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  • 博客访问: 545073
  • 博文数量: 116
  • 博客积分: 2063
  • 博客等级: 大尉
  • 技术积分: 1174
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  • 注册时间: 2007-10-26 16:44



















2014-11-20 17:08:54

AP 版本
iwpriv ra0 show driverinfo
Driver version: STA 版本
iwpriv ra0 driverVer driverVer:Driver version-, Nov 20 2014 11:55:38 /*********************************************************************************  *      Copyright:  (C) 2014 KEWELL  *        Version:  1.0.0(11/20/2014~)  *         Author:  KEWELL   *      ChangeLog:  1, Release initial version on "11/20/2014 04:07:25 PM"  *  ********************************************************************************/ /******************************* AP 端测试脚本 及  过程 *****************************/ # uname  -a
Linux (none) 3.0.8 #Hi3531_1.0.A.0_SVN_774 SMP Thu Nov 20 11:11:00 CST 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux
# ll /ko/wifi/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root 946879 Nov 20 2014 rt55ap.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root 20884 Nov 20 2014 rtnet55ap.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root 65566 Nov 20 2014 rtutil55ap.ko
# cat /etc/init.d/_S99_WIFI_AP
cd /ko/wifi
insmod rtutil55ap.ko;insmod rt55ap.ko;insmod rtnet55ap.ko
ifconfig ra0 netmask up
#iwpriv ra0 set Debug=3 udhcpd /etc/sysconfig/udhcpd.conf

