qt是Trolltech奇趣科技的产品, 是一个 多平台的C++图形用户界面应用程序框架, 完全面向对象, 容易扩展. qt也是流行的linux桌面环境KDE的基础;
支持平台: ms/windows-98, 2000, nt unix/x11-linux macintosh-mac os x embedded-linux with framebuffer
桌面环境 Gnome KDE
桌面环境 Qtopia
Widget库 GTK, Qt ---------- X Window
图形库 Qtopia Core
framebuffer 显示设备
xwindow负责基本的画图操作, 如画点, 画线, 字体等;
桌面GTK应用更广泛, 因为完全开源, 免费; 嵌入式上Qt占优;
1. qmake -project 分析当前目录及子目录下的C++文件, 头文件, Qt的资源文件, 生成"当前目录名. pro".
2. 根据需要修改pro文件, 比如: QT += sql network等;
3. qmake 由pro文件生成Makefile文件.
4. make 编译整个项目. 生成的目标文件名是目录名;
若添加了新的代码文件或资源文件, 需回到第一步重来, 若代码文件与头文件依赖关系变化, 从第三步开始.
容器在内存中的布局类似于数组, 所有元素连续存放, 能用[]操作符随机访问, 可以维护自己的长度信息, 可以改变长度, 但在开头和中间添加元素效率较低; 如: QVector vect; vect. append(1 . 0); vect.append( 0. 534); 也可vect << 1.0 <<0.2; 遍历所有元素: double sun = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < vect. count(); ++i) sum += vect[i]; QLinkedList容器在内存中的布局类似链表, 使用不连续的内存, 因此不能用[]操作符随机访问, 但是添加删除元素的效率较高. 它的访问使用iterator, 类似于访问数组的指针, 可以使用++, --运算符; 可以使用*来取得指向的元素; begin()返回第一个iterator, end()则指向容器的最后一个元素的下一个元素位置( 访问该位置元素是非法的); 如果一个容器为空, begin() 和 end()相等; QLinkedList: : iterator i = list.begin(); while (i ! = list.end()) { * i = qAbs(* i); ++i; } 下例将ccc插到aaa, bbb之间: QLinkedList list; list.append("aaa"); list.append("bbb"); QLinkedList: : iterator i = list.find("bbb"); list.insert(i, "ccc"); 配置文件类 QSettings settings( "setdir", "mysettings"); //设定文件目录和文件名 QString str( "abc" ); settings. setValue( "stringhaha", str); settings. setValue( "section/dbnum", 10.1); QString getstr = settings.value("stringhaha").toString(); //toStringList(), toBool()等 double getfloat = settings.value("section/dbnum").toDouble(); qDebug() << getstr << getfloat <程序会建立文件~/.config/setdir/mysettings.conf [General] stringhaha=abc [section] dbnum=10.1 Qt的输出: 1. 如果要用cout输出QString字符串, 需先把它转换成C++的const char *类型: cout << qPrintable ( str) <2. 也可以使用qDebug()输出; qDebug() << str; 包含库 MVC数据模型: 各种GUI库都提供了model-view-controller, Model是数据模型, 负责读写数据源, 并把数据提供给view进行显示, 所有对数据源的操作都通过model来进行, controller负责view与用户的交互, 将用户的操作转换成请求来浏览和编辑数据, 然后view将用户对数据的操作传给model; 在Qt中有Model, View, Delegate, 其中Delegate相当于Controller. Qt的I/O类: QFile file("test.txt"); if (! file.open(QIODevice : : WriteOnly)) { cerr << "Cannot open file for writing: " << qPrintable(file. errorString()) <} QTextStream out(&file); //需要绑定到QFile, QString, QTcpSocket, QUdpSocket, QBuffer等 out << oct << 31 << endl; //oct把后面的数转成8进制, file的内容为'37\n'; -------------------------- QFile file("test.txt");
if (! file.open(QIODevice : : ReadOnly)) {
cerr << "Cannot open file for reading: " << qPrintable(file. errorString()) <
QString str;
QTextStream in(&file); in >> str; -------------------------- 一般写出去需要分割符, 如\n, 读的时候用readLine()可以读取一行; 也可一个一个字符读, QChar ch; in >> ch; 中文功能读写socket的实现: QTextStream in(tcpSocket); in. setCodec(QTextcodec: : codecForName("UTF-8")); response = in. readLine() + "\n"; QString通过socket发出字符串不带\0结尾, 所有server端不能对收到的字符直接用strlen判断, 需用\n判断; 或在末尾加\0, 然后再作其他处理; reject()是隐藏窗体, 用{}可以析构掉窗体; 当多个客户端跟QTcpServer连接的时候,某个客户端跟服务器发送消息,我要怎么取得当前发送消息的QTcpSocket连接:
onReadyRead(), onDisconnected()
QTcpSocket *socket = qobject_cast(sender());
如果想主动发送一些信息,则需要你自己分类记忆索引记忆进入到的QTcpSocket对象指针列表,以方便操作,当然了,从QTcpServer对象的方法中可以获取到当前正在连接的所有QTcpSocket对象指针列表。 qt 的一些例程: /****************************************************************** * Filename : main.cpp ****************************************************************** */ #include #include "log_reg.h" #include "chat.