- void
- process_tcp(u_char * data, int skblen)
- {
- struct ip *this_iphdr = (struct ip *)data;
- /*tcphdr 的头*/
- struct tcphdr *this_tcphdr = (struct tcphdr *)(data + 4 * this_iphdr->ip_hl);
- int datalen, iplen;
- int from_client = 1; /*客户发送数据*/
- unsigned int tmp_ts;
- /*流分为客户端服务端*/
- struct tcp_stream *a_tcp;
- struct half_stream *snd, *rcv;
- ugly_iphdr = this_iphdr;
- iplen = ntohs(this_iphdr->ip_len);
- if ((unsigned)iplen < 4 * this_iphdr->ip_hl + sizeof(struct tcphdr)) {
- nids_params.syslog(NIDS_WARN_TCP, NIDS_WARN_TCP_HDR, this_iphdr,
- this_tcphdr);
- return;
- } // ktos sie bawi
- /*tcp 数据长度*/
- datalen = iplen - 4 * this_iphdr->ip_hl - 4 * this_tcphdr->th_off;
- if (datalen < 0) {
- nids_params.syslog(NIDS_WARN_TCP, NIDS_WARN_TCP_HDR, this_iphdr,
- this_tcphdr);
- return;
- } // ktos sie bawi
- /*源和目的地址都存在*/
- if ((this_iphdr->ip_src.s_addr | this_iphdr->ip_dst.s_addr) == 0) {
- nids_params.syslog(NIDS_WARN_TCP, NIDS_WARN_TCP_HDR, this_iphdr,
- this_tcphdr);
- return;
- }
- /*如果没有th_ack 包,则进行扫描是否有攻击包*/
- if (!(this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK))
- detect_scan(this_iphdr);
- /*
- /* 表示有扫描攻击发生 */
- if (!nids_params.n_tcp_streams) return;
- /*tcp 头的长度,iplen -4*this_iphdr->ip_hl, 进行包头的校验*/
- if (my_tcp_check(this_tcphdr, iplen - 4 * this_iphdr->ip_hl,
- this_iphdr->ip_src.s_addr, this_iphdr->ip_dst.s_addr)) {
- nids_params.syslog(NIDS_WARN_TCP, NIDS_WARN_TCP_HDR, this_iphdr,
- this_tcphdr);
- return;
- }
- #if 0
- check_flags(this_iphdr, this_tcphdr);
- //ECN
- #endif
- /*查找添加流*/
- /*
- ************* 三次握手的第一次握手*****************************************
- */
- if (!(a_tcp = find_stream(this_tcphdr, this_iphdr, &from_client))) {
- /*是三次握手的第一个包*/
- /*tcp里流不存在时:且tcp数据包里的(syn=1 && ack==0 && rst==0)时,添加一条tcp流*/
- /*tcp第一次握手*/
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_SYN) &&
- !(this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK) &&
- !(this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_RST))
- /*并且没有收到th_rest 包*/
- add_new_tcp(this_tcphdr, this_iphdr);/*节点加入链表中*/
- /*第一次握手完毕返回*/
- return;
- }
- if (from_client) { /*从client --> server的包*/
- snd = &a_tcp->client;
- rcv = &a_tcp->server;
- }
- else {/* server --> client的包 */
- rcv = &a_tcp->client;
- snd = &a_tcp->server;
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- 三次握手的第二次握手
- ************************************************************************/
- /*tcp 三次握手, SYN ==1,ACK==1,tcp第二次握手(server -> client的同步响应)*/
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_SYN)) {
- if (from_client || a_tcp->client.state != TCP_SYN_SENT ||
- a_tcp->server.state != TCP_CLOSE || !(this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK))
- return;
- /*第二次回应包的ACK 值为第一个包的序列号+1,在初始化的时候已经加一*/
- if (a_tcp->client.seq != ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack))
- return;
- /*第二个包服务端赋值*/
- /*a_tcp 中服务端赋值,*/
- a_tcp->server.state = TCP_SYN_RECV;
- a_tcp->server.seq = ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq) + 1;
- a_tcp->server.first_data_seq = a_tcp->server.seq;
- a_tcp->server.ack_seq = ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack);
- a_tcp->server.window = ntohs(this_tcphdr->th_win);
- /*对于tcp 选项的赋值*/
- //初始化客户端和服务器的时间截
- if (a_tcp->client.ts_on) {
- a_tcp->server.ts_on = get_ts(this_tcphdr, &a_tcp->server.curr_ts);
- if (!a_tcp->server.ts_on)
- a_tcp->client.ts_on = 0;
- } else a_tcp->server.ts_on = 0;
- //初始化窗口大小
- if (a_tcp->client.wscale_on) {
- a_tcp->server.wscale_on = get_wscale(this_tcphdr, &a_tcp->server.wscale);
- if (!a_tcp->server.wscale_on) {
- a_tcp->client.wscale_on = 0;
