- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- HTML Test Page
- </TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- Java实用教程
- <BODY>
- CODEBASE = "."
- CODE = "billsClock.class"
- NAME = "TestApplet"
- WIDTH = 400
- HEIGHT = 300
- HSPACE = 0
- VSPACE = 0
- ALIGN = middle
- >
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.applet.*;
- import java.util.*;
- import*;
- class hms extends Date
- {
- //Note that localOffset is hours difference from GMT
- //west of Greenwich meridian is positive, east is negative.
- //i.e. New York City (Eastern Standard Time) is +5
- // Eastern Daylight Time is +4
- public hms(double localOffset)
- {
- super();
- long tzOffset=getTimezoneOffset()*60L*1000L;
- setTime(getTime() + tzOffset - (long)(localOffset*3600.0*1000.0));
- }
- public hms()
- {
- super();
- }
- public double get_hours()
- {
- return (double)super.getHours()+(double)getMinutes()/60.0;
- }
- }
- abstract class clockHand
- {
- protected int ba***[], baseY[];
- protected int transX[],transY[];
- protected int numberOfPoints;
- public clockHand(int originX, int originY, int length,int thickness,int points)
- {
- ba***= new int[points]; baseY=new int[points];
- transX= new int[points]; transY=new int[points];
- initiallizePoints(originX,originY,length,thickness);
- numberOfPoints=points;
- }
- abstract protected void initiallizePoints( int originX,
- int originY,
- int length,
- int thickness);
- abstract public void draw(Color color, double angle, Graphics g);
- protected void transform(double angle)
- {
- for(int i=0;i<numberOfPoints;i++)
- {
- transX[i]=(int)( (ba***[0]-ba***[i]) * Math.cos(angle) -
- (baseY[0]-baseY[i]) * Math.sin(angle) +
- ba***[0]);
- transY[i]=(int)( (ba***[0]-ba***[i]) * Math.sin(angle) +
- (baseY[0]-baseY[i]) * Math.cos(angle) +
- baseY[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- class sweepHand extends clockHand
- {
- public sweepHand(int originX,int originY, int length, int points)
- {
- super(originX,originY,length,0,points);
- }
- protected void initiallizePoints(int originX,int originY, int length, int unused)
- {
- unused=unused; //We don't use the thickness parameter in this class
- //This comes from habit to prevent compiler warning
- //concerning unused arguments.
- ba***[0]=originX; baseY[0]=originY;
- ba***[1]=originX; baseY[1]=originY-length/5;
- ba***[2]=originX; baseY[2]=originY+length;
- }
- public void draw(Color color, double angle, Graphics g)
- {
- transform(angle);
- g.setColor(color);
- g.drawLine(transX[1],transY[1],transX[2],transY[2]);
- }
- }
- class hmHand extends clockHand
- {
- public hmHand(int originX,int originY, int length,int thickness, int points)
- {
- super(originX,originY,length,thickness,points);
- }
- protected void initiallizePoints( int originX,
- int originY,
- int length,
- int thickness)
- {
- ba***[0]=originX;
- baseY[0]=originY;
- ba***[1]=ba***[0]-thickness/2;
- baseY[1]=baseY[0]+thickness/2;
- ba***[2]=ba***[1];
- baseY[2]=baseY[0]+length- thickness;
- ba***[3]=ba***[0];
- baseY[3]=baseY[0]+length;
- ba***[4]=ba***[0]+thickness/2;
- baseY[4]=baseY[2];
- ba***[5]=ba***[4];
- baseY[5]=baseY[1];
- }
- public void draw(Color color,double angle, Graphics g)
- {
- transform(angle);
- g.setColor(color);
- g.fillPolygon(transX,transY,numberOfPoints);
- }
- }
- public class billsClock extends Applet implements Runnable
- {
- //some DEFINE'd constants
- static final int BACKGROUND=0; //Background image index
- static final int LOGO=1; //Logo image index
- static final String JAVEX="GODSON"; //Default text on clock face
- static final double MINSEC=0.104719755; //Radians per minute or second
- static final double HOUR=0.523598776; //Radians per hour
- Thread clockThread = null;
- //User options, see getParameterInfo(), below.
