将工作中零散的脚本做了整理,并逐渐完善为一个简单的 rc 系统, 命名为 nanoRC, 旨在嵌入式系统中使用,注重简单实用的功能,目前基本可以用于生产环境了。
nanoRC Homepage1. Introduction[nanoRC]:() is a light rc system for embedded system use. It's all shell scripts, now it's code only works with busybox ash. nanoRC has features below:
- GPL licensed.
- shell script implemented.
- colorized output for booting message.
- support login, colorized issue when ready for login
- simple gentoo like network configuration files.
- support auto insmod and create device node according to a specified conf file.
- support runlevels: start, default, reboot, shutdown.
- ready to use rc functions for output message, start or stop a daemon.
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