- a_tcp->client.wscale = 1;
- a_tcp->server.wscale = 1;
- }
- } else {
- a_tcp->server.wscale_on = 0;
- a_tcp->server.wscale = 1;
- }
- /*第二次握手完毕,返回*/
- return;
- }
- /*
- (如果有数据存在或者修列号不等于确认号的)并且
- 序列号在窗口之外
- 已经确认过的序号
- */
- if (
- ! ( !datalen && ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq) == rcv->ack_seq )
- &&
- /*th_seq - (ack_seq+ wscale) > 0 或者th_seq+datalen - ack_sql < 0*/
- ( !before(ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq), rcv->ack_seq + rcv->window*rcv->wscale) ||
- before(ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq) + datalen, rcv->ack_seq)
- )
- )
- return;
- /*发送th_rst 重新开启一个连接*/
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_RST)) {
- /*是tcp 数据*/
- if (a_tcp->nids_state == NIDS_DATA) {
- struct lurker_node *i;
- a_tcp->nids_state = NIDS_RESET;
- for (i = a_tcp->listeners; i; i = i->next)
- (i->item) (a_tcp, &i->data);
- }
- nids_free_tcp_stream(a_tcp);
- return;
- }
- /* PAWS check */
- if (rcv->ts_on && get_ts(this_tcphdr, &tmp_ts) &&
- before(tmp_ts, snd->curr_ts))
- return;
- /*
- **********************************************************************
- 第三次握手包
- **********************************************************************
- */
- /*
- 从client --> server的包
- 是从三次握手的第三个包分析开始的,进行一部分数据分析,和初始化
- 连接状态
- */
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK)) {
- if (from_client && a_tcp->client.state == TCP_SYN_SENT &&
- a_tcp->server.state == TCP_SYN_RECV) {
- if (ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack) == a_tcp->server.seq) {
- a_tcp->client.state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
- a_tcp->client.ack_seq = ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack);
- {
- struct proc_node *i;
- struct lurker_node *j;
- void *data;
- a_tcp->server.state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
- a_tcp->nids_state = NIDS_JUST_EST;
- /*开始全双工传输,client server 连接已经建立起来了*/
- /*三次握手tcp ip 连接建立*/
- for (i = tcp_procs; i; i = i->next) {
- char whatto = 0;
- char cc = a_tcp->client.collect;
- char sc = a_tcp->server.collect;
- char ccu = a_tcp->client.collect_urg;
- char scu = a_tcp->server.collect_urg;
- /*进入回调函数处理*/
- /*
- 如果在相应端口出现
- client.collect ++ ;
- 测审计次数据
- 对应用来说tcp 连接已经建立
- */
- (i->item) (a_tcp, &data);
- /**/
- if (cc < a_tcp->client.collect)
- whatto |= COLLECT_cc;
- if (ccu < a_tcp->client.collect_urg)
- whatto |= COLLECT_ccu;
- if (sc < a_tcp->server.collect)
- whatto |= COLLECT_sc;
- if (scu < a_tcp->server.collect_urg)
- whatto |= COLLECT_scu;
- if (nids_params.one_loop_less) {
- if (a_tcp->client.collect >=2) {
- a_tcp->client.collect=cc;
- whatto&=~COLLECT_cc;
- }
- if (a_tcp->server.collect >=2 ) {
- a_tcp->server.collect=sc;
- whatto&=~COLLECT_sc;
- }
- }
- /*加入监听队列,开始数据接收*/
- if (whatto) {
- j = mknew(struct lurker_node);
- j->item = i->item;/*放入监听队列*/
- j->data = data;
- j->whatto = whatto;
- j->next = a_tcp->listeners;
- a_tcp->listeners = j;
- }
- }
- /*不存在监听着*/{
- nids_free_tcp_stream(a_tcp);
- return;
- }
- if (!a_tcp->listeners)
- a_tcp->nids_state = NIDS_DATA;
- }
- }
- // return;
- }
- }
- /*
- ************************************************************
- 挥手过程
- *************************************************************
- */
- /*数据结束的包的判断*/
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK)) {
- /* 从数据传输过程不断更新服务器客户端的ack_seq
- 一直到接收到fin 包,数据传输结束
- */
- handle_ack(snd, ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack));
- if (rcv->state == FIN_SENT)
- rcv->state = FIN_CONFIRMED;
- if (rcv->state == FIN_CONFIRMED && snd->state == FIN_CONFIRMED) {
- struct lurker_node *i;
- a_tcp->nids_state = NIDS_CLOSE;
