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2008-01-06 04:18:12

Unit 16  Don't think so little of yourself. 


1、别太小瞧自己了:  Don't think so little of yourself. 

2、这么点小事不麻烦他:  I can't bother you with my little affairs. 

3、那里有没有小溪和两岸的柳树:  Was there a little stream with willows on both sides? 

4、喜欢这个国家,但很少有机会去:  I like the country, but I have little opportunity to go there. 

5、还有一点儿:  There is still a little. 

6、那太少了:  That's too little. 

7、你没有钱:  I have little money. 

8、你对政治形势知之甚少:  I know little of the political situation. 

9、你很少见他:  I see very little of him. 



Unit 17  How long does it take you to get there? 


1.要多久才能到那里:  How long does it take you to get there? 

2、但是开车只需要十多分钟:  But it takes ten minutes' drive to get there. 


It takes the computer only a few seconds to confirm the reservation.

4、最长用不了一年就完工了:  It won't take more than a year to finish it. 

5、他花了十年才成为有名的钢琴家:  It took him ten years to become a famous pianist. 

6、飞机要飞十多个小时的:  The flight will take you more than ten hours. 

7、要很久才能修好吗:  Will it take long for you to repair the machine? 

8、他用了很长时间才打定主意:  It took me a long time to make up my mind. 





It took me an hour to find you. (无奈情绪) 

She spends 10 hours playing the piano. (喜欢弹琴,一练就是10小时) 

如果说It took her ten hours to play the piano则意为:由于难,内容多,不得不用上10个小时 

reservation n. 保留(意见) 


famous adj. 有名的,著名的 


infamous 意为:声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的 


Unit 18  I'm afraid I can't stay.


1、你恐怕不能再久留了:  I'm afraid I can't stay. 

2、恐怕你给他带来一个坏消息:  I'm afraid I've got bad news for you. 

3、恐怕得卧床一周:  I'm afraid you have to stay in bed for a week. 

4、恐怕有某种误会:  I'm afraid there's some sort of misunderstanding. 

5、恐怕他是不得要领:  I'm afraid you don't see my point. 

6、恐怕跳舞你不是内行:  I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer. 

7、恐怕你不能同去:  I'm afraid I can't go together with you. 

8、恐怕要误火车了:  I'm afraid we'll miss the train. 



afraid adj. 

I'm afraid 后面跟从句,或做插入语,使语气更加婉转;或回答别人问题时说I'm afraid not I'm afraid so 

例如:Most of us are afraid to eat snake.多数人不敢吃蛇(意味相当于因害怕而不敢,不乐意做)John is afraid of

losing his job. John总是提心吊胆怕丢了饭碗(担心或忧虑某事发生)



Unit 19  Take the medicine again at five. 


15点钟再吃一次药:  Take the medicine again at five. 

2、他们要下定决心不能再这样做了:  Make up your mind not to do it again. 

3、又一次见到他很高兴:  I'm glad to meet you again. 

4、另外,还有一件事要告诉你:  And again, I've another thing to tell you. 

5、不算多,你可以再吃那么多:  That isn't muchI could eat as much again. 

6、他把信从头到尾读了一遍又一遍:  He read the letter through again and again. 

7、让我们再来试一次:  Let's try again. 

8、把同样的问题反复地想:  Time and time again, you think about the same question. 


again: adv. 再次,又一次;重新;另外,还 


again and again 反复地,一再地 

as much again 多一倍 

now and again 不时地,间或 

once again   再来一次 

over and over again 一再地 

time and time again 一再地,多次 


I shall never do it again 我将永远不做它 

I shall not do it again forever 我将来并不永远做它 



Unit 20 

The car takes a lot of oil. 

1、这车太耗油:  The car takes a lot of oil. 

2、写一本书肯定是会耗时的:  Writing a book will surely take a lot of time. 

3、花费很大的力气才能说服他:  It takes a lot of convincing. 

4、难以置信:  It takes some believing. 

5、不用急:  Take you time. 

6、这飞机能容下200人:  The airplane takes two hundred people. 

7、既来之,则安之:  Take things as they come. 

8、别把事情看得太重:  Let's not take anything too seriously. 

9、你是认真的,不开玩笑:  I take the seriously. I'm not kidding. 


take v. 占用,花掉,用上了(时间,金钱) 


有谚语说:It takes two to quarrel 相当于汉语的:孤掌难鸣 

美国人说:I won't be taken for a ride. 的意思是:我可不上当 

Taken by itself 就本身来说 

You 're kidding 美语中用于关系比较亲近的朋友间,当你对所说的话不赞同,不认可时说,相当于汉语的:我才不相信!别开玩笑了。



Unit 21 We're looking forward to it too.