sh /etc/init.d/
# cat /etc/sysconfig/udhcpd.conf
start end interface ra0
max_leases 200 remaining yes
lease_file /tmp/udhcpd.leases
pidfile /var/run/
option subnet option router option dns option dns #
# cat /etc/init.d/
iptables -F -t nat
iptables -X -t nat
iptables -Z -t nat
iptables -F -t filter
iptables -X -t filter
iptables -Z -t filter
iptables -F -t mangle
iptables -X -t mangle
iptables -Z -t mangle
iptables -A INPUT -i "ra0" -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s "" -o "eth0" -j MASQUERADE
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# cat /etc/Wireless/RT2870AP/RT2870AP.dat
#The word of "Default" must not be removed
CountryRegion=5 CountryRegionABand=7 CountryCode=
WirelessMode=9 TxRate=0 Channel=1 BasicRate=15 BeaconPeriod=100 DtimPeriod=1 TxPower=100 DisableOLBC=0 BGProtection=0 TxAntenna=
TxPreamble=0 RTSThreshold=2347 FragThreshold=2346 TxBurst=1 PktAggregate=0 TurboRate=0 WmmCapable=0 APSDCapable=0 DLSCapable=0 APAifsn=3;7;1;1 APCwmin=4;4;3;2 APCwmax=6;10;4;3 APTxop=0;0;94;47 APACM=0;0;0;0 BSSAifsn=3;7;2;2 BSSCwmin=4;4;3;2 BSSCwmax=10;10;4;3 BSSTxop=0;0;94;47 BSSACM=0;0;0;0 AckPolicy=0;0;0;0 NoForwarding=0 NoForwardingBTNBSSID=0 HideSSID=0 StationKeepAlive=0 ShortSlot=1 AutoChannelSelect=0 IEEE8021X=0 IEEE80211H=0 CSPeriod=10 WirelessEvent=1 IdsEnable=0 AuthFloodThreshold=32 AssocReqFloodThreshold=32 ReassocReqFloodThreshold=32 ProbeReqFloodThreshold=32 DisassocFloodThreshold=32 DeauthFloodThreshold=32 EapReqFooldThreshold=32 PreAuth=0 AuthMode=WPAPSK
RekeyInterval=0 RekeyMethod=DISABLE
PMKCachePeriod=10 WPAPSK=1234567890 DefaultKeyID=1 Key1Type=0 Key1Str=
Key2Type=0 Key2Str=
Key3Type=0 Key3Str=
Key4Type=0 Key4Str=
HSCounter=0 AccessPolicy0=0 AccessControlList0=
AccessPolicy1=0 AccessControlList1=
AccessPolicy2=0 AccessControlList2=
AccessPolicy3=0 AccessControlList3=
WdsEnable=0 WdsEncrypType=NONE
RADIUS_Server= RADIUS_Port=1812 RADIUS_Key=ralink
own_ip_addr= EAPifname=br0
HT_HTC=0 HT_RDG=0 HT_EXTCHA=0 HT_LinkAdapt=0 HT_OpMode=0 HT_MpduDensity=5 HT_BW=1 HT_AutoBA=1 HT_AMSDU=0 HT_BAWinSize=64 HT_GI=1 HT_MCS=33 MeshId=MESH
MeshAutoLink=1 MeshAuthMode=OPEN
MeshDefaultkey=1 MeshWEPKEY=
# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
# sh -x /etc/init.d/_S99_WIFI_AP
+ cd /ko/wifi
+ insmod rtutil55ap.ko
+ insmod rt55ap.ko
[ 208.380929] rt55ap: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel.
[ 208.386849] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
+ insmod rtnet55ap.ko
[ 208.423128] rtusb init rtusbAP --->
[ 208.427127]
[ 208.427131]
[ 208.427134] === pAd = c8ac2000, size = 454856 ===
[ 208.427137]
[ 208.439577] <-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0 [ 208.444427] <-- RTMPAllocAdapterBlock, Status=0 [ 208.449481] NVM is EFUSE
[ 208.459463] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtusbAP
+ ifconfig ra0 netmask up
[ 208.695359] NICLoadFirmware: We need to load firmware
[ 208.960565] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8b03118!
[ 208.965722] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ad9d4c!
