一. 用ant, 通过修改build.xml来执行
1. 首先编译test project,注意,如果没有release key,只能编译 debug版本(在eclipse下会用自签名的key签名)
2. 执行ant -p,列出可执行的target选项。到底有哪些target, 由build.xml中说明来决定的
3. 然后用ant targetname, 做相应的事情
eg. ant debug: Builds the application and signs it with a debug key.
ant coverage:Runs the tests against the instrumented code and generates code coverage report
ant run-tests: Runs tests from the package defined in test.package property
4. ant coverage 可以 生成html报表,但必须在emulaotr上跑才能生成,在device上跑不能生成
二. 用adb shell am instrument命令来执行
The runner supports two arguments:
* reportFilePath: the path, relative to the root of the tested
application's file storage area, of the report file to generate.
Defaults to junit-report.xml.
* filterTraces: if true, stack traces in the report will be filtered
to remove common noise (e.g. framework methods). Defaults to
adb shell am instrument -w -e reportFilePath my-report.xml \
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