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2008-08-24 00:44:46

  最近安装了老虎空间的ACAD2006 Lite版,对其安装目录下的GSETUP.BAT文件和GTOOLS目录下的几个小程序产生了兴趣,研究了一下,找到以下资料:
It (CMDOW.exe) isn't a virus; its purpose is to (as Symantec claims) hide the window of your choice.

Used in such context as CMDOW @ /HID, this command is popular among users making unattended installations of Windows-- that DON'T want to show the end user some ugly DOS box that could be closed with the click of "X".

By the words "help desk," I'm guessing you're in a business and have no choice but to use Symantec products. You have my deepest condolences.

In the event that I'm wrong, may I suggest AVG (the Firewall edition, especially) or Avast! Antivirus: two solutions that won't bring a fresh new processor to its knees.

Unfortunately, I have the job of installing Norton on new computers, but I've never gone the unattended route with strangers' computers, and as such, I've never seen that warning.

But fear none-- you're not being hacked. CMDOW.exe is your friend (just not Norton's).
CMDOW [window | /T] [/B] [/F] [/P]
CMDOW /TH | /TV | /MA | /CW | /UW | /AT | /FS | /WM
CMDOW window {[/ACT] [/INA] [/ENA] [/DIS] [/VIS] [/HID] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/RES]
[/TOP] [/NOT] [/REN caption] [/MOV left top] [/SIZ width height] [/CLS]
CMDOW /RUN [state] file [args]
window List specified window (if omitted, all windows are listed).
/T List windows only shown on the taskbar.
/B List windows using bare format (no heading information).
/F List windows showing full information (don't truncate any fields).
/P List windows showing position and size (left, top, width and height).

/TH Tile windows horizontally. /TV Tile windows vertically.
/MA Minimize all windows. /CW Cascade windows.
/UW Undo tile/minimize/cascade. /AT Intelligent [Alt]-[Tab]
/FS Switch to full screen mode. /WM Switch to window mode.

/ACT Activate specified window. /INA Inactivate specified window.
/ENA Enable specified window. /DIS Disable specified window.
/VIS Unhide specified window. /HID Hide specified window.
/MIN Minimize specified window. /MAX Maximize specified window.
/RES Restore specified window. /REN Rename specified window.
/TOP Make window always on top. /NOT Make window not always on top.
/MOV Move specified window. /SIZ Resize specified window.
/CLS Close specified window. /END Kill process linked to window.

/RUN Executes or opens specified file using associated application.
state Initial show state of window (/MIN, /MAX or /HID). Default is normal.
args Optional commandline arguments passed to launched application.

Specify a window by its caption (case insensitive) or handle in hex format.
The At symbol '@' may be used to refer to this window. For more help on any
parameter use CMDOW /? . Eg CMDOW /? /RUN or CMDOW /? window.
        BINSUB {filename} @{oldfile}|{oldpattern} @{newfile}|{newpattern} [/I]
You may specify non-printing characters by using the pattern: '/nnn' where nnn
is a three digit decimal number. Strings including spaces may be wrapped by
double quotes following the DOS convention. You may also use '/032' to
represent a space. Use /I for a case insensitive search.
Also note that when using double quotes to delimit a parameter, if the new or
old pattern ends in a \, it should be represented as \\" rather than \" due to
\" being translated by DOS as a literal " rather than a delimiter.
You cannot search for a pattern containing '/nnn' since it will be interpreted
as a special character rather than a normal sequence of characters.
You could of course scan for '/047nnn' which would search for '/nnn'.
Return Codes:
  1  Incorrect number of parameters       2  Unable to open input file
  3  Unable to open output file           4  Unable to open {oldpattern} file
  5  Unable to open {newpattern} file     8  Unable to allocate required storage
Creates, modifies or queries Windows shell links (shortcuts)

The syntax of this command is:
sc /F:filename /A:C|E|Q [/T:target] [/P:parameters] [/W:workingdir]
         [/R:runstyle] [/I:icon,index] [/H:hotkey] [/D:description]
 /F:filename    : Specifies the .LNK shortcut file.
 /A:action      : Defines the action to take (C=Create, E=Edit or Q=Query).
 /T:target      : Defines the target path and file name the shortcut points to.
 /P:parameters  : Defines the command-line parameters to pass to the target.
 /W:working dir : Defines the working directory the target starts with.
 /R:run style   : Defines the window state (1=Normal, 3=Max, 7=Min).
 /I:icon,index  : Defines the icon and optional index (file.exe or file.exe,0).
 /H:hotkey      : Defines the hotkey, a numeric value of the keyboard shortcut.
 /D:description : Defines the description (or comment) for the shortcut.
 - Any argument that contains spaces must be enclosed in "double quotes".
 - If Query is specified (/A:Q), all arguments except /F: are ignored.
 - To find the numeric hotkey value, use Explorer to set a hotkey and then /A:Q
 - To prevent an environment variable from being expanded until the shortcut
   is launched, use the ^ carat escape character like this: ^%WINDIR^%
   /f:"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\My App.lnk" /a:q
   /f:"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Notepad.lnk" /a:c /t:^%WINDIR^%\Notepad.exe /h:846
   /f:"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Notepad.lnk" /a:e /p:C:\Setup.log /r:3
 An argument of /? or -? displays this syntax and returns 1.
 A successful completion will return 0.
  [/X sCodePage dCodePage ] 编码转换
  [/B] 简体中文转繁体中文
  [/G] 繁体中文转简体中文
  [/T] 使用简繁词汇对照表
  [/S "文件名"] 源文件
  [/D "文件名"] 目标文件
  CodeTrans.exe /X 936 932 /S "chinese.txt" /D "japanese.txt" 
  CodeTrans.exe /B /T /S "gb2312.txt" /D "big5.txt" 
  CodeTrans.exe /G /S "big5.txt" /D "gb2312.txt"
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chinaunix网友2009-02-25 09:42:29
