#wget %202.1%20%28stable%29/2.1.14/mailman-2.1.14-1.tgz?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fsearch%2F%3Fq%3Dmailman&ts=1308636612&use_mirror=cdnetworks-kr-1
#groupadd mailman
#useradd -d /no/home -c "GNU Mailman" -s /sbin/nologin -g mailman mailman
#mkdir /var/www/extsuite/mailman&&chown vmail.vmail /var/www/extsuite/mailman&&chmod 02775 /var/www/extsuite/mailman
#tar zxvf mailman-2.1.14-1.tgz
#cd mailman-2.1.14-1
#./configure --prefix=/var/www/extsuite/mailman \
--with-username=vmail \
--with-groupname=vmail \
--with-mail-gid=1006 \
--with-cgi-gid=1001 \
--with-mailhost=mail.test.com \
# make
# make install
mailman:x:1006:1006:GNU Mailman:/no/home:/sbin/nologin
在此使用mailman做为MAIL_GID是为了避免在后期的维护中使用check_perms -f修复权限的时候,
而使用 CGI_GID=vmail作为mailman的CGI执行权限是为了跟extmail/extman执行cgi时的权限一致。
#cd /var/www/extsuite/mailman
#touch data/aliases
#touch data/virtual-mailman
Run the bin/genaliases script to initialize your aliases file.
# ./bin/genaliases
#chown -R vmail.vmail /var/www/extsuite/mailman/data/aliases*
#chown -R vmail.vmail /var/www/extsuite/mailman/data/virtual-mailman*
#chmod 664 /var/www/extsuite/mailman/data/aliases*
#chmod 664 /var/www/extsuite/mailman/data/virtual-mailman*
#cp -Rfp icons/ cgi-bin/icons
Next, setup Mailman site password and list creator password with following command:
# ./bin/mmsitepass << 初设密码为:654321
# ./bin/mmsitepass -c << 初设密码为:654321
# vi Mailman/mm_cfg.py
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'mail.test.com'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'mail.test.com'
DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s/mailman/'
MTA = 'Postfix'
POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = ['mail.test.com','test.com']
# 执行配置自动检查和修复
# ./bin/check_perms -f
#chmod o-x /var/www/extsuite/mailman/archives/private
# 创建邮件列表mailman
Create the system list for mailman:
# ./bin/newlist mailman
Enter the email of the person running the list: (这里输入邮件列表所有者的邮件地址)
Initial public password: (这里输入管理密码)
Hit enter to notify public owner...(回车)
Enter the email of the person running the list: <
Initial mailman password: <<输入密码123456
Hit enter to notify mailman owner...
# 把用户添加到邮件列表里测试一下,建一个文本文件,比如members.txt,一行一个邮件地址,然后执行如下命令
#vi members.txt
# ./bin/add_members -n members.txt mailman
# vi /etc/postfix/main.cf
#myorigin = $mydomain #建议注释掉myorigin(不注释该行mailman将无法使用,原因暂时不明)
virtual_alias_domains = mail.test.com
recipient_delimiter = +
owner_request_special = no
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/var/www/extsuite/mailman/data/aliases
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/var/www/extsuite/mailman/data/virtual-mailman,mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/mysql_virtual_alias_maps.cf
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
default_privs = mailman
#postalias /var/www/extsuite/mailman/data/aliases
#postmap /var/www/extsuite/mailman/data/virtual-mailman
# vi /etc/postfix/transport
insert into transport set domain='mail.test.com',destination='local:';
# /usr/sbin/postmap /etc/postfix/transport
#postfix reload
# vi /etc/apache/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
ServerName mail.test.com
ScriptAlias /mailman/ "/var/www/extsuite/mailman/cgi-bin/"
Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Alias /pipermail "/var/www/extsuite/mailman/archives/public/"
AddDefaultCharset Off
AllowOverride None
Options +FollowSymlinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
#chmod -R vmail.vmail /var/www/extsuite/mailman
#chmod 02775 /var/www/extsuite/mailman -R
#./bin/check_perms -f
#chmod u-s,g-s /var/www/extsuite/mailman/cgi-bin -R
#chmod g-w cgi-bin /var/www/extsuite/mailman/cgi-bin -R
#/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop
#/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
启动Mailman's qrunner daemon 服务:
#/var/www/extsuite/mailman/bin/mailmanctl start
6、参考:Setting up suEXEC and Mailman so they'll play nice:
On the system I administer (A Redhat 6.0 installation) we are
running suEXEC so that users can safely run CGIs. However, this presents
difficulties with Mailman, since its CGIs are SGID so that, in a normal
environment, any user can run it. That being said, here's how to set up
an installation of Mailman in an suEXEC environment:
1. Create your installation directory. I used
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/mailman on my system. I have mailman in the
/usr/local/apache/htdocs directory since that is "root" to suEXEC.
2. You'll need to create a Mailman user, then chgrp the directory
to the Mailman user so that the configure script doesn't complain. Then,
chmod 2755 the directory since configure also wants it to be SGID.
3. Run configure like this:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache/htdocs/mailman --with-cgi-gid=doug
4. Make install
5. Change ownership on the Mailman installation to the user
owning it. "chmod -R doug.doug /usr/local/apache/htdocs/mailman" worked
for me.
6. "chmod u-s,g-s" the contents of the cgi-bin directory so that
suEXEC doesn't complain about trying to run a SUID/SGID program.
7. "chmod g-w cgi-bin" so that suEXEC doesn't complain about the
directory being writable by others.
8. Configure the webserver(s) using Mailman with the User and Group
directive to be set accordingly.
9. Proceed with the other steps in the mailman installation, but
be sure that it's done in terms of the user that you set this up, NOT
mailman. In fact, after configure is run, you should be able to safely
delete the mailman user and his home directory, as they will not be
needed anymore.
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