[ 208.970856] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ad9dbc!
[ 208.976018] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ad9d64!
[ 208.981160] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ad18fc!
[ 208.986431] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ac36e0!
[ 208.991580] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ac4508!
[ 208.996711] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ac5330!
[ 209.001850] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ac6158!
[ 209.006980] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ac6f80!
[ 209.012117] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ac7da8!
[ 209.017248] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ac8bd0!
[ 209.022385] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ac99f8!
[ 209.027515] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ad1620!
[ 209.032725] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ad1b98!
[ 209.039229] -->RTUSBVenderReset
[ 209.042484] <--RTUSBVenderReset
[ 209.279983] BBP_R254 = 80 [ 209.735198] APSDCapable[0]=0 [ 209.738071] APSDCapable[1]=0 [ 209.740955] APSDCapable[2]=0 [ 209.743827] APSDCapable[3]=0 [ 209.746698] APSDCapable[4]=0 [ 209.749568] APSDCapable[5]=0 [ 209.752469] APSDCapable[6]=0 [ 209.755344] APSDCapable[7]=0 [ 209.758215] APSDCapable[8]=0 [ 209.761097] APSDCapable[9]=0 [ 209.763993] APSDCapable[10]=0 [ 209.766952] APSDCapable[11]=0 [ 209.769909] APSDCapable[12]=0 [ 209.772875] APSDCapable[13]=0 [ 209.775833] APSDCapable[14]=0 [ 209.778791] APSDCapable[15]=0 [ 209.845929] Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
[ 209.851270] Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
[ 209.856606] Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
[ 209.861950] Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
[ 209.869463] 1. Phy Mode = 9 [ 209.872263] 2. Phy Mode = 9 [ 209.875058] NVM is Efuse and its size =3c[3c0-3fb]
[ 209.906232] Power = 808 [ 209.908672] Power2 = b0b
[ 209.912481] Power = 808 [ 209.914918] Power2 = b0b
[ 209.918730] Power = 808 [ 209.921175] Power2 = a0a
[ 209.924980] Power = 808 [ 209.927417] Power2 = a0a
[ 209.931230] Power = 808 [ 209.933668] Power2 = a0a
[ 209.937480] Power = 808 [ 209.939917] Power2 = 909 [ 210.002233] 3. Phy Mode = 9 [ 210.007483] AntCfgInit: primary/secondary ant 0/1 [ 210.007487] bAutoTxAgcG = 0 [ 210.044360] MCS Set = ff ff 00 00 01 [ 210.420005] Main bssid = 7c:dd:90:4f:83:a4
[ 210.424140] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0 [ 210.429607] 0x1300 = 00064320 + udhcpd /etc/sysconfig/udhcpd.conf
+ sh /etc/init.d/
# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:6C:B2:AD:A7
          inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:44766 errors:0 dropped:3 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:187 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:2981098 (2.8 MiB)  TX bytes:12910 (12.6 KiB)
          Interrupt:119 lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:672 (672.0 B)  TX bytes:672 (672.0 B)

