactive_file:0kB unevictable:0kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB present:15292kB mlocked:0kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB mapped:0kB shmem:0kB slab_reclaimable:0kB slab_unreclaimable:0kB kernel_stack:0kB pagetables:0kB unstable:0kB bounce:0kB writeback_tmp:0kB pages_scanned:0 all_unreclaimable? yes
  61. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: lowmem_reserve[]: 0 3000 4010 4010
  62. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Node 0 DMA32 free:55048kB min:50372kB low:62964kB high:75556kB active_anon:1627600kB inactive_anon:333656kB active_file:916kB inactive_file:1996kB unevictable:0kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB present:3072096kB mlocked:0kB dirty:32kB writeback:0kB mapped:23000kB shmem:120460kB slab_reclaimable:23224kB slab_unreclaimable:199140kB kernel_stack:27016kB pagetables:538512kB unstable:0kB bounce:0kB writeback_tmp:0kB pages_scanned:0 all_unreclaimable? no
  63. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 1010 1010
  64. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Node 0 Normal free:17828kB min:16956kB low:21192kB high:25432kB active_anon:227160kB inactive_anon:227224kB active_file:64kB inactive_file:20kB unevictable:0kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB present:1034240kB mlocked:0kB dirty:12kB writeback:0kB mapped:23960kB shmem:67496kB slab_reclaimable:17920kB slab_unreclaimable:140820kB kernel_stack:7400kB pagetables:324816kB unstable:0kB bounce:0kB writeback_tmp:0kB pages_scanned:16 all_unreclaimable? no
  65. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 0 0
  66. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Node 0 DMA: 1*4kB 4*8kB 2*16kB 2*32kB 3*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 1*1024kB 1*2048kB 3*4096kB = 15684kB
  67. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Node 0 DMA32: 5534*4kB 1983*8kB 236*16kB 85*32kB 110*64kB 28*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB = 55120kB
  68. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Node 0 Normal: 4451*4kB 3*8kB 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB = 17828kB
  69. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: 50408 total pagecache pages
  70. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: 2357 pages in swap cache
  71. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Swap cache stats: add 13218790, delete 13216433, find 24808505/26126131
  72. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Free swap = 0kB
  73. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: Total swap = 4194296kB
  74. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: 1048560 pages RAM
  75. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: 67274 pages reserved
  76. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: 179030 pages shared
  77. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: 816137 pages non-shared
  78. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss cpu oom_adj oom_score_adj name
  79. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [ 465] 0 465 2814 1 1 -17 -1000 udevd
  80. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [ 1589] 0 1589 47371 136 0 0 0 vmtoolsd
  81. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [ 1737] 0 1737 23300 73 2 -17 -1000 auditd
  82. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [ 1739] 0 1739 20521 80 1 0 0 audispd
  83. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [ 1740] 0 1740 5301 42 0 0 0 sedispatch
  84. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [ 1814] 0 1814 2705 44 2 0 0 irqbalance
  85. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [ 1833] 32 1833 4759 22 0 0 0 rpcbind
  86. Apr 15 17:34:48 host kernel: [ 1942] 0 1942 3396 44 3 -17 -1000 lldpad

Free swap = 0kB ?
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