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *myip = ""; int success = 0; if (argc > 1) myip = argv[1]; QApplication app(argc, argv); QTcpSocket *tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(); tcpSocket->connectToHost(myip, 8000); { Log_reg lr(tcpSocket); lr.show(); app.exec(); success = lr.success; } if (success) { MyDialog m(tcpSocket); m.show(); return app.exec(); } } /****************************************************************** * Filename : log_reg.h ******************************************************************* */ #ifndef DIALOG_LOG_REG #define DIALOG_LOG_REG #include #include #include "ui_log_reg.h" class Log_reg : public QDialog, public Ui_log_reg { Q_OBJECT public: Log_reg(QTcpSocket *mtcpSocket, QWidget *parent = 0); private slots: void log_Deal(); //deal with login button; void reg_Deal(); //deal with regist button; void quit_Deal(); //deal with the quit button; void recvMsg(); //deal with recieve msg from net; void error(); private: QTcpSocket *tcpSocket; QString msgBuffer; int state; //record the state if login or regist; int log_time; //record the fault login times ,quit if > 3; public: int success; //reject if login success or in other reason; }; #endif /****************************************************************** * Filename : log_reg.cpp ****************************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "log_reg.h" Log_reg::Log_reg(QTcpSocket *mtcpSocket, QWidget *parent) :QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this); tcpSocket = mtcpSocket; state = 0; //if 0 ,log else if 1,reg success = 0; log_time = 0; user->setMaxLength(10); pass->setMaxLength(10); pass->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); connect(btn_log, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(log_Deal())); connect(btn_reg, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reg_Deal())); connect(btn_quit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(quit_Deal())); connect(tcpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(recvMsg())); connect(tcpSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(error())); } void Log_reg::log_Deal() { if (1 == state) { btn_reg->resize(51,20); btn_log->resize(51,27); state = 0; dial_name->setText(QString::fromUtf8("登录!请输入名称与密码:")); user->clear(); pass->clear(); } else if (user->text() != "") { log_time++; if (log_time > 3) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QString::fromUtf8("登录错误"), QString::fromUtf8("登录次数超过3次!")); exit(1); } dial_name->setText(QString::fromUtf8("登录!请输入名称与密码:")); QTextStream out(tcpSocket); out << "0002" << ":" << user->text() << ":" << pass->text() << endl; user->clear(); pass->clear(); } else { dial_name->setText(QString::fromUtf8("登录!请输入名称与密码:")); } } void Log_reg::reg_Deal() { if (0 == state) { btn_reg->resize(51,27); btn_log->resize(51,20); state = 1; dial_name->setText(QString::fromUtf8("注册!请输入名称与密码:")); user->clear(); pass->clear(); } else if (user->text() != "") { dial_name->setText(QString::fromUtf8("注册!请输入名称与密码:")); QTextStream out(tcpSocket); out << "0001" << ":" << user->text() << ":" << pass->text() << endl; user->clear(); pass->clear(); } else { dial_name->setText(QString::fromUtf8("注册!请输入名称与密码:")); } } void Log_reg::recvMsg() { if(!tcpSocket->canReadLine()) return; QTextStream in(tcpSocket); //bind to socket in.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); //change to standard code QString responseLine = in.readLine(); if ("00021" == responseLine) { success = 1; reject(); } else if ("00020" == responseLine) dial_name->setText(QString::fromUtf8("登录错误,请重新输入:")); else if ("00011" == responseLine) { btn_reg->resize(51,20); btn_log->resize(51,27); state = 0; dial_name->setText(QString::fromUtf8("登录!