rem Purpose: Select the Nth highest value from a table
select level, max('col_name') from my_table
where level = '&n'
connect by prior ('col_name') > 'col_name')
group by level;
-- Example :
-- Given a table called emp with the following columns:
-- id number
-- name varchar2(20)
-- sal number
-- For the second highest salary:
-- select level, max(sal) from emp
-- where level=2
-- connect by prior sal > sal
-- group by level
rem Purpose: Select the Nth lowest value from a table
select level, min('col_name') from my_table
where level = '&n'
connect by prior ('col_name') < 'col_name')
group by level;
-- Example:
-- Given a table called emp with the following columns:
-- id number
-- name varchar2(20)
-- sal number
-- For the second lowest salary:
-- select level, min(sal) from emp
-- where level=2
-- connect by prior sal < sal
-- group by level
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