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2008-05-05 16:07:27

Best Resources to

 1 Figure out how high-tech you want your video projector rentals to be

 Some projector rentals are perfect for showing PowerPoint slides during a training session.

DVD projectors are easy to use if you want to show a movie. You just have to pop the disc

in. HD projectors create a detailed, realistic image on any kind of surface. Some

presentations require an entire set up of equipment, including speakers.

 2 Examine the venue that needs the video projector rentals

 Are you planning a workshop with ten employees in the company break room? Or, are you

delivering a presentation to dozens of potential clients? Or, maybe it's a huge outdoor

event or concert. The venue will determine what you need. You can get standard computer

projectors for rent or a multimedia projector rentals, depending on your needs. Keep in mind

that less than 1,000 lumens is perfect for a presentation to a small amount of people. On

the other hand, a video projector rental with 6,000 lumens should be used for large events

like conventions and trade shows.

 3 Determine how much money you can spend on your projector rental

 When searching for affordable projector rentals, look for hidden discounts offered by

providers. Some offer discounts if you rent video projectors for a few days. You can

rearrange your presentations to coincide with the projector rentals. When renting computer

projectors, you may need other equipment, too. Some companies offer package discounts.

 4 Ask what kind of support the video projector rental company offers

 So, your video projector rental is dropped off--and you're left to figure out how to use

it. What happens if it doesn't work? Tech support is essential so that your presentation

goes off without a hitch. Some companies have people on-hand, others offer 24-hour tech

assistance over the phone.

 5 Figure out how the projector rental will be delivered

 It's essential that projector rental providers get the equipment to customers at least one

day before the event. If you go with a local company, an employee will bring over your

projector. But, if you find a better deal at a nationally-based company, ask about shipping

and drop-off information. You can't miss a big presentation because you're waiting for the

multimedia projector rental to arrive. As for sending it back, some companies include a

prepaid return air bill with your AV rentals.


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