- for (i = a_tcp->listeners; i; i = i->next)
- (i->item) (a_tcp, &i->data);
- nids_free_tcp_stream(a_tcp);
- return;
- }
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************
- 数据处理过程
- *************************************************************
- */
- if (datalen + (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN) > 0)
- /*
- a_tcp -----a_tcp 客户端连接包
- this_tcphdr tcp 包头
- snd-----发送包
- rcv -----接收包
- (char *) (this_tcphdr) + 4 * this_tcphdr->th_off -----数据包内容
- datalen---------数据包长度
- */
- tcp_queue(a_tcp, this_tcphdr, snd, rcv,
- (char *) (this_tcphdr) + 4 * this_tcphdr->th_off,
- datalen, skblen);
- snd->window = ntohs(this_tcphdr->th_win);
- if (rcv->rmem_alloc > 65535)
- prune_queue(rcv, this_tcphdr);
- if (!a_tcp->listeners)
- nids_free_tcp_stream(a_tcp);
- }
- void
- process_tcp(u_char * data, int skblen)
- {
- struct ip *this_iphdr = (struct ip *)data;
- /*tcphdr 的头*/
- struct tcphdr *this_tcphdr = (struct tcphdr *)(data + 4 * this_iphdr->ip_hl);
- int datalen, iplen;
- int from_client = 1; /*客户发送数据*/
- unsigned int tmp_ts;
- /*流分为客户端服务端*/
- struct tcp_stream *a_tcp;
- struct half_stream *snd, *rcv;
- ugly_iphdr = this_iphdr;
- iplen = ntohs(this_iphdr->ip_len);
- if ((unsigned)iplen < 4 * this_iphdr->ip_hl + sizeof(struct tcphdr)) {
- nids_params.syslog(NIDS_WARN_TCP, NIDS_WARN_TCP_HDR, this_iphdr,
- this_tcphdr);
- return;
- } // ktos sie bawi
- /*tcp 数据长度*/
- datalen = iplen - 4 * this_iphdr->ip_hl - 4 * this_tcphdr->th_off;
- if (datalen < 0) {
- nids_params.syslog(NIDS_WARN_TCP, NIDS_WARN_TCP_HDR, this_iphdr,
- this_tcphdr);
- return;
- } // ktos sie bawi
- /*源和目的地址都存在*/
- if ((this_iphdr->ip_src.s_addr | this_iphdr->ip_dst.s_addr) == 0) {
- nids_params.syslog(NIDS_WARN_TCP, NIDS_WARN_TCP_HDR, this_iphdr,
- this_tcphdr);
- return;
- }
- /*如果没有th_ack 包,则进行扫描是否有攻击包*/
- if (!(this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK))
- detect_scan(this_iphdr);
- /*
- /* 表示有扫描攻击发生 */
- if (!nids_params.n_tcp_streams) return;
- /*tcp 头的长度,iplen -4*this_iphdr->ip_hl, 进行包头的校验*/
- if (my_tcp_check(this_tcphdr, iplen - 4 * this_iphdr->ip_hl,
- this_iphdr->ip_src.s_addr, this_iphdr->ip_dst.s_addr)) {
- nids_params.syslog(NIDS_WARN_TCP, NIDS_WARN_TCP_HDR, this_iphdr,
- this_tcphdr);
- return;
- }
- #if 0
- check_flags(this_iphdr, this_tcphdr);
- //ECN
- #endif
- /*查找添加流*/
- /*
- ************* 三次握手的第一次握手*****************************************
- */
- if (!(a_tcp = find_stream(this_tcphdr, this_iphdr, &from_client))) {
- /*是三次握手的第一个包*/
- /*tcp里流不存在时:且tcp数据包里的(syn=1 && ack==0 && rst==0)时,添加一条tcp流*/
- /*tcp第一次握手*/
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_SYN) &&
- !(this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK) &&
- !(this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_RST))
- /*并且没有收到th_rest 包*/
- add_new_tcp(this_tcphdr, this_iphdr);/*节点加入链表中*/
- /*第一次握手完毕返回*/
- return;
- }
- if (from_client) { /*从client --> server的包*/
- snd = &a_tcp->client;
- rcv = &a_tcp->server;
- }
- else {/* server --> client的包 */
- rcv = &a_tcp->client;
- snd = &a_tcp->server;
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- 三次握手的第二次握手
- ************************************************************************/
- /*tcp 三次握手, SYN ==1,ACK==1,tcp第二次握手(server -> client的同步响应)*/
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_SYN)) {
- if (from_client || a_tcp->client.state != TCP_SYN_SENT ||
- a_tcp->server.state != TCP_CLOSE || !(this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK))
- return;
- /*第二次回应包的ACK 值为第一个包的序列号+1,在初始化的时候已经加一*/
- if (a_tcp->client.seq != ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack))