ra0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 7C:DD:90:4F:83:A4
          inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:125 errors:0 dropped:1 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:88 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:12411 (12.1 KiB)  TX bytes:7289 (7.1 KiB)

# iwconfig ra0
ra0       RTWIFI SoftAP  ESSID:"IPDECODER5592" Mode:Managed  Channel=1 Access Point: 7C:DD:90:4F:83:A4
          Bit Rate=300 Mb/s

# route  -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 ra0
# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
rtnet55ap 11683 1 rt55ap 712930 1 rtnet55ap
rtutil55ap 31682 2 rtnet55ap,rt55ap
stmmac 149917 0 #
# iwpriv ra0 show stainfo
[ 356.980104]
[ 356.981873] BackOff Slot      : short slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104) = 0x00000209 [ 356.989610] HT Operating Mode : 1 [ 356.992933]
[ 356.994488]
[ 356.994491] MAC                AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0  RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd      BW    MCS   SGI   STBC  Idle   Rate
# [ 618.681902] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8b188b0!
[ 618.687045] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8b18a54!
[ 618.896266] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8b2c104!
[ 618.941346] AP SETKEYS DONE - WPA1, AuthMode(4)=WPAPSK, WepStatus(6)=AES, GroupWepStatus(6)=AES
[ 618.941353]
[ 618.951649] Rcv Wcid(1) AddBAReq
[ 618.954877] Start Seq = 00000003 [ 618.958101] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8b2d518!

# iwpriv ra0 show stainfo
[ 701.703292]
[ 701.705010] BackOff Slot      : short slot time, BKOFF_SLOT_CFG(0x1104) = 0x00000209 [ 701.712783] HT Operating Mode : 1 [ 701.716089]
[ 701.717576]
[ 701.717578] MAC                AID BSS PSM WMM MIMOPS  RSSI0  RSSI1  RSSI2  PhMd      BW    MCS   SGI   STBC  Idle   Rate
[ 701.730356] 7C:DD:90:4F:83:A1 1 0 0 1 3 -85 -51 0 HTMIX     40M 15 0 0 295 270 0 , 3, 100%
[ 701.743312]
#  iwpriv ra0 show driverinfo
[ 797.776318] Driver version: #
/******************************* STA 端测试脚本 及  过程 *****************************/ #
# uname  -a
Linux (none) 3.0.8 #Hi3531_1.0.A.0_SVN_774 SMP Thu Nov 20 11:11:00 CST 2014 armv7l GNU/Linux
# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
# ll /ko/wifi/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root 2385160 Nov 20 2014 rt55sta.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root 71737 Nov 20 2014 rtnet55sta.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root 69496 Nov 20 2014 rtutil55sta.ko
# cat /etc/init.d/_S99_WIFI_STA
cd /ko/wifi
insmod rtutil55sta.ko;insmod rt55sta.ko;insmod rtnet55sta.ko
ifconfig ra0 up && udhcpc -i ra0 &
# cat /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat
#The word of "Default" must not be removed
CountryRegion=5 CountryRegionABand=7 CountryCode=
ChannelGeography=1 SSID=IPDECODER5592
WirelessMode=5 Channel=0 BeaconPeriod=100 TxPower=100 BGProtection=0 TxPreamble=0 RTSThreshold=2347 FragThreshold=2346 TxBurst=1 PktAggregate=0 WmmCapable=1 AckPolicy=0;0;0;0 AuthMode=WPAPSK
WPAPSK=1234567890 DefaultKeyID=1 Key1Type=0 Key1Str=
Key2Type=0 Key2Str=
Key3Type=0 Key3Str=
Key4Type=0 Key4Str=
AutoRoaming=0 RoamThreshold=70 APSDCapable=0 APSDAC=0;0;0;0 HT_RDG=1 HT_EXTCHA=0 HT_OpMode=0 HT_MpduDensity=4 HT_BW=1 HT_BADecline=0 HT_AutoBA=1 HT_AMSDU=0 HT_BAWinSize=64 HT_GI=1 HT_MCS=33 HT_MIMOPSMode=3 HT_DisallowTKIP=1 HT_STBC=0 EthConvertMode=
IEEE80211H=0 TGnWifiTest=0 WirelessEvent=0 MeshId=MESH
MeshAutoLink=1 MeshAuthMode=OPEN
MeshDefaultkey=1 MeshWEPKEY=
CarrierDetect=0 AntDiversity=0 BeaconLostTime=4 FtSupport=0 Wapiifname=ra0
PSP_XLINK_MODE=0 WscManufacturer=
RadioOn=1 WIDIEnable=0 P2P_L2SD_SCAN_TOGGLE=8 Wsc4digitPinCode=0 P2P_WIDIEnable=0 PMFMFPC=0 PMFMFPR=0 PMFSHA256=0 #
# ifconfig  -a
gre0      Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 NOARP  MTU:1476 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

