It´s just 1km northe of Reykjavik´s sundahöfn Harbour, but it feels like another world. Strange moder artworks, and abandoned village and shipwreck sites add to its melancholy spell.Here life shows right down -the only sound are the wind, the waves, and golden bumblebees buzzing among the tufted vetch and hawkweed.
Viðey had an explosive begining -it´s actually the tip of a long-extinct volcano.Despite its tiny size the island has played a prominent part in Iceland´s history. its main roles were as a pilgrimage place and religious battleground.
In 1225 a wealthy Augustinian monastery was founded here;it kept the coffers full by imposing a cheese tax on a massive area of land round about. During the 16th-century Reformation the monastery was sached by Danish Lutherans and all its riches taken.In-censed by this cultural and religious outtrage Iceland´s last Catholic bishop jón Arason, made a stand.He seized the island in 1550 and tuilt the fort virkið cno langer visibles to protect it. But he was captured and -then beheaded in November that year.
skúll Magnússon, the founder of the modern city of Reykjavík, buitt the fine monsion Viðeyarstofa here in 1751-55. It´s now Iceland´s oldest stone buliding. the island existed quietly for the next few centuries before it was donated the city of Reykjavík in 1986, on the 200th anniversary of Its municipal charter.
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