cd ../include/asm-arm/
ln -sf ../../arch/arm/mach-lpc32xx/include/mach/ arch
这样,原有驱动中#include 就可以使用了。
可以在编译之前手工建立这个链接,但是,一旦make distclean,这个手工建立的链接就会被清除掉,下次还得继续手工建立。这样很麻烦,为了方便,可以直接修改内核顶层的Makefile文件,增加蓝色部分的语句:
980 # We create the target directory of the symlink if it does
981 # not exist so the test in chack-symlink works and we have a
982 # directory for generated filesas used by some architectures.
983 define create-symlink
984 if [ ! -L include/asm ]; then \
985 echo ' SYMLINK $@ -> include/asm-$(SRCARCH)'; \
986 if [ ! -d include/asm-$(SRCARCH) ]; then \
987 mkdir -p include/asm-$(SRCARCH); \
988 fi; \
989 ln -fsn asm-$(SRCARCH) $@; \
990 fi
991 if [ ! -L include/asm-arm/arch ]; then \
992 cd $(TOPDIR)/include/asm-arm;\
993 ln -fs ../../arch/arm/mach-lpc32xx/include/mach arch; \
994 cd $(TOPDIR)/; \
995 fi
996 endef
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