昨日一生产系统升级到10.2.0.4后,startup upgrade之后shutdown时遇到ORA-600 [Librarycachenotemptyonclose],以为出问题了,先google了下,是可以忽略的bug。最近不好的事太多,心里怕怕的。
This is due to unpublished Bug 4483084 'ORA-600 [LIBRARYCACHENOTEMPTYONCLOSE]' This is a bug in that an ORA-600 error is reported when it is found that something is still going on during shutdown.
It does not indicate any damage or a problem in the system.ORA-600 [LibraryCacheNotEmptyOnClose] is reported in the alert.log on shutdown.
The error can be safely ignored as it does not indicate a problem with the database.
1. ORA-600 [Librarycachenotemptyonclose] Reported At Shutdown [ID 365103.1]
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