- int width = 100;
- int height = 100;
- Color bgColor = new Color(0,0,0);
- Color faceColor = new Color(0,0,0);
- Color sweepColor = new Color(255,0,0);
- Color minuteColor = new Color (192,192,192);
- Color hourColor = new Color (255,255,255);
- Color textColor = new Color (255,255,255);
- Color caseColor = new Color (0,0,0);
- Color trimColor = new Color (192,192,192);
- String logoString=null;
- Image images[] = new Image[2]; //Array to hold optional images
- boolean isPainted=false; //Force painting on first update, if not painted
- //Center point of clock
- int x1,y1;
- //Array of points for triangular icon at 12:00
- int xPoints[]=new int[3], yPoints[]=new int[3];
- //Class to hold time, with method to return (double)(hours + minutes/60)
- hms cur_time;
- //The clock's seconds, minutes, and hours hands.
- sweepHand sweep;
- hmHand minuteHand,
- hourHand;
- //The last parameters used to draw the hands.
- double lastHour;
- int lastMinute,lastSecond;
- //The font used for text and date.
- Font font;
- //Offscreen image and device context, for buffered output.
- Image offScrImage;
- Graphics offScrGC;
- // Use to test background image, if any.
- MediaTracker tracker;
- int minDimension; // Ensure a round clock if applet is not square.
- int originX; // Upper left corner of a square enclosing the clock
- int originY; // with respect to applet area.
- double tzDifference=0;
- boolean localOnly=false;
- //Users' parameters - self-explanatory?
- public String[][] getParameterInfo()
- {
- String[][] info =
- {
- {
- "width", "int", "width of the applet, in pixels"
- },
- {
- "height", "int", "height of the applet, in pixels"
- },
- {
- "bgColor", "string", "hex color triplet of the background, i.e. 000000 for black "
- },
- {
- "faceColor", "string", "hex color triplet of clock face, i.e. 000000 for black "
- },
- {
- "sweepColor", "string", "hex color triplet of seconds hand, i.e. FF0000 for red "
- },
- {
- "minuteColor", "string", "hex color triplet of minutes hand, i.e. C0C0C0 for lt.gray "
- },
- {
- "hourColor", "string", "hex color triplet of hours hand, i.e. FFFFFF for white "
- },
- {
- "textColor", "string", "hex color triplet of numbers, etc., i.e. FFFFFF for white "
- },
- {
- "caseColor", "string", "hex color triplet of case, i.e. 000000 for black "
- },
- {
- "trimColor", "string", "hex color triplet of case outliners, i.e. C0C0C0 for lt.gray "
- },
- {
- "bgImageURL", "string", "URL of background image, if any "
- },
- {
- "logoString", "string", "Name to display on watch face "
- },
- {
- "logoImageURL","string", "URL of logo image to display on watch face "
- },
- {
- "timezone", "real", "Timezone difference from GMT (decimal hours,+ West/- East)<0>"
- },
- {
- "localonly", "int", "Non-zero will cause clock to display current local time <0>"
- }
- };
- return info;
- }
- //Applet name, author and info lines
- public String getAppletInfo()
- {
- return "billsClock 1.04 (C) 1996 by Bill Giel";
- }
- void showURLerror(Exception e)
- {
- String errorMsg = "JAVEX URL error: "+e;
- showStatus(errorMsg);
- System.err.println(errorMsg);
- }
- // This lets us create clocks of various sizes, but with the same
- // proportions.
- private int size(int percent)
- {
- return (int)((double)percent/100.0 * (double)minDimension);
- }
- public void init()
- {
- URL imagesURL[] = new URL[2];
- String szImagesURL[] = new String[2];
- tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
- String paramString = getParameter( "WIDTH" );
- if( paramString != null )
- width = Integer.valueOf(paramString).intValue();
- paramString = getParameter( "HEIGHT" );
- if( paramString != null )
- height = Integer.valueOf(paramString).intValue();
- paramString = getParameter( "TIMEZONE" );
- if( paramString != null )
- tzDifference = Double.valueOf(paramString).doubleValue();
- paramString = getParameter( "LOCALONLY" );
- if( paramString != null && Integer.valueOf(paramString).intValue() != 0)
- {
- localOnly=true;
- tzDifference=0.;
- }
- paramString = getParameter( "BGCOLOR");
- if( paramString != null )
- bgColor=parseColorString(paramString);
- paramString = getParameter( "FACECOLOR");
- if( paramString != null )
- faceColor=parseColorString(paramString);
- paramString = getParameter( "SWEEPCOLOR");
- if( paramString != null )
- sweepColor=parseColorString(paramString);
- paramString = getParameter( "MINUTECOLOR");
- if( paramString != null )
- minuteColor=parseColorString(paramString);
- paramString = getParameter( "HOURCOLOR");
- if( paramString != null )
- hourColor=parseColorString(paramString);
- paramString = getParameter( "TEXTCOLOR");
- if( paramString != null )
- textColor=parseColorString(paramString);
- paramString = getParameter( "CASECOLOR");
- if( paramString != null )
- caseColor=parseColorString(paramString);
- paramString = getParameter( "TRIMCOLOR");
- if( paramString != null )
- trimColor=parseColorString(paramString);
- logoString = getParameter( "LOGOSTRING");
- if( logoString == null )
- logoString=JAVEX;
- else if(logoString.length() > 8)
- logoString= logoString.substring(0,8); //Max 8 characters!
