kermit connect log
-- 说明如何通过 kermit 连接到目标板
author: cjash
date : 2009-06-29
(/home/cjash/Desktop/) C-Kermit>cd /tftpboot/
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>ls
total 126856
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2009-05-13 09:36 aa
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 83940830 2009-05-18 15:45 DE00A8C0.img
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 315203 2009-05-23 10:24 hello
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 120476 2009-06-29 10:35 memtest
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23420229 2009-05-13 09:36 openwrt-upgrade-package-0505.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1933312 2009-05-21 18:33 rootfs.cramfs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 336096 2009-06-24 15:27 u-boot.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16687453 2009-05-13 09:39 uImage
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2970883 2009-06-24 10:39 vmlinux.64.gz
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>connect
Sorry, you must SET LINE or SET HOST first
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>c
Sorry, you must SET LINE or SET HOST first
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>send memtest
Return to your local Kermit and give a RECEIVE command.
SENT: (0 files) G
SEND-class command failed.
Packets sent: 2
Retransmissions: 11
Timeouts: 12
Damaged packets: 0
Fatal Kermit Protocol Error: Too many retries
HINTS... If the preceding error message does not explain the failure:
. Adjust the timeout method (see HELP SET SEND).
. Increase the retry limit (see HELP SET RETRY).
. Try it again with SET STREAMING OFF.
. Try it again with SET PARITY SPACE.
. As a last resort, give a ROBUST command and try again.
. Be sure the source file has read permission.
. Be sure the target directory has write permission.
(Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress hints.)
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>run xmodem
bash: xmodem: command not found
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>help run
Syntax: !, @, RUN, PUSH, or SPAWN, optionally followed by a command.
Gives the command to the local operating system's command processor, and
displays the results on the screen. If the command is omitted, enters the
system's command line interpreter or shell; exit from it (the command for
this is usually EXIT or QUIT or LOGOUT) to return to Kermit.
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>run
chjianash:/tftpboot # ls
aa hello openwrt-upgrade-package-0505.tar.bz2 u-boot.bin vmlinux.64.gz
DE00A8C0.img memtest rootfs.cramfs uImage
chjianash:/tftpboot # exit
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>run ls
aa hello openwrt-upgrade-package-0505.tar.bz2 u-boot.bin vmlinux.64.gz
DE00A8C0.img memtest rootfs.cramfs uImage
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>c
Sorry, you must SET LINE or SET HOST first
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>set line
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>set LINE /dev/ttyS0
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>c
Connecting to /dev/ttyS0, speed 115200
Escape character: Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS): enabled
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.
?Carrier required but not detected.
Hint: To CONNECT to a serial device that
is not presenting the Carrier Detect signal,
first tell C-Kermit to:
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>set carrier-watch off
(/tftpboot/) C-Kermit>connect
Connecting to /dev/ttyS0, speed 115200
Escape character: Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS): enabled
Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
or followed by ? to see other options.
Octeon ebt5800# ls
Unknown command 'ls' - try 'help'
Octeon ebt5800#
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