请输入名称与密码:")); user->clear(); pass->clear(); } else if ("00010" == responseLine) dial_name->setText(QString::fromUtf8("注册不成功,请重新注册:")); } void Log_reg::error() { QMessageBox::critical(this, "socket error", tcpSocket->errorString()); tcpSocket->close(); } void Log_reg::quit_Deal() { exit(0); } /****************************************************************** * Filename : chat.h ****************************************************************** */ #ifndef CHAT01_H #define CHAT01_H #include #include #include "ui_chat.h" class QStringListModel; class MyDialog : public QDialog, public Ui_MyDialog { Q_OBJECT public: MyDialog(QTcpSocket *tcpSocket, QWidget *parent = 0); int arg_Decode(QString &msgBuffer); void list_Refresh(QString &msgBuffer); //to refresh the user list; void list_Clear(); //clear the user list; private slots: void sendMsg(); void recvMsg(); void kickoff(); // to kickoff a user; void silent(); // to keep a user silent; void getId(const QModelIndex&); // to get the objname if doubleclick; void error(); private : int state; //record the the argument kind; QModelIndex index; QStringList id; QStringList leaders; //listview contents QStringListModel *model; QTcpSocket *tcpSocket0; QString msgBuffer; //message received; QString orgname; //record the sender's name; QString objname; //record the reciever's name; }; #endif /****************************************************************** * Filename : chat.cpp ****************************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "chat.h" MyDialog::MyDialog(QTcpSocket *tcpSocket, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this); btn_kickoff->hide(); btn_silent->hide(); leaders<<""; id<< QString::fromUtf8("所有人"); model = new QStringListModel(this); model->setStringList(leaders); listView->setModel(model); listView->setEditTriggers(NULL); state = 0; tcpSocket0 = tcpSocket; QTextStream out(tcpSocket0); out << "0015"; lbl_chat->setText(QString::fromUtf8("我是,对所有人说:")); objname = QString::fromUtf8("所有人"); lineEdit->setMaxLength(100); connect(btn_exit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(btn_send, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendMsg())); connect(btn_kickoff, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(kickoff())); connect(btn_silent, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(silent())); connect(listView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(getId(const QModelIndex&))); connect(tcpSocket0, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(recvMsg())); connect(tcpSocket0, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(error())); //tcpSocket0->connectToHost(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 8000); } int MyDialog::arg_Decode(QString &lineBuffer) { QStringList list, temp; list = lineBuffer.split(":"); for(int i=1; i temp< lineBuffer = temp.join(":"); if ("11111" == list[0]) { return 1; } else if ("00151" == list[0]) { return 2; } else if ("00141" == list[0]) return 3; //close the window else if ("00121" == list[0]) return 4; //someone is kicked off else return 0; } void MyDialog::list_Clear() { while (model->rowCount()!=1) { model->removeRows(1,1); } index = model->index(0); model->setData(index, ""); } void MyDialog::list_Refresh(QString &usernameList) { QStringList temp; temp = usernameList.split(":"); for (int i=0; i { index = model->index(0); model->setData(index, temp[i]); model->insertRows(0, 1); } // model->insertRows(0, 1); index = model->index(0); model->setData(index, QString::fromUtf8("所有人")); } void MyDialog::sendMsg() { QTextStream out(tcpSocket0); if(objname == QString::fromUtf8("所有人")) { if (lineEdit->text() != "") out<<"0010:"<text()< } else { if (lineEdit->text() != "") out<<"0011:"<text()< } lineEdit->clear(); } void MyDialog::recvMsg() { if (!tcpSocket0->canReadLine()) return; QTextStream in(tcpSocket0); QTextStream out(tcpSocket0); in.