- szImagesURL[BACKGROUND] = getParameter("BGIMAGEURL");
- szImagesURL[LOGO] = getParameter("LOGOIMAGEURL");
- for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
- {
- if(szImagesURL[i] != null)
- {
- try
- {
- imagesURL[i]=new URL(getCodeBase(),szImagesURL[i]);
- }
- catch (MalformedURLException e)
- {
- showURLerror(e);
- imagesURL[i]=null;
- images[i]=null;
- }
- if(imagesURL[i] != null)
- {
- showStatus("Javex loading image: " + imagesURL[i].toString());
- images[i]=getImage(imagesURL[i]);
- if(images[i] != null)
- tracker.addImage(images[i],i);
- showStatus("");
- }
- if(images[i] != null)
- try
- {
- tracker.waitForID(i);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- images[i]=null;
- }
- }
- else images[i]=null;
- }
- cur_time=(localOnly)? new hms() : new hms(tzDifference);
- lastHour=-1.0;
- lastMinute=-1;
- lastSecond=-1;
- x1=width/2;
- y1=height/2;
- minDimension= Math.min(width, height);
- originX=(width-minDimension)/2;
- originY=(height-minDimension)/2;
- xPoints[1]=x1-size(3); xPoints[2]=x1+size(3); xPoints[0]=x1;
- yPoints[1]=y1-size(38);yPoints[2]=y1-size(38); yPoints[0]=y1-size(27);
- sweep=new sweepHand(x1,y1,size(40),3);
- minuteHand=new hmHand(x1,y1,size(40),size(6),6);
- hourHand=new hmHand(x1,y1,size(25),size(8),6);
- font=new Font("TXT",Font.BOLD,size(10));
- offScrImage = createImage(width,height);
- offScrGC = offScrImage.getGraphics();
- System.out.println(getAppletInfo());
- }
- public void start()
- {
- if(clockThread == null)
- {
- clockThread = new Thread(this);
- clockThread.start();
- }
- }
- public void stop()
- {
- if(null != clockThread)
- {
- clockThread.stop();
- clockThread=null;
- }
- }
- private void drawHands(Graphics g)
- {
- double angle;
- int i,j;
- int x,y;
- angle=MINSEC * lastSecond;
- sweep.draw(faceColor, angle, g);
- if(cur_time.getMinutes() != lastMinute)
- {
- minuteHand.draw(faceColor,MINSEC*lastMinute,g);
- if(cur_time.get_hours() != lastHour)
- hourHand.draw(faceColor,HOUR*lastHour,g);
- }
- g.setColor(textColor);
- g.fillRect(originX+size(12),y1-size(2),size(10),size(4));
- g.fillRect(x1-size(2),originY + minDimension-size(22),size(4),size(10));
- g.fillPolygon( xPoints, yPoints, 3);
- for(i=1;i<12;i+=3)
- for(j=i;j<i+2;j++)
- {
- x=(int)(x1+Math.sin(HOUR*j)*size(35));
- y=(int)(y1-Math.cos(HOUR*j)*size(35));
- g.fillOval(x-size(3),y-size(3),size(6),size(6));
- }
- //Set the font and get font info...
- g.setFont(font);
- FontMetrics fm=g.getFontMetrics();
- //Paint our logo...
- g.drawString(logoString,x1-fm.stringWidth(logoString)/2,y1-size(12));
- //Get the day of the month...
