This serial driver supports a wide range of USB to serial adapters. It
also allows communication with the Handspring Visor. You need to turn on
USB Serial Converter support, and then select
whichever of the various particular drivers you need. The
Generic Serial Driver can be used with a wide
range of converters, by specifying the vendor and product ID codes when
you load the USB serial converter module:
insmod usb-serial.o vendor=0xVVVV product-0xPPPP,
where you need to change the VVVV and
PPPP to match your device.
The serial port driver uses a major number of 188. Up to sixteen serial
ports are supported. To create the appropriate device entries, use the
following commands:
mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 c 188 0 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB1 c 188 1 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB2 c 188 2 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB3 c 188 3 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB4 c 188 4 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB5 c 188 5 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB6 c 188 6 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB7 c 188 7 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB8 c 188 8 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB9 c 188 9 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB10 c 188 10 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB11 c 188 11 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB12 c 188 12 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB13 c 188 13 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB14 c 188 14 mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB15 c 188 15 |
You should now be able to plug in a serial device into the adapter,
and use the /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 just as if it were a
normal serial port.
To communicate with the Handspring Visor, you need an additional application
package known as . Installation and use of this
package is covered later in this guide.
测试环境:redhat linux fedora core 4
1. 检查是否存在设备/dev/ttyUSB0,如果没有就建立一个:
mknod /dev/ttyUSB0 c 188 0
如:mknod /dev/ttyUSB[1-n] c 188 [1-n]
2. 启动minicom, 设置串口设备为 /dev/ttyUSB0, 再设置波特率/数据位/停止位,保存为缺省配置df1
3. 重启minicom, 复位目标板,看是否有打印信息?
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