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); QString responseLine; do { responseLine += in.readLine(); } while (tcpSocket0->canReadLine()); state = arg_Decode(responseLine); QStringList list = responseLine.split(":"); if (0 == state || 4 == state) { QFile file("local_chat_record.txt"); if (!file.open(QIODevice::Append)) { //stderr << "Cannot open file for writing:" << endl; qDebug() << "open file error" << endl; return; } QDateTime qtime; responseLine = qtime.currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss") + " " + responseLine; QTextStream fout(&file); fout << responseLine << endl; file.close(); msgBuffer += responseLine; msgBuffer += "\n"; textBrowser->setText(msgBuffer); textBrowser->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); if (4 == state && "admin" == orgname) out << "0016"; //a code to make sure i've recieved msg } else if (2 == state) { orgname = list[1]; QString lbl_Show = QString::fromUtf8("我是") + orgname + QString::fromUtf8(",对") + objname + QString::fromUtf8("说:"); lbl_chat->setText(lbl_Show); if ("admin" == orgname) { btn_kickoff->show(); btn_silent->show(); } out << "1111"; } else if (3 == state) exit(0); else if (1 == state) { list_Clear(); list_Refresh(responseLine); } } void MyDialog::getId(const QModelIndex& index) { objname = model->data(index, 0).toString(); QString lbl_Show = QString::fromUtf8("我是") + orgname + QString::fromUtf8(",对") + objname + QString::fromUtf8("说:"); lbl_chat->setText(lbl_Show); } void MyDialog::kickoff() { int row = listView->currentIndex().row(); index = model->index(row); QString kickoff_name = model->data(index, 0).toString(); QTextStream out(tcpSocket0); out << "0012:" << kickoff_name; } void MyDialog::silent() { int row = listView->currentIndex().row(); index = model->index(row); QString silent_name = model->data(index, 0).toString(); QTextStream out(tcpSocket0); out << "0013:" << silent_name; } void MyDialog::error() { QMessageBox::critical(this, "socket error", tcpSocket0->errorString()); tcpSocket0->close(); }
/*a project with sql and socket function*/ /*main.cpp*/ #include #include "client.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc,argv); if (!createConnection()) { qDebug() << "in main error conn" << endl; return 1; } qDebug() << "in main wright conn" << endl; VoltForm volt; volt.show(); return app.exec(); } /*client.h*/ #ifndef CLIENT_H #define CLIENT_H //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include //#include #include #include #include "ui_client.h" void sendMsg(QTcpSocket *tcpSocket); void sqlInsert(QString sqlinsert); bool createConnection(void); //QSqlDatabase db; //int id; class VoltForm : public QDialog ,public Ui_Display { Q_OBJECT public: VoltForm(QWidget *parent = 0); private slots: void rt_display(void); void history_quary(void); void set_rate(const QString &); void update(void); void recvMsg(void); void error(void); void finsh(void); private: // if quaryButton press,set 1. rt_display() termited, then display quary result int rate_flag ; int count; void init_com(void); QTimer *timer; QSqlTableModel *model; QTcpSocket *tcpSocket; QString msgBuffer; }; #endif /*client.cpp*/ #include #include #include "client.h" QSqlDatabase db; int id; bool createConnection(void) { db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName("table.db"); if (!db.open()){ qDebug() << "open table.db false!!!" << endl; return false; } // set data table id for query and real time display QSqlQuery query; query.exec("create table data (ID int primary key,Time text,Data1 text,Data2 text);"); query.exec("select * from data"); if (query.last()) id = query.value(0).toInt(); else id = 0; qDebug() << "###### id ="< return