I'm looking forward to it too. 


We're looking forward to being to cooperate with you. 


I'm looking forward to the expansion of the trade relationship. 


I'm looking forward to spending the holiday at home. 


We're looking forward go seeing him as soon as possible. 


We look forward to the cooperation between us in the future. 


The children had been looking forward to the party. 


The people are looking forward to an early reply. 



look forward to 盼望,期待(加名词或动名词) 

expansion n. 扩大,膨胀,扩张 


Unit 22 

是否介意打电话给他Do you mind if I call you later? 

我不想跳你不要介意Do you mind if we don't dance? 

是否介意晚睡Would you mind if I stay up late? 

介意我抽烟吗Do you mind if I smoke here? 

你可以在这里等一下吗Would you mind if I keep you waiting here?  

你可以帮我寄一封信吗Do you mind mailing the letter for me? 

你可以借给我自行车吗Do you mind if I use you bike? 


Unit 23 

他们都是善良人     The Jacksons are sweet people. 

他们待人和蔼      Tom is always sweet to all of us. 

你真好心           It's sweet of you. 

照片中你很好看     You look so sweet in the picture. 

他有一个甜美的嗓音She has a sweet voice. 

这音乐多美      How sweet the music sounds! 

这水果又鲜又嫩  The fruit is sweet and tender. 

想去闻花香I want to have a walk and smell the fragrance of flowers. 


Unit 24 

你们兄弟长得太象了   Your brothers look very much alike. 

这个小区房子很象     All the houses in this project are alike. 

他们到处都是一个模样 All these men are alike in the world. 

相信他们性情也差不多 I belive they are alike in character. 

所有音乐对他都一样   All music is alike to me. 

他对大家一视同仁     He treats everyone alike. 

你们连走路样子都很象 The ways you walk is very much alike. 

机会面前人人平等     The sun shines over all alike.


Unit 25 

越快越好         The sooner the better. 

多多益善         The more the better.

他离开得越早越好 The sooner he leaves here the better. 

越想越不喜欢它   The more I think about it, the less I like it.

越不富于智慧就不知需要知慧The less witty a man is, the less he knows what he wants. 

笑得越多吃得越少The more you laugh; the less you eat, the better you'll be. 

他得到越多想要越多The more he gets, the more he wants. 

越读越糊涂The more he reads, the less he understands. 


Unit 26 

You don't have to worry about money. 

不必再为钱发愁You don't have to worry about money. 

担心妹妹的无知What we're worrying about is her innocence. 

干吗为未来发愁呢Why worry abort the future. 

你父亲为此事很着急Your father is really worried. 

实在担心I'm awfully worried. 

我有一个好主意Don't worry; I've got a good idea. 

别为我担心我能行Don't be worried about me; I'm all right. 

我弹钢琴是否打扰Will it worry you if I play the piano? 


Unit 27 


不必客气It's my pleasure.

乐意跟你一起干事It's a pleasure to work with you. 

有你在他高兴Your visit will be my pleasure. 

这是生平最大乐趣It's my greatest pleasure in my life. 

乐意效力I'll do it with pleasure. 

能否有幸日后相见May I have the pleasure of seeing you later? 

可否有幸共进午餐May I have the pleasure of your company for lunch? 

听到你成功他很快乐It gave me much pleasure to hear of your success. 


Unit 28 

希望你来Will you join us for dinner? 

我马上到I'll join you in a few minutes. 

回家吃吗Will you join us at lunch? 

晚一会I'll join you shortly. 

我能参加吗May I join in the game? 

愿一起打桥牌吗Will you join us in a game of bridge? 

谁同意他进来的Who said you could join in? 

希望都参加I hope you'll all join in the chorus. 


Unit 29 


I'm just killing time. 

消磨时间I'm just killing time. 

仅为打发时间吗Are you just killing time by coming here? 

周围转转打发时间To kill time we may walk around here. 

打牌消磨时间Let's play cards to kill time. 

余下时间如何打发How shall we kill the rest of the time? 

聊天可消磨时间Is it a good way to kill time by talking? 

聊天消磨时间太蠢It's a stupid way to kill time by talking. 

只是消磨时光而己They're just killing time. 


Unit 30 

告诉你地址World you kindly give me her address? 

你能把门关上吗Would you kindly close the door? 

劳驾把东西从桌上拿开Kindly remove those from the desk, world you? 

不要出噪音Would you kindly stop that horrible noise? 

千万记下他的地址Would you kindly write down her address? 

不要再讲话Will you kindly help me in this difficulty? 

能否帮个忙Would you kindly help me in this difficulty? 

这边走Kindly come this way please.


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