Source systems Configure the Manager process 1. On each source GGSCI>edit params mgr port 7809 autostart extract * autorestart extract *, waitminutes 1, retries 60 PURGEOLDEXTRACTS /ee*, USECHECKPOINTS, MINKEEPHOURS 2
3. On each source, use the ADD EXTRACT command to create a primary Extract group. here these groups are called ext_1 and ext_2. Extract_1 on HOST1 GGSCI>ADD EXTRACT ext_1, TRANLOG, BEGIN now Extract_2 on HOST2 GGSCI>ADD EXTRACT ext_2, TRANLOG, BEGIN now
4. On each source, use the ADD EXTTRAIL command to create a local trail. Extract_1 on HOST1 GGSCI>ADD EXTTRAIL local_trail_1, EXTRACT ext_1
Extract_2 on HOST2 GGSCI>ADD EXTTRAIL local_trail_2, EXTRACT ext_2 ❍ Use the EXTRACT argument to link each Extract group to the local trail on the same system. The primary Extract writes to this trail, and the data-pump reads it.
5. On each source, use the EDIT PARAMS command to create a parameter file for the primary Extract. Include the following parameters plus any others that apply to your database environment. Extract_1 on HOST1
-- Identify the Extract group: EXTRACT ext_1 -- Specify database login information as needed for the database: [SOURCEDB ,][USERID [, PASSWORD ]] -- Specify the local trail that this Extract writes to: EXTTRAIL local_trail_1 -- Specify tables to be captured: TABLE .
Extract_2 on HOST2
-- Identify the Extract group: EXTRACT ext_2 -- Specify database login information as needed for the database: [SOURCEDB ,][USERID [, PASSWORD ]] -- Specify the local trail that this Extract writes to: EXTTRAIL local_trail_2 -- Specify tables to be captured: TABLE .
To configure the data pumps 6. On each source, use the ADD EXTRACT command to create a data pump Extract group. For documentation purposes, these pumps are called pump_1 and pump_2. Data pump_1 on HOST1 GGSCI>ADD EXTRACT pump_1, EXTTRAILSOURCE local_trail_1, BEGIN now Data pump_2 on HOST2 GGSCI>ADD EXTRACT pump_2, EXTTRAILSOURCE local_trail_2, BEGIN now ❍ Use EXTTRAILSOURCE as the data source option, and specify the name of the trail on the local system.
7. On each source, use the ADD RMTTRAIL command to create a remote trail on the target. Source_1 on HOST1 GGSCI>ADD RMTTRAIL remote_trail_1, EXTRACT pump_1
Source_2 on HOST2 GGSCI>ADD RMTTRAIL remote_trail_2, EXTRACT pump_2 ❍ Use the EXTRACT argument to link each remote trail to a different data pump. The data pump writes to this trail over TCP/IP, and a Replicat reads from it. 8. On each source, use the EDIT PARAMS command to create a parameter file for the data pump group. Include the following parameters plus any others that apply to your database environment. Data pump_1 on HOST1
-- Identify the data pump group: EXTRACT pump_1 -- Specify database login information as needed for the database: [SOURCEDB ,][USERID [, PASSWORD ]] -- Specify the name or IP address of the target system: RMTHOST , MGRPORT -- Specify the remote trail on the target system: RMTTRAIL remote_trail_1 -- Allow mapping, filtering, conversion or pass data through as-is: [PASSTHRU | NOPASSTHRU] -- Specify tables to be captured: TABLE .
Data pump_2 on HOST2
-- Identify the data pump group: EXTRACT pump_2 -- Specify database login information as needed for the database: [SOURCEDB ,][USERID [, PASSWORD ]] -- Specify the name or IP address of the target system: RMTHOST , MGRPORT -- Specify the remote trail on the target system: RMTTRAIL remote_trail_2 -- Allow mapping, filtering, conversion or pass data through as-is: [PASSTHRU | NOPASSTHRU] -- Specify tables to be captured: TABLE .
❍ Use NOPASSTHRU if the data pump will be filtering or converting data, and also use the SOURCEDB and USERID parameters as appropriate for the database, to enable definitions lookups. If the data pump will not be filtering or converting data, use PASSTHRU to bypass the lookups. NOTE To use PASSTHRU mode, the names of the source and target objects must be identical. No column mapping, filtering, SQLEXEC functions, transformation, or other functions that require data manipulation can be specified in the parameter file. You can combine normal processing with pass-through processing by pairing PASSTHRU and NOPASSTHRU with different TABLE statements. Target system Configure the Manager process GGSCI>edit params mgr port 7809 autostart extract * autorestart extract *, waitminutes 1, retries 60 PURGEOLDEXTRACTS /ee*, USECHECKPOINTS, MINKEEPHOURS 2
To configure the Replicat groups 11. On the target, use the ADD REPLICAT command to create a Replicat group for each remote trail that you created. For documentation purposes, these groups are called rep_1 and rep_2.
Replicat_1 on HOST3 GGSCI>ADD REPLICAT rep_1, EXTTRAIL remote_trail_1, BEGIN now Replicat_2 on HOST3 GGSCI>ADD REPLICAT rep_2, EXTTRAIL remote_trail_2, BEGIN now ❍ Use the EXTTRAIL argument to link the Replicat group to the trail.
12. On the target, use the EDIT PARAMS command to create a parameter file for each Replicat group. Include the following parameters plus any others that apply to your database environment. Replicat_1 on HOST3
-- Identify the Replicat group: REPLICAT rep_1 -- State whether or not source and target definitions are identical: SOURCEDEFS | ASSUMETARGETDEFS -- Specify database login information as needed for the database: [TARGETDB ,] [USERID [, PASSWORD ]] -- Specify error handling rules: REPERROR (, ) -- Specify tables for delivery: MAP .
[, DEF ];
Replicat_2 on HOST3
-- Identify the Replicat group: REPLICAT rep_2 -- State whether or not source and target definitions are identical: SOURCEDEFS | ASSUMETARGETDEFS -- Specify database login information as needed for the database: [TARGETDB ,] [USERID [, PASSWORD ]] -- Specify error handling rules: REPERROR (, ) -- Specify tables for delivery: MAP .
[, DEF ];
❍ You can use any number of MAP statements for any given Replicat group. All MAP statements for a given Replicat group must specify the same objects that are contained in the trail that is linked to the group.