true; } VoltForm::VoltForm(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this); rate_flag = 0; count = 10000; tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(this); tcpSocket->connectToHost("",8000); model = new QSqlTableModel(this); model->setTable("data"); // set column header model->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, (QString::fromUtf8("日 期"))); model->setHeaderData(2, Qt::Horizontal, (QString::fromUtf8("电 压1(mv)"))); model->setHeaderData(3, Qt::Horizontal, (QString::fromUtf8("电 压2(mv)"))); tableView->setModel(model); tableView->setColumnHidden(0, true); // set font in the tableView QFont font("Helvetica", 12, QFont::Bold); tableView->setFont(font); qDebug() << "initialize nishhinihsiji ******************" << endl; init_com(); update(); timer = new QTimer(this); // for set the reflash rate timer->start(count); // set time interval connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update())); connect (displayButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(rt_display())); connect (quaryButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(history_quary())); connect (set_comboBox,SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString & )), this, SLOT(set_rate(const QString & ))); connect(tcpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(recvMsg())); connect(tcpSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(error())); // for close the data batabase when reject the dialog connect(closeButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(reject())); connect(this,SIGNAL(rejected()),this,SLOT(finsh())); qDebug() << "initialize 3 ******************" << endl; } #if 1 void VoltForm ::init_com(void) { //year yea_Box->addItem("1970"); for (int i=2007; i <= 2010;i++ ) yea_Box->addItem(QString::number (i,10)); // 1~9 of date for (int i=1; i <= 9;i++ ) { mon_Box->addItem("0" + QString::number (i,10)); day_Box->addItem("0" + QString::number (i,10)); } // 0~9 of time min_Box->addItem("--"); sec_Box->addItem("--"); for (int i=0; i <= 9;i++ ) { hou_Box->addItem("0" + QString::number (i,10)); min_Box->addItem("0" + QString::number (i,10)); sec_Box->addItem("0" + QString::number (i,10)); } //month for (int i=10; i <= 12;i++ ) mon_Box->addItem(QString::number (i,10)); //day for (int i=10; i <= 31;i++ ) day_Box->addItem(QString::number (i,10)); //hour for (int i=10; i <= 23;i++ ) hou_Box->addItem(QString::number (i,10)); hou_Box->setCurrentIndex(12); //miniute for (int i=10; i <= 59;i++ ) min_Box->addItem(QString::number (i,10)); //second for (int i=10; i <= 59;i++ ) sec_Box->addItem(QString::number (i,10)); // for (int i=1; i < 10;i++ ) // set_comboBox->addItem(QString::number (i,10)); QStringList rate; rate <<"200ms" << "500ms" << "1s" << "2s" << "5s" << "10s" << "30s" ; set_comboBox->addItems(rate); set_comboBox->setCurrentIndex(5); } #endif #if 1 void VoltForm :: update() { int temp_id; qDebug() << "update out=====================" << endl; sendMsg(tcpSocket); if(!rate_flag) { if (id >= 8) temp_id = id -8; else temp_id = 0; qDebug() << "update in=====================" << endl; model->setSort(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); model->setFilter("ID > " + QString::number(temp_id)); // model->setFilter("scorea < 50"); model->select(); tableView->resizeColumnsToContents(); tableView->setColumnHidden(0, true); } } // display the real_time sample void VoltForm :: rt_display() { qDebug() << "ir_display=====================" << endl; qDebug() << "rate_flag 1=" << rate_flag << endl; rate_flag = 0; // enable update the real_time display qDebug() << "rate_flag 2=" << rate_flag << endl; } void VoltForm :: history_quary() { rate_flag = 1; //disable the rt_display qDebug() << "rate_flag 