- return;
- /*第二个包服务端赋值*/
- /*a_tcp 中服务端赋值,*/
- a_tcp->server.state = TCP_SYN_RECV;
- a_tcp->server.seq = ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq) + 1;
- a_tcp->server.first_data_seq = a_tcp->server.seq;
- a_tcp->server.ack_seq = ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack);
- a_tcp->server.window = ntohs(this_tcphdr->th_win);
- /*对于tcp 选项的赋值*/
- //初始化客户端和服务器的时间截
- if (a_tcp->client.ts_on) {
- a_tcp->server.ts_on = get_ts(this_tcphdr, &a_tcp->server.curr_ts);
- if (!a_tcp->server.ts_on)
- a_tcp->client.ts_on = 0;
- } else a_tcp->server.ts_on = 0;
- //初始化窗口大小
- if (a_tcp->client.wscale_on) {
- a_tcp->server.wscale_on = get_wscale(this_tcphdr, &a_tcp->server.wscale);
- if (!a_tcp->server.wscale_on) {
- a_tcp->client.wscale_on = 0;
- a_tcp->client.wscale = 1;
- a_tcp->server.wscale = 1;
- }
- } else {
- a_tcp->server.wscale_on = 0;
- a_tcp->server.wscale = 1;
- }
- /*第二次握手完毕,返回*/
- return;
- }
- /*
- (如果有数据存在或者修列号不等于确认号的)并且
- 序列号在窗口之外
- 已经确认过的序号
- */
- if (
- ! ( !datalen && ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq) == rcv->ack_seq )
- &&
- /*th_seq - (ack_seq+ wscale) > 0 或者th_seq+datalen - ack_sql < 0*/
- ( !before(ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq), rcv->ack_seq + rcv->window*rcv->wscale) ||
- before(ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq) + datalen, rcv->ack_seq)
- )
- )
- return;
- /*发送th_rst 重新开启一个连接*/
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_RST)) {
- /*是tcp 数据*/
- if (a_tcp->nids_state == NIDS_DATA) {
- struct lurker_node *i;
- a_tcp->nids_state = NIDS_RESET;
- for (i = a_tcp->listeners; i; i = i->next)
- (i->item) (a_tcp, &i->data);
- }
- nids_free_tcp_stream(a_tcp);
- return;
- }
- /* PAWS check */
- if (rcv->ts_on && get_ts(this_tcphdr, &tmp_ts) &&
- before(tmp_ts, snd->curr_ts))
- return;
- /*
- **********************************************************************
- 第三次握手包
- **********************************************************************
- */
- /*
- 从client --> server的包
- 是从三次握手的第三个包分析开始的,进行一部分数据分析,和初始化
- 连接状态
- */
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK)) {
- if (from_client && a_tcp->client.state == TCP_SYN_SENT &&
- a_tcp->server.state == TCP_SYN_RECV) {
- if (ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack) == a_tcp->server.seq) {
- a_tcp->client.state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
- a_tcp->client.ack_seq = ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack);
- {
- struct proc_node *i;
- struct lurker_node *j;
- void *data;
- a_tcp->server.state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
- a_tcp->nids_state = NIDS_JUST_EST;
- /*开始全双工传输,client server 连接已经建立起来了*/
- /*三次握手tcp ip 连接建立*/
- for (i = tcp_procs; i; i = i->next) {
- char whatto = 0;
- char cc = a_tcp->client.collect;
- char sc = a_tcp->server.collect;
- char ccu = a_tcp->client.collect_urg;
- char scu = a_tcp->server.collect_urg;
- /*进入回调函数处理*/
- /*
- 如果在相应端口出现
- client.collect ++ ;
- 测审计次数据
- 对应用来说tcp 连接已经建立
- */
- (i->item) (a_tcp, &data);
- /**/
- if (cc < a_tcp->client.collect)
- whatto |= COLLECT_cc;
- if (ccu < a_tcp->client.collect_urg)
- whatto |= COLLECT_ccu;
- if (sc < a_tcp->server.collect)
- whatto |= COLLECT_sc;
- if (scu < a_tcp->server.collect_urg)
- whatto |= COLLECT_scu;
- if (nids_params.one_loop_less) {
- if (a_tcp->client.collect >=2) {
- a_tcp->client.collect=cc;
- whatto&=~COLLECT_cc;
- }
- if (a_tcp->server.collect >=2 ) {
- a_tcp->server.collect=sc;
- whatto&=~COLLECT_sc;
- }
- }
- /*加入监听队列,开始数据接收*/
- if (whatto) {
- j = mknew(struct lurker_node);
- j->item = i->item;/*放入监听队列*/
