my production database hang. when the OS restart the oracle datafile of the redo
file broken. i try to alter database open resetlogs, but the database's datafiles are not consistent. Unfortunatly, this database do not backup completely recently.
Adding this parameter in pfile and startup with it. this prameter force database to open
without current online redolog and datafiles are inconsistent.
2)recover database
alter database openresetlogs;
after doing this operation, i can get the ORA- error in alert file.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2256], [0], [3221225472], [5], [3880116460], [],
[], []
the fourth parameter [5] shows that what level we should rollback.
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
alter session set events '10015 trace name adjust_scn level 24';
level 24 is computed by the fourth parameter from the ORA-00600 error.
Remark: level 1 will rollback 1 billion ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )SCN.
we can query this parameter from this view.
select KSPPDESC from X$KSPPI where ksppinm='_allow_resetlogs_corruption';
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