[oracle@node1 bin]$ ./crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora....B1.inst application ONLINE ONLINE node1
ora.RACDB.db application ONLINE ONLINE node1
ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE node1
ora....E1.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE node1
ora.node1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE node1
ora.node1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE node1
ora.node1.vip application ONLINE ONLINE node1
[oracle@node1 bin]$ emca -repos create
STARTED EMCA at Nov 5, 2009 9:49:59 AM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter the following information:
Database SID: RACDB1
Listener port number: 1521
Password for SYS user:
Password for SYSMAN user:
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: yes
Nov 5, 2009 9:50:13 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
INFO: This operation is being logged at /opt/ora10g/product/10.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/emca/RACDB/emca_2009-11-05_09-49-59-AM.log.
Nov 5, 2009 9:50:14 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig createRepository
INFO: Creating the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
Nov 5, 2009 9:55:05 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
INFO: Repository successfully created
Enterprise Manager configuration completed successfully
FINISHED EMCA at Nov 5, 2009 9:55:05 AM
[oracle@node1 bin]$
[oracle@node1 bin]$ emca -config dbcontrol db -cluster
STARTED EMCA at Nov 5, 2009 10:03:15 AM
EM Configuration Assistant, Version Production
Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter the following information:
Database unique name: racdb
Listener port number: 1521
Cluster name: crs
Password for SYS user:
Password for DBSNMP user:
Password for SYSMAN user:
Password for SYSMAN user: Email address for notifications (optional):
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications (optional):
ASM ORACLE_HOME [ /opt/ora10g/product/10.2.0/db_1 ]:
ASM port [ 1521 ]:
ASM user role [ SYSDBA ]:
ASM username [ SYS ]:
ASM user password:
ASM user password: -----------------------------------------------------------------
You have specified the following settings
Database ORACLE_HOME ................ /opt/ora10g/product/10.2.0/db_1
Database instance hostname ................ node1
Listener port number ................ 1521
Cluster name ................ crs
Database unique name ................ racdb
Email address for notifications ...............
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server for notifications ...............
ASM ORACLE_HOME ................ /opt/ora10g/product/10.2.0/db_1
ASM port ................ 1521
ASM user role ................ SYSDBA
ASM username ................ SYS
Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: yes
Nov 5, 2009 10:04:15 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
INFO: This operation is being logged at /opt/ora10g/product/10.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/emca/racdb/emca_2009-11-05_10-03-15-AM.log.
Nov 5, 2009 10:04:26 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBCConfig instantiateOC4JConfigFiles
INFO: Propagating /opt/ora10g/product/10.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole_node1_RACDB1 to remote nodes ...
Nov 5, 2009 10:04:26 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBCConfig copyAndPropagateOC4JDir
INFO: Propagating /opt/ora10g/product/10.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/isqlplus_node1 to remote nodes ...
Nov 5, 2009 10:04:36 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMAgentConfig deployStateDirs
INFO: Propagating /opt/ora10g/product/10.2.0/db_1/node1_RACDB1 to remote nodes ...
Nov 5, 2009 10:04:36 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil startOMS
INFO: Starting Database Control (this may take a while) ...
Nov 5, 2009 10:06:34 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
INFO: Database Control started successfully
Nov 5, 2009 10:06:34 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig performConfiguration
INFO: >>>>>>>>>>> The Database Control URL is <<<<<<<<<<<
Nov 5, 2009 10:06:34 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig showClusterDBCAgentMessage
**************** Current Configuration ****************
---------- ---------- ---------------------
RACDB1 node1 node1
Enterprise Manager configuration completed successfully
FINISHED EMCA at Nov 5, 2009 10:06:35 AM
[oracle@node1 bin]$
NOTE: When running 'emca -config dbcontrol db -repos recreate' or 'emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop' to recreate or drop the Enterprise Manager
Database Control configuration files and repository the operation hangs and at the same time users are not able to login to the database.
when recreating or dropping the repository, requires the database to be quiesced. This means that, temporarily, no operations are possible on the
database and new users cannot login, active sessions on the database at the time the quiesce operation will hang pending their completion.
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