- j->data = data;
- j->whatto = whatto;
- j->next = a_tcp->listeners;
- a_tcp->listeners = j;
- }
- }
- /*不存在监听着*/{
- nids_free_tcp_stream(a_tcp);
- return;
- }
- if (!a_tcp->listeners)
- a_tcp->nids_state = NIDS_DATA;
- }
- }
- // return;
- }
- }
- /*
- ************************************************************
- 挥手过程
- *************************************************************
- */
- /*数据结束的包的判断*/
- if ((this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_ACK)) {
- /* 从数据传输过程不断更新服务器客户端的ack_seq
- 一直到接收到fin 包,数据传输结束
- */
- handle_ack(snd, ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_ack));
- if (rcv->state == FIN_SENT)
- rcv->state = FIN_CONFIRMED;
- if (rcv->state == FIN_CONFIRMED && snd->state == FIN_CONFIRMED) {
- struct lurker_node *i;
- a_tcp->nids_state = NIDS_CLOSE;
- for (i = a_tcp->listeners; i; i = i->next)
- (i->item) (a_tcp, &i->data);
- nids_free_tcp_stream(a_tcp);
- return;
- }
- }
- /*
- *************************************************************
- 数据处理过程
- *************************************************************
- */
- if (datalen + (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN) > 0)
- /*
- a_tcp -----a_tcp 客户端连接包
- this_tcphdr tcp 包头
- snd-----发送包
- rcv -----接收包
- (char *) (this_tcphdr) + 4 * this_tcphdr->th_off -----数据包内容
- datalen---------数据包长度
- */
- tcp_queue(a_tcp, this_tcphdr, snd, rcv,
- (char *) (this_tcphdr) + 4 * this_tcphdr->th_off,
- datalen, skblen);
- snd->window = ntohs(this_tcphdr->th_win);
- if (rcv->rmem_alloc > 65535)
- prune_queue(rcv, this_tcphdr);
- if (!a_tcp->listeners)
- nids_free_tcp_stream(a_tcp);
- }
- view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
- //判断 该TCP 数据包是添加到数据区还是添加到list双向链表中
- static void
- tcp_queue(struct tcp_stream * a_tcp, struct tcphdr * this_tcphdr,
- struct half_stream * snd, struct half_stream* rcv,
- char *data, int datalen, int skblen
- )
- {
- u_int this_seq = ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq);
- struct skbuff *pakiet, *tmp;
- /*
- #define EXP_SEQ (snd->first_data_seq + rcv->count + rcv->urg_count)
- EXP_SEQ > this_seq
- */
- /* 如果EXP_SEQ > = this_seq */
- /*
- EXP_SEQ 期望到达的数据
- this_seq 实际到达的数据
- */
- if ( !after(this_seq, EXP_SEQ) ) {
- /*this_seq + datalen + (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN)> EXP_SEQ*/
- /*有重叠数据存在(重叠数据怎么处理呢)
- 也可能没有重叠数据
- */
- if ( after(this_seq + datalen + (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN), EXP_SEQ) ) {
- /* the packet straddles our window end */
- get_ts(this_tcphdr, &snd->curr_ts);
- add_from_skb(a_tcp, rcv, snd, data, datalen, this_seq,
- (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN),
- (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_URG),
- ntohs(this_tcphdr->th_urp) + this_seq - 1);
- /*
- * Do we have any old packets to ack that the above
- * made visible? (Go forward from skb)
- */
- /*从头节点释放节点*/
- pakiet = rcv->list;
- while (pakiet) {
- /*
- 期望的序列号小于该包的序列号则直接返回
- */
- if (after(pakiet->seq, EXP_SEQ))
- break;
- /*
- 对失序队列数据包的处理
- 如果包序列号加上长度还小于期望序列号
- 则把该包添加到数据区,并在失序队列中删除该包
- */
- if (after(pakiet->seq + pakiet->len + pakiet->fin, EXP_SEQ)) {
- add_from_skb(a_tcp, rcv, snd, pakiet->data,
- pakiet->len, pakiet->seq, pakiet->fin, pakiet->urg,
- pakiet->urg_ptr + pakiet->seq - 1);
- }
- rcv->rmem_alloc -= pakiet->truesize;
- /*从头节点释放链表*/
- if (pakiet->prev)
- pakiet->prev->next = pakiet->next;
- else
- rcv->list = pakiet->next;
- if (pakiet->next)
- pakiet->next->prev = pakiet->prev;
- else
- rcv->listtail = pakiet->prev;
- tmp = pakiet->next;
- free(pakiet->data);
- free(pakiet);
- pakiet = tmp;
- }
- }
