set lines 200 pages 999;
col instance_number for 9 heading "I";
col date for a14;
col SQL_TIME for 999.99 ;
col DB_CPU for 999.99 ;
col PARSE_TIME for 999.99 ;
col HARD_P_TIME for 999.99 ;
col SEQ_LOAD_T for 999.99 ;
col CONN_MA_CA_T for 999.99 ;
col PLSQL_E_T for 999.99 ;
col HARD_P_S_T for 999.99 ;
col REP_B_T for 999.99 ;
col HARD_P_M_T for 999.99 ;
col PLSQL_comp_T for 999.99 ;
col DB_TIME for 9999.99;
col BK_E_TIME for 999.99 ;
col BK_CPU_TIME for 999.99 ;
with t_statd as (
select n.snap_id,n.instance_number,n.stat_name,(m.value-n.value)/1000000/60 del
where m.snap_id=n.snap_id+1
and m.snap_id>=(select min(snap_id) from (select snap_id from dba_hist_snapshot where to_char(begin_interval_time,'yyyymmdd')='&&date') )
and m.snap_id<=(select max(snap_id) from (select snap_id from dba_hist_snapshot where to_char(begin_interval_time,'yyyymmdd')='&&date') )
and m.INSTANCE_NUMBER=n.instance_number and m.stat_id=n.stat_id
and m.stat_name in ('sql execute elapsed time','DB CPU','parse time elapsed','hard parse elapsed time','sequence load elapsed time',
'connection management call elapsed time','PL/SQL execution elapsed time','hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time',
'repeated bind elapsed time','hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time','PL/SQL compilation elapsed time','DB time','background elapsed time','background cpu time'))
select to_char(a.END_INTERVAL_TIME,'mmdd HH24:MI:SS') "DATE",instance_number,
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='sql execute elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "SQL_TIME",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='DB CPU' and rownum=1),2) "DB_CPU",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='parse time elapsed' and rownum=1),2) "PARSE_TIME",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='hard parse elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "HARD_P_TIME",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='sequence load elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "SEQ_LOAD_T",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='connection management call elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "CONN_MA_CA_T",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='PL/SQL execution elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "PLSQL_E_T",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "HARD_P_S_T",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='repeated bind elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "REP_B_T",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "HARD_P_M_T",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='PL/SQL compilation elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "PLSQL_comp_T",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='DB time' and rownum=1),2) "DB_TIME",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='background elapsed time' and rownum=1),2) "BK_E_TIME",
round((select del from t_statd where snap_id=a.snap_id and INSTANCE_NUMBER=a.instance_number and STAT_NAME='background cpu time' and rownum=1),2) "BK_CPU_TIME"
from (select * from (select END_INTERVAL_TIME,snap_id,instance_number,dbid from dba_hist_snapshot where to_char(END_INTERVAL_TIME,'yyyymmdd')='&&date' order by snap_id desc) where rownum<200) a
order by 2,1;
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