中值排序,最坏情况下性能为二次方,即o(n^2),但其最好和平均性能是线性,即o(n log n)
medianSort(A, 0, n-1)
medianSort(A, left, right)
if(left < right) then
find median value A[me] in A[left, right]
mid = (right+left)/2
swap A[mid] and A[me]
for i=left to mid-1 do
if(A[i] > A[mid]) then
find A[k] <= A[mid] where k>mid //mid位置之后,寻找元素,使A[k] <= A[mid]
swap A[i] and A[k]
medianSort(A, left, mid-1)
medianSort(A, mid+1, right)
数组arr:15, 9, 8, 1, 4, 11, 07, 12, 13, 06, 05, 03, 16, 02, 10, 14
int partition(void **arr,
int(*funcCMP)(const void *, const void *),
int nLeft, int nRight, int nPivotIndex)
int nIndex = nLeft;
int nStore = nLeft;
void *pivot = arr[nPivotIndex];
void *tmp = arr[nRight];
arr[nRight] = arr[nPivotIndex];
arr[nPivotIndex] = tmp;
for(nIndex=nLeft; nIndex
if(0 >= funcCMP(arr[nIndex], pivot))
tmp = arr[nIndex];
arr[nIndex] = arr[nStore];
arr[nStore] = tmp;
arr[nRight] = arr[nStore];
arr[nStore] = pivot;
return nStore;
paritition(0, 15, 9)执行返回p=5,A[left,p)中的所有元素都小于或等于中枢值(pivot);
而A[p+1, right]中的元素都大于中枢值。选择中值元素的过程:p是在中值元素的最终位置的左侧,则p的左边没有元素会是中值(有序数组的中值);要想获得有中值,只需反复调用partition,则返回的p等于中值的位置。(中值与中枢值是不同的概念,中值是位于有序数组中间位置,而中枢值是把数组一分为二的界值。)
partition返回中枢值的位置p,p能够用来递归在A[left, right]中检查第K个元素,对于任何1<=k<=right-left+1,有如下结论:
- 如果k=p+1,选择的中值元素是第k个值(这里的k是以1为基数的);
- 如果k
- 如果k>p+1,A的第k个元素是A[p+1, right]的第k-p个元素。
int selectPrivoIndex(void **arr, int nLeft, int nRight);
A随着计算的进行不断被修改更新。注意1<= k <=right-left+1
int selectKth(void **arr,
int(*funcCmp)(const void *, const void *),
int nLeft, int nRight, int k)
int nIndex = selectPrivoIndex(arr, nLeft, nRight);
int nPivotIndex = partition(arr, funcCmp, nLeft, nRight, nIndex);
if(nPivotIndex > nLeft-k+1)
return selectKth(arr, funcCmp, nLeft, nPivotIndex-1, k);
return selectKth(arr, funcCmp, nPivotIndex+1, nRight, k-(nPivotIndex-nLeft+1));
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