- else
- return;
- }
- /*提前到达数据的加入失去顺序队列中链表*/
- //序列号大于我们期望的序列号,则把该包添加到list双向链表中
- /*链表加入节点 */
- else {
- /*初始化*/
- struct skbuff *p = rcv->listtail;
- /*
- pakiet 加入rcv->listtal 链表中
- */
- /*
- pakiet 节点的初始化
- */
- pakiet = mknew(struct skbuff);
- pakiet->truesize = skblen;
- rcv->rmem_alloc += pakiet->truesize;
- /*数据包填充pakiet->data 中*/
- pakiet->len = datalen;
- pakiet->data = malloc(datalen);
- if (!pakiet->data)
- nids_params.no_mem("tcp_queue");
- memcpy(pakiet->data, data, datalen);
- /*是否是结束包*/
- pakiet->fin = (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN);
- /* Some Cisco - at least - hardware accept to close a TCP connection
- * even though packets were lost before the first TCP FIN packet and
- * never retransmitted; this violates RFC 793, but since it really
- * happens, it has to be dealt with... The idea is to introduce a 10s
- * timeout after TCP FIN packets were sent by both sides so that
- * corresponding libnids resources can be released instead of waiting
- * for retransmissions which will never happen. -- Sebastien Raveau
- */
- /*
- 硬件接收一个tcp 终止的链接,
- 即使包在一个结束包的时候丢失,并且不再重传,
- 处理这种方法就是引入时间机制处理
- */
- if (pakiet->fin) {
- snd->state = TCP_CLOSING;
- if (rcv->state == FIN_SENT || rcv->state == FIN_CONFIRMED)
- add_tcp_closing_timeout(a_tcp);
- }
- /*
- seq,urg ,urg_ptr 赋值
- */
- pakiet->seq = this_seq;
- pakiet->urg = (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_URG);
- pakiet->urg_ptr = ntohs(this_tcphdr->th_urp);
- for (;;) {
- if (!p || !after(p->seq, this_seq))
- break;
- p = p->prev;
- }
- if (!p) {
- /*建立首节点*/
- pakiet->prev = 0;
- pakiet->next = rcv->list;
- if (rcv->list)
- rcv->list->prev = pakiet;
- rcv->list = pakiet;
- if (!rcv->listtail)
- rcv->listtail = pakiet;
- }
- /*链表后插入*/
- else {
- pakiet->next = p->next;
- p->next = pakiet;
- pakiet->prev = p;
- if (pakiet->next)
- pakiet->next->prev = pakiet;
- else
- rcv->listtail = pakiet;
- }
- }
- }
- //判断 该TCP 数据包是添加到数据区还是添加到list双向链表中
- static void
- tcp_queue(struct tcp_stream * a_tcp, struct tcphdr * this_tcphdr,
- struct half_stream * snd, struct half_stream* rcv,
- char *data, int datalen, int skblen
- )
- {
- u_int this_seq = ntohl(this_tcphdr->th_seq);
- struct skbuff *pakiet, *tmp;
- /*
- #define EXP_SEQ (snd->first_data_seq + rcv->count + rcv->urg_count)
- EXP_SEQ > this_seq
- */
- /* 如果EXP_SEQ > = this_seq */
- /*
- EXP_SEQ 期望到达的数据
- this_seq 实际到达的数据
- */
- if ( !after(this_seq, EXP_SEQ) ) {
- /*this_seq + datalen + (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN)> EXP_SEQ*/
- /*有重叠数据存在(重叠数据怎么处理呢)
- 也可能没有重叠数据
- */
- if ( after(this_seq + datalen + (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN), EXP_SEQ) ) {
- /* the packet straddles our window end */
- get_ts(this_tcphdr, &snd->curr_ts);
- add_from_skb(a_tcp, rcv, snd, data, datalen, this_seq,
- (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN),
- (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_URG),
- ntohs(this_tcphdr->th_urp) + this_seq - 1);
- /*
- * Do we have any old packets to ack that the above
- * made visible? (Go forward from skb)
- */
- /*从头节点释放节点*/
- pakiet = rcv->list;
- while (pakiet) {
- /*
- 期望的序列号小于该包的序列号则直接返回
- */
- if (after(pakiet->seq, EXP_SEQ))
- break;
- /*
- 对失序队列数据包的处理
- 如果包序列号加上长度还小于期望序列号
- 则把该包添加到数据区,并在失序队列中删除该包
- */
- if (after(pakiet->seq + pakiet->len + pakiet->fin, EXP_SEQ)) {
- add_from_skb(a_tcp, rcv, snd, pakiet->data,
- pakiet->len, pakiet->seq, pakiet->fin, pakiet->urg,
- pakiet->urg_ptr + pakiet->seq - 1);
- }
- rcv->rmem_alloc -= pakiet->truesize;
- /*从头节点释放链表*/
- if (pakiet->prev)
- pakiet->prev->next = pakiet->next;