tunl0     Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 NOARP  MTU:1480 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

# sh -x /etc/init.d/_S99_WIFI_STA
+ cd /ko/wifi
+ insmod rtutil55sta.ko
+ insmod rt55sta.ko
[ 202.275300] rt55sta: module license 'unspecified' taints kernel.
[ 202.281320] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
+ insmod rtnet55sta.ko
[ 202.376400] rtusb init rtusbSTA --->
[ 202.381446]
[ 202.381450]
[ 202.381452] === pAd = c8c34000, size = 1048304 ===
[ 202.381456]
[ 202.390816] <-- RTMPAllocAdapterBlock, Status=0 [ 202.395851] NVM is EFUSE
[ 202.405833] usbcore: registered new interface driver rtusbSTA
+ ifconfig ra0 up
# [ 202.641978] NICLoadFirmware: We need to load firmware
[ 202.910105] <-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0 [ 202.915112] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cece18!
[ 202.920249] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cece30!
[ 202.925425] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cece48!
[ 202.930565] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cece00!
[ 202.935708] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cecdb8!
[ 202.940839] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cecdd0!
[ 202.945978] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cb744c!
[ 202.951116] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca3d0c!
[ 202.956247] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca3d28!
[ 202.961390] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cb74a8!
[ 202.966523] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca6520!
[ 202.971662] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca5d90!
[ 202.976793] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca6504!
[ 202.981930] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca67ec!
[ 202.987061] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca659c!
[ 202.992198] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca65b8!
[ 202.997329] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca653c!
[ 203.002466] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca6558!
[ 203.007596] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca6574!
[ 203.012733] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c387c8!
[ 203.017864] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c38038!
[ 203.023000] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c387ac!
[ 203.028131] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c38a94!
[ 203.033267] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c38844!
[ 203.038398] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c38860!
[ 203.043535] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c38a0c!
[ 203.048665] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6cc58!
[ 203.053802] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6c4c8!
[ 203.058933] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6cc3c!
[ 203.064069] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6cf24!
[ 203.069199] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6ccd4!
[ 203.074336] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6ccf0!
[ 203.079467] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6cc74!
[ 203.084603] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6cc90!
[ 203.089733] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6ccac!
[ 203.094872] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cb741c!
[ 203.100004] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cb748c!
[ 203.105150] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8d31c38!
[ 203.110281] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8d31c50!
[ 203.115419] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8d31c68!
[ 203.120549] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8d31c80!
[ 203.125687] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8d31c98!
[ 203.130817] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8d31cb4!
[ 203.135956] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cecde8!
[ 203.141094] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca30f8!
[ 203.146227] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca30e0!
[ 203.151365] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca30c8!
[ 203.156497] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8cb7434!
[ 203.162212] P2pGroupTabInit .
[ 203.165373] P2pScanChannelDefault <=== count = 3, Channels are 1, 6,11 separately
[ 203.173138] P2pCfgInit::
[ 203.175761] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c35910!
[ 203.180904] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c38e00!
[ 203.186036] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c3c2f0!
[ 203.191186] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c3f7e0!
[ 203.196341] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c42cd0!
[ 203.201483] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c461c0!
[ 203.206615] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c496b0!
[ 203.211759] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8c6cf9c!
[ 203.216912] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8ca6dbc!
[ 203.223472] -->RTUSBVenderReset
[ 203.226723] <--RTUSBVenderReset
[ 203.465350] BBP_R254 = 80 [ 203.983312] Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
[ 203.988575] Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
[ 203.993844] Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
[ 203.999115] Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
[ 204.007130] 1. Phy Mode = 5 [ 204.009915] 2. Phy Mode = 5 [ 204.012715] NVM is Efuse and its size =3c[3c0-3fb]
[ 204.044475] Power = e0e
[ 204.046913] Power2 = 1010 [ 204.050724] Power = e0e
[ 204.053169] Power2 = 1010 [ 204.057099] Power = e0e
[ 204.059536] Power2 = 1010 [ 204.063349] Power = e0e
[ 204.065786] Power2 = 1010 [ 204.069599] Power = e0e
[ 204.072044] Power2 = 1010 [ 204.075974] Power = e0e
[ 204.078411] Power2 = 1010 [ 204.139103] 3. Phy Mode = 5 [ 204.144351] AntCfgInit: primary/secondary ant 0/1 [ 204.144356] bAutoTxAgcG = 0 [ 204.177205] ---> InitFrequencyCalibration
[ 204.183224] InitFrequencyCalibration: frequency offset in the EEPROM = 18 [ 204.190005] <--- InitFrequencyCalibration
[ 204.194070] RTMPSetPhyMode: channel is out of range, use first channel=1 [ 204.206609] MCS Set = ff ff 00 00 01 [ 204.220889] <==== rt28xx_init, Status=0 [ 204.231750] 0x1300 = 00064300 + udhcpc -i ra0
udhcpc (v1.16.1) started
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
[ 211.491007] Rcv Wcid(1) AddBAReq
[ 211.494240] Start Seq = 00000001 [ 211.497501] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8d2d138!
[ 211.518127] RTMP_TimerListAdd: add timer obj c8d2bd24!

Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 864000 deleting routers route: SIOCDELRT: No such process
gw is dev is ra0
adding dns adding dns #
# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
rtnet55sta 39332 1 rt55sta 1788087 1 rtnet55sta
rtutil55sta 34360 2 rtnet55sta,rt55sta
# ifconfig ra0
ra0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 7C:DD:90:4F:83:A1
          inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:700 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:54 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:113942 (111.2 KiB)  TX bytes:14145 (13.8 KiB)

# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface UG 0 0 0 ra0 U 0 0 0 ra0
# iwconfig ra0
ra0       Ralink STA  ESSID:"IPDECODER5592" Nickname:"RT2870STA" Mode:Managed  Frequency=2.412 GHz  Access Point: 7C:DD:90:4F:83:A4
          Bit Rate=270 Mb/s
          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Encryption key:AF88-7860-AC37-CE08-AC23-C471-22D6-6AAE [2]   Security mode:open
          Link Quality=100/100 Signal level:-53 dBm  Noise level:-58 dBm
          Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 #
# ping PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=63 time=18.242 ms 64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=63 time=17.055 ms 64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=63 time=15.425 ms 64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=63 time=9.424 ms 64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=63 time=12.796 ms
# iwpriv ra0 driverVer
ra0       driverVer:Driver version-, Nov 20 2014 11:55:38 #
阅读(3924) | 评论(0) | 转发(0) |