--desc:calculate the number of days,hours,minutes between two dates.
create or replace procedure date_test(start_date date, end_date date) is
DateLow date;
DateHigh date;
day1 date;
day2 date;
Fraction1 number;
Fraction2 number;
days number;
HHDec number; -- Hours (decimal)
HH number; -- Hours (integer)
MMDec number; -- Minutes (decimal)
MM number; -- Minutes (integer)
SSDec number; -- Seconds (deminal)
SS number; -- Seconds (integrer)
-- Put the dates in order (important when dealing with the fractions
-- of days left over from the subtraction - see later).
DateLow := least(start_date, end_date);
DateHigh := greatest(start_date, end_date);
-- Find the midnight preceding start_date
Day1 := Trunc(DateLow);
-- Find the midnight preceding end_date
Day2 := Trunc(DateHigh);
-- Calculate the days between the two dates (subtracting two DATEs gives a NUMBER)
-- A function to calculate the number of days between the two dates would return
-- this value.
Days := Day2 - Day1 - 1;
-- Now, what about the fractions of days left?
Fraction1 := start_date - Day1;
Fraction2 := end_date - Day2;
-- Calculate the total HH (and fractions of HH) from the
-- fractions of the days left over
HHDec := ((1 - Fraction1) + Fraction2) * 24;
-- This could be >1 day
if HHDec >= 24 then
HHDec := HHDec - 24;
Days := Days + 1;
end if;
HH := floor(HHDec);
-- Here, you have the correct number of days and HH between the two dates.
-- Now obtain the MM from the fractions of HH.
MMDec := (HHDec - HH) * 60;
MM := floor(MMDec);
-- And the SS...
SSDec := (MMDec - MM) * 60;
SS := floor(SSDec);
-- You could carry on from here to get the fractions of a second......
dbms_output.put_line(to_char(days) || ' Days, ' || to_char(HH) ||
' Hours, ' || to_char(MM) || ' Minutes, ' ||
to_char(SS) || ' Seconds. ');
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