- else
- rcv->list = pakiet->next;
- if (pakiet->next)
- pakiet->next->prev = pakiet->prev;
- else
- rcv->listtail = pakiet->prev;
- tmp = pakiet->next;
- free(pakiet->data);
- free(pakiet);
- pakiet = tmp;
- }
- }
- else
- return;
- }
- /*提前到达数据的加入失去顺序队列中链表*/
- //序列号大于我们期望的序列号,则把该包添加到list双向链表中
- /*链表加入节点 */
- else {
- /*初始化*/
- struct skbuff *p = rcv->listtail;
- /*
- pakiet 加入rcv->listtal 链表中
- */
- /*
- pakiet 节点的初始化
- */
- pakiet = mknew(struct skbuff);
- pakiet->truesize = skblen;
- rcv->rmem_alloc += pakiet->truesize;
- /*数据包填充pakiet->data 中*/
- pakiet->len = datalen;
- pakiet->data = malloc(datalen);
- if (!pakiet->data)
- nids_params.no_mem("tcp_queue");
- memcpy(pakiet->data, data, datalen);
- /*是否是结束包*/
- pakiet->fin = (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_FIN);
- /* Some Cisco - at least - hardware accept to close a TCP connection
- * even though packets were lost before the first TCP FIN packet and
- * never retransmitted; this violates RFC 793, but since it really
- * happens, it has to be dealt with... The idea is to introduce a 10s
- * timeout after TCP FIN packets were sent by both sides so that
- * corresponding libnids resources can be released instead of waiting
- * for retransmissions which will never happen. -- Sebastien Raveau
- */
- /*
- 硬件接收一个tcp 终止的链接,
- 即使包在一个结束包的时候丢失,并且不再重传,
- 处理这种方法就是引入时间机制处理
- */
- if (pakiet->fin) {
- snd->state = TCP_CLOSING;
- if (rcv->state == FIN_SENT || rcv->state == FIN_CONFIRMED)
- add_tcp_closing_timeout(a_tcp);
- }
- /*
- seq,urg ,urg_ptr 赋值
- */
- pakiet->seq = this_seq;
- pakiet->urg = (this_tcphdr->th_flags & TH_URG);
- pakiet->urg_ptr = ntohs(this_tcphdr->th_urp);
- for (;;) {
- if (!p || !after(p->seq, this_seq))
- break;
- p = p->prev;
- }
- if (!p) {
- /*建立首节点*/
- pakiet->prev = 0;
- pakiet->next = rcv->list;
- if (rcv->list)
- rcv->list->prev = pakiet;
- rcv->list = pakiet;
- if (!rcv->listtail)
- rcv->listtail = pakiet;
- }
- /*链表后插入*/
- else {
- pakiet->next = p->next;
- p->next = pakiet;
- pakiet->prev = p;
- if (pakiet->next)
- pakiet->next->prev = pakiet;
- else
- rcv->listtail = pakiet;
- }
- }
- }
- view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
- /*
- 分配空间,数据保存rcv->data 中
- 长度为:rcv->count
- 新数据为date
- 长度为datalen
- 接收到新数据,重新分配空间,要根据收到的数据的大小
- buffersize重分配的空间
- */
- static void
- add2buf(struct half_stream * rcv, char *data, int datalen)
- {
- int toalloc;
- /*datalen + rcv->count - rcv->offset 如果大于buffersize 需要重新分配空间*/
- if (datalen + rcv->count - rcv->offset > rcv->bufsize) {
- /*如果rcv->data 不存在*/
- if (!rcv->data) {
- if (datalen < 2048)
- toalloc = 4096;
- else
- toalloc = datalen * 2;
- /*数据分配空间,bufsize 为分配空间的大小*/
- rcv->data = malloc(toalloc);
- rcv->bufsize = toalloc;
- }
- /*第一次分配空间,如果空间不够重新分配*/
- else {
- if (datalen < rcv->bufsize)
- toalloc = 2 * rcv->bufsize;
- else
- toalloc = rcv->bufsize + 2*datalen;
- rcv->data = realloc(rcv->data, toalloc);
- rcv->bufsize = toalloc;
- }
- if (!rcv->data)
- nids_params.no_mem("add2buf");
- }
- memcpy(rcv->data + rcv->count - rcv->offset, data, datalen);
- rcv->count_new = datalen;
- rcv->count += datalen; /*count 累加为收到的数据之和,从流开始建立*/
- }
- /*
- 分配空间,数据保存rcv->data 中
- 长度为:rcv->count
- 新数据为date
- 长度为datalen
- 接收到新数据,重新分配空间,要根据收到的数据的大小
- buffersize重分配的空间
- */
- static void
- add2buf(struct half_stream * rcv, char *data, int datalen)
- {
- int toalloc;
- /*datalen + rcv->count - rcv->offset 如果大于buffersize 需要重新分配空间*/
- if (datalen + rcv->count - rcv->offset > rcv->bufsize) {
- /*如果rcv->data 不存在*/
- if (!rcv->data) {
- if (datalen < 2048)
- toalloc = 4096;
- else
- toalloc = datalen * 2;