3=" << rate_flag << endl; // make up the date for query QString date; if (min_Box->currentText() == "--") date = yea_Box->currentText() + "." + mon_Box->currentText() + "." + day_Box->currentText() + "-" + hou_Box->currentText() + "%"; else if (sec_Box->currentText() == "--") date = yea_Box->currentText() + "." + mon_Box->currentText() + "." + day_Box->currentText() + "-" + hou_Box->currentText() + ":" + min_Box->currentText() + "%" ; else date = yea_Box->currentText() + "." + mon_Box->currentText() + "." + day_Box->currentText() + "-" + hou_Box->currentText() + ":" + min_Box->currentText() + ":" + sec_Box->currentText() + "%" ; // display the table // model->setSort(0, Qt::DescendingOrder); QSqlQuery query; query.exec("select * from data where Time like '" + date +"'"); if(query.next()) { model->setFilter("Time like '" + date +"'"); // model->setFilter("Time >= '" + date+".000' and Time <= '" + date + ".999'"); model->select(); tableView->setColumnHidden(0, true); } else QMessageBox::critical(this,QString::fromUtf8("警告") ,QString::fromUtf8("您要的记录不存在!!!")); qDebug()<< date << endl; } void VoltForm :: set_rate(const QString &rate) { bool ok; QString ms = "ms",c; if(rate.count(ms)) { c= rate.left(rate.length() - 2); count = c.toInt(&ok,10); } else { c= rate.left(rate.length() - 1); count = c.toInt(&ok,10) * 1000; } timer->start(count); // set the time interval qDebug() << "set_rate=" << rate << endl; qDebug() << "count=" << count << endl; } #endif #if 1 void sendMsg(QTcpSocket *tcpSocket) { QTextStream out(tcpSocket); qDebug()<<"input ask........"; // out<text()<// lineEdit->clear(); out<<"ask"<} void VoltForm::recvMsg() { if(!tcpSocket->canReadLine()) return; qDebug()<<"-------------"; QTextStream in(tcpSocket); QString responseLine; do{ } while(tcpSocket->canReadLine()); qDebug()< msgBuffer = responseLine; sqlInsert(msgBuffer); } /* insert sqlite */ void sqlInsert(QString sqlinsert) { QString time ; QString data1; QString data2; QDateTime qtime; id++; QStringList temp; temp = sqlinsert.split("#"); data1 = temp[0]; data2 = temp[1]; qDebug()<<"data1:"< qDebug()<<"data2:"< /*computer time*/ time = qtime.currentDateTime().toString("yyyy.MM.dd"); time +="-"; time += qtime.currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz"); qDebug()<<"time:"< /*operate sqlite3*/ qDebug()<<"Insert start......"; QSqlQuery query(db); // id = query.size(); query.prepare("INSERT INTO data(ID, Time, Data1, Data2) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);"); query.addBindValue(id); query.addBindValue(time); query.addBindValue(data1); query.addBindValue(data2); qDebug()<<"ID:"< qDebug()<<"time:"< qDebug()<<"data1:"< qDebug()<<"data2:"< query.exec(); } void VoltForm ::finsh(void) { qDebug() << "in finsh============" << endl; db.close(); } void VoltForm::error() { QMessageBox::critical(this, "socket error",tcpSocket->errorString()); tcpSocket->close(); } #endif 信息点滴: alt + tab 可切换工作面 在一个xterm下, ctrl + alt + t可新开一个tab; 各tab可用alt + num切换, 或者ctrl + pageup/pagedown切换; unix上换行\n, windows上换行是\r\n; POSIX标准看文件apue. C++看C++ primer; man Xorg / man XFree86 /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc Xorg --configure让X探测硬件并产生配置文件 startx启动X界面; useradd -c "mary smith" mary passwd mary mount查看可以挂载的分区情况; nmap探测网络服务 vim的颜色设置: 在$VimRunTime/colors下找颜色方案, 拷贝到mkdir ~/.vim/colors下面, 进行修改: term黑白终端 cterm彩色终端 gui GUI版本 ctermfg前景 ctermbg背景 : hilight Comment ctermfg=green guifg=green 测试常用颜色组合: : edit $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/colortest vim : source % 图形界面下双击运行server, 该进程可在后台运行, 所以看起来server关闭了, 仍然可以连接. 全局变量应是一些关键性的东西, 并且应该有注释; GPL - C++-QT-KDE LGPL-C-GTK-GNOME
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