- String day=Integer.toString(cur_time.getDate(),10);
- //Paint it...
- g.drawString( day,
- originX + minDimension-size(14)-fm.stringWidth(day),
- y1+size(5));
- //and put a box around it.
- g.drawRect( originX + minDimension-size(14)-fm.stringWidth(day)-size(2),
- y1-size(5)-size(2),
- fm.stringWidth(day)+size(4),
- size(10)+size(4));
- if(images[LOGO] != null)
- {
- x = originX + (minDimension-images[LOGO].getWidth(this))/2;
- y = y1 + (minDimension/2 - size(22) - images[LOGO].getHeight(this))/2;
- if(x > 0 && y > 0)
- offScrGC.drawImage(images[LOGO], x, y, this);
- }
- lastHour=cur_time.get_hours();
- hourHand.draw(hourColor,HOUR*lastHour,g);
- lastMinute=cur_time.getMinutes();
- minuteHand.draw(minuteColor,MINSEC*lastMinute,g);
- g.setColor(minuteColor);
- g.fillOval(x1-size(4),y1-size(4),size(8),size(8));
- g.setColor(sweepColor);
- g.fillOval(x1-size(3),y1-size(3),size(6),size(6));
- lastSecond=cur_time.getSeconds();
- angle=MINSEC*lastSecond;
- sweep.draw(sweepColor, angle,g);
- g.setColor(trimColor);
- g.fillOval(x1-size(1),y1-size(1),size(2),size(2));
- }
- private Color parseColorString(String colorString)
- {
- if(colorString.length()==6)
- {
- int R = Integer.valueOf(colorString.substring(0,2),16).intValue();
- int G = Integer.valueOf(colorString.substring(2,4),16).intValue();
- int B = Integer.valueOf(colorString.substring(4,6),16).intValue();
- return new Color(R,G,B);
- }
- else return Color.lightGray;
- }
- public void run()
- {
- //Let's not hog the system, now...
- Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);
- repaint();
- while(null != clockThread)
- {
- cur_time= (localOnly)? new hms() :new hms(tzDifference);
- repaint();
- try
- {
- Thread.sleep(1000);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- }
- }
- System.exit(0);
- }
- public void paint(Graphics g)
- {
- int i,x0,y0,x2,y2;
- if(images[BACKGROUND] == null)
- {
- offScrGC.setColor(bgColor);
- offScrGC.fillRect(0,0,width,height);
- }
- else
- offScrGC.drawImage(images[BACKGROUND], 0, 0, this);
- offScrGC.setColor(caseColor);
- //Shrink one pixel so we don't clip anything off...
- offScrGC.fillOval( originX+1,
- originY+1,
- minDimension-2,
- minDimension-2);
- offScrGC.setColor(faceColor);
- offScrGC.fillOval( originX + size(5),
- originY + size(5),
- minDimension - size(10),
- minDimension - size(10));
- offScrGC.setColor(trimColor);
- offScrGC.drawOval( originX+1,
- originY+1,
- minDimension-2,
- minDimension-2);
- offScrGC.drawOval( originX + size(5),
- originY + size(5),
- minDimension - size(10),
- minDimension - size(10));
- offScrGC.setColor(textColor);
- //Draw graduations, a longer index every fifth mark...
- for(i=0;i<60;i++)
- {
- if(i==0 || (i>=5 && i%5 == 0))
- {
- x0=(int)(x1+size(40)*Math.sin(MINSEC*i));
- y0=(int)(y1+size(40)*Math.cos(MINSEC*i));
- }
- else
- {
- x0=(int)(x1+size(42)*Math.sin(MINSEC*i));
- y0=(int)(y1+size(42)*Math.cos(MINSEC*i));
- }
- x2=(int)(x1+size(44)*Math.sin(MINSEC*i));
- y2=(int)(y1+size(44)*Math.cos(MINSEC*i));
- offScrGC.drawLine(x0,y0,x2,y2);
- }
- drawHands(offScrGC);
- g.drawImage(offScrImage,0,0,this);
- isPainted=true;
- }
- public synchronized void update(Graphics g)
- {
- if(!isPainted)
- paint(g);
- else
- {
- drawHands(offScrGC);
- g.drawImage(offScrImage,0,0,this);
- }
- }
- }
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