Exercise 10
New write an answer from the notes you made in exercise 9,Pay particular sttention to organising your ideas clearly and the different ways of doing this which have been discussed.
Take a maximum of 30 minutes and make sure you write a minimum of 250 words.
When you have finished exercises 9 and 10 check your answers with a friend or with your teacher.New repeat exercises 9 and 10 for the other two tasks from 6-8 above.Time yourself and check your answers with a friend or a teacher.
As well as writing a clear,relevant answer it is important that your English is accurate.You should ensure that you write in an appropriate style,and that your grammar and spelling are correct.
Style: In task I you have to give a fairly teachnical description.In task 1 you must write an essay or argument for a university teacher,or an essay for a non-specialist reader. For both tasks you must use formal academic English. Write formally even when stating your own ideas; make use of the passive for descriptions and use full forms (e.g.they are rather than they're)
Grammar and spelling:
You must remember to use appropriate tenses and ensure that your subjects and verbs agree .Check the usr of prepositions and articles, that you have the correct form for adjectives and adverbs, and , of course, your spelling.If you have particular problems with any of these consult a grammar book(see the bibliography).If you do not notice your errors while you are writing, you will have a chance to correct them during the final process.
Check your answers
As for the reading, you should make sure you allow yourself a short time at the end of each question(about three to five minues for task 1 and at least five minutes for task 2) to check your answerw.You should use the time particularly to check that you have used correct forms, as well as to make sure that you have written the required number of words(150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2)
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