2009-08-13 14:36:34
==================================================================== 1、open the VFL device int deviceHandle; char *devicename="/dev/video0"; deviceHandle=open(devicename,O_RDWR); if(deviceHandle==-1) {//fail to open device } 调用成功,返回一个文件标示符;调用失败,返回-1。 2、查询设备属性(optional) 这一步可以省略,但是如果程序用在不同的机器和设备上,作为一个通用程序,最好进行这一步。 struct video_capability capability; if(ioctl(deviceHandle,VIDIOCGCAP,&capability)!=-1) {//query was successful } else {//query failed } 至此video_capability结构已经被填充,可以通过 if((capability.type & VID_TYPE_CAPTURE)!=0) {//device can capture video } else {//this device cann't capture video,exit. } video_capability结构的字段列表可以查询VFL API文档。 3、列举视频源的可用频道(optional) 如果频道数固定,此步骤可省略;要列举可用频道数,你必须在step.2中查询设备能力属性,然后继续下面 struct video_channel queryChannel; i = 0; while (i < capability.channels) { queryChannel.channel = i; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGCHAN, &queryChannel) != -1) { // ioctl success, queryChannel contains information about this channel printf ("%d. %s\n", queryChannel.channel, queryChannel.name); } else { // ioctl failure } ++ i; } 4、设置频道属性(optional) 如果不关心视频源来自哪个频道,此项可省略; struct video_channel selectedChannel; selectedChannel.channel=channelNumber;//用户定义的channelNumber selectedChannel.norm=VIDEO_MODE_NTSC;//VIDEO_MODE_PAL|VIDEO_MODE_AUTO if(ioctl(deviceHandle,VIDIOCSCHAN,&selectedChannel)==-1) {//could not set channel } 5、设置捕捉画面的高和宽(optional) 如果使用默认的图像尺寸,此项可省略;并不是每一种设备都支持尺寸裁减,所以要使用step2测试一下能力属性;假设已经完成step2,继续下面 if ((capability.type & VID_TYPE_SCALES) != 0)//经测试有点问题,每一个都不为0,但&后居然为0 { // supports the ability to scale captured images struct video_window captureWindow; captureWindow.x = 0; captureWindow.y = 0; captureWindow.width = width; captureWindow.height = height; captureWindow.chromakey = 0; captureWindow.flags = 0; captureWindow.clips = 0; captureWindow.clipcount = 0; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCSWIN, &captureWindow) == -1) { // could not set window values for capture } }//至此设置好了你想要的画面尺寸大小,但某些设备不支持scale,所以未必都成功设置 6、获取捕捉画面的实际尺寸 由于某些设备不支持scale,设置未必成功,所以有必要查询一下实际的画面尺寸,如下: int width; int height; struct video_window captureWindow; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGWIN, &captureWindow) == -1) { // could not obtain specifics of capture window } width = captureWindow.width; height = captureWindow.height; 7、设置捕捉画面的palette和bit depth(可选) 下面首先获取默认值,然后再设置想要改变的字段: // get image properties struct video_picture imageProperties; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGPICT, &imageProperties) != -1) { // successfully retrieved the default image properties==成功获取默认值 // the following values are for requesting 8bit grayscale==改变为gray模式 imageProperties.depth = 8; imageProperties.palette = VIDEO_PALETTE_GREY; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCSPICT, &imageProperties) == -1) { // failed to set the image properties==不支持改变 } } 深度depth和palette的值对应关系如下: imageProperties.depth imageProperties.palette 8bit GREY VIDEO_PALETTE_GREY 15bit RGB 15 VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB555 16bit RGB 16 VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565 24bit RGB 24 VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24 32bit RGB 32 VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB32 8、获取捕捉画面实际的depth和palette int depth; int palette; struct video_picture imageProperties; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGPICT, &imageProperties) == -1) { // failed to retrieve default image properties } depth = imageProperties.depth; palette = imageProperties.palette; 比如要求24bit RGB模式,可进行如下校验: if ((depth != 24) || (palette != VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24)) { // not a format our program supports } 9、设置内存映射MMIO,把硬件视频buffer映射到内存空间 第一步,获取MMIO所需的信息: struct video_mbuf memoryBuffer; if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCGMBUF, &memoryBuffer) == -1) { // failed to retrieve information about capture memory space } video_mbuf这个数据结构包括了内存映射区域的尺寸、捕捉设备缓存帧的数目、偏移地址; 第二步:获取内存映射区域的首地址 // obtain memory mapped area char* memoryMap; memoryMap = (char*)mmap (0, memoryBuffer.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, deviceHandle, 0); if ((int)memoryMap == -1) { // failed to retrieve pointer to memory mapped area } 内存映射首地址和偏移确定了每个缓存帧的地址: Buffered Frame 0 is located at: memoryMap + memoryBuffer.offsets[0] Buffered Frame 1 is located at: memoryMap + memoryBuffer.offsets[1] Buffered Frame 2 is located at: memoryMap + memoryBuffer.offsets[2] etc... The number of buffered frames is stored in memoryBuffer.frames. 捕捉过程的每一个buffer用到了video_mmap结构,定位、填充这个结构: // allocate structures struct video_mmap* mmaps; mmaps = (struct video_mmap*)(malloc (memoryBuffer.frames * sizeof (struct video_mmap))); // fill out the fields int i = 0; while (i < memoryBuffer.frames) { mmaps[i].frame = i; mmaps[i].width = width; mmaps[i].height = height; mmaps[i].format = palette; ++ i; } //变量width、height、palette来自前面的设置过程。 10、使用MMIO进行捕捉 下面代码请求每一帧进行捕捉,除了最后一帧: int i = 0; while (i < (memoryBuffer.frames-1)) { if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &mmaps[i]) == -1) { // capture request failed } ++ i; } 设置一个index追踪正在捕捉的帧: int bufferIndex; bufferIndex = memoryBuffer.frames-1;//为何初始值指向最后一帧? 写一个循环过程控制捕捉过程,返回当前可用帧的地址: char* NextFrame() { // send a request to begin capturing to the currently indexed buffer //向当前帧缓存发送采集请求 if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &mmaps[bufferIndex]) == -1) { // capture request failed } //移到下一帧 // move bufferIndex to the next frame ++ bufferIndex; if (bufferIndex == memoryBuffer.frames) { // bufferIndex is indexing beyond the last buffer // set it to index the first buffer bufferIndex = 0; } //等待当前帧完成采集过程 // wait for the currently indexed frame to complete capture if (ioctl (deviceHandle, VIDIOCSYNC, &mmaps[bufferIndex]) == -1) { // sync request failed } //当前帧采集完成,返回帧数据的地址 // return the address of the frame data for the current buffer index return (memoryMap + memoryBuffer.offsets[bufferIndex]); }//成功的调用NextFrame(),返回当前帧的地址 11、清理工作 //free the video_mmap structures free(mmaps); //unmap the capture memory munmap(memoryMap,memoryBuffer.size); 12、关闭视频设备 close (deviceHandle);