- /*数据分配空间,bufsize 为分配空间的大小*/
- rcv->data = malloc(toalloc);
- rcv->bufsize = toalloc;
- }
- /*第一次分配空间,如果空间不够重新分配*/
- else {
- if (datalen < rcv->bufsize)
- toalloc = 2 * rcv->bufsize;
- else
- toalloc = rcv->bufsize + 2*datalen;
- rcv->data = realloc(rcv->data, toalloc);
- rcv->bufsize = toalloc;
- }
- if (!rcv->data)
- nids_params.no_mem("add2buf");
- }
- memcpy(rcv->data + rcv->count - rcv->offset, data, datalen);
- rcv->count_new = datalen;
- rcv->count += datalen; /*count 累加为收到的数据之和,从流开始建立*/
- }
- view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
- /*
- 通知服务器或者客户端接受数据
- */
- static void
- notify(struct tcp_stream * a_tcp, struct half_stream * rcv)
- {
- /*
- 监听节点
- */
- struct lurker_node *i, **prev_addr;
- char mask;
- /*
- 紧急数据
- */
- if (rcv->count_new_urg) {
- if (!rcv->collect_urg)
- return;
- if (rcv == &a_tcp->client)
- mask = COLLECT_ccu;
- else
- mask = COLLECT_scu;
- ride_lurkers(a_tcp, mask);
- goto prune_listeners;
- }
- /*
- 常规数据
- */
- if (rcv->collect) {
- if (rcv == &a_tcp->client)
- mask = COLLECT_cc;
- else
- mask = COLLECT_sc;
- /*
- 不断读取数据,一直到
- 读取到数据结束
- */
- do {
- int total;
- /*
- a_tcp 为为收到的datalen
- total = dalalen;
- */
- a_tcp->read = rcv->count - rcv->offset;
- total = a_tcp->read;
- /*处理监听节点上报信息*/
- ride_lurkers(a_tcp, mask);
- if (a_tcp->read > total-rcv->count_new)
- rcv->count_new = total-a_tcp->read;
- if (a_tcp->read > 0) {
- /*
- 已经读过的数据部再读,把没有读的数据放在rcv->data 中,
- 继续循环,hlf->data 指向新数据
- rcv->count_new 为新数据的长度
- */
- memmove(rcv->data, rcv->data + a_tcp->read, rcv->count - rcv->offset - a_tcp->read);
- /*rcv->ofset 最终== rcv->count */
- rcv->offset += a_tcp->read;
- }
- }while (nids_params.one_loop_less && a_tcp->read>0 && rcv->count_new);
- // we know that if one_loop_less!=0, we have only one callback to notify
- /*
- rcv->count_new 初始化为0
- */
- rcv->count_new=0;
- }
- prune_listeners:
- prev_addr = &a_tcp->listeners;
- i = a_tcp->listeners;
- while (i)
- if (!i->whatto) {
- *prev_addr = i->next;
- free(i);
- i = *prev_addr;
- }
- else {
- prev_addr = &i->next;
- i = i->next;
- }
- }
- /*
- 通知服务器或者客户端接受数据
- */
- static void
- notify(struct tcp_stream * a_tcp, struct half_stream * rcv)
- {
- /*
- 监听节点
- */
- struct lurker_node *i, **prev_addr;
- char mask;
- /*
- 紧急数据
- */
- if (rcv->count_new_urg) {
- if (!rcv->collect_urg)
- return;
- if (rcv == &a_tcp->client)
- mask = COLLECT_ccu;
- else
- mask = COLLECT_scu;
- ride_lurkers(a_tcp, mask);
- goto prune_listeners;
- }
- /*
- 常规数据
- */
- if (rcv->collect) {
- if (rcv == &a_tcp->client)
- mask = COLLECT_cc;
- else
- mask = COLLECT_sc;
- /*
- 不断读取数据,一直到
- 读取到数据结束
- */
- do {
- int total;
- /*
- a_tcp 为为收到的datalen
- total = dalalen;
- */
- a_tcp->read = rcv->count - rcv->offset;
- total = a_tcp->read;
- /*处理监听节点上报信息*/
- ride_lurkers(a_tcp, mask);
- if (a_tcp->read > total-rcv->count_new)
- rcv->count_new = total-a_tcp->read;
- if (a_tcp->read > 0) {
- /*
- 已经读过的数据部再读,把没有读的数据放在rcv->data 中,
- 继续循环,hlf->data 指向新数据
- rcv->count_new 为新数据的长度
- */
- memmove(rcv->data, rcv->data + a_tcp->read, rcv->count - rcv->offset - a_tcp->read);
- /*rcv->ofset 最终== rcv->count */
- rcv->offset += a_tcp->read;
- }
- }while (nids_params.one_loop_less && a_tcp->read>0 && rcv->count_new);
- // we know that if one_loop_less!=0, we have only one callback to notify
- /*
- rcv->count_new 初始化为0
- */
- rcv->count_new=0;
- }
- prune_listeners:
- prev_addr = &a_tcp->listeners;
- i = a_tcp->listeners;
- while (i)
- if (!i->whatto) {
- *prev_addr = i->next;
- free(i);
- i = *prev_addr;
- }
- else {
- prev_addr = &i->next;
- i = i->next;
- }
- }
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