花了一天时间把vim for c, java的ide搭建起来了,有很多不错的功能,大致能让我从eclipse上转过来了。可以方便的看linux源码和hadoop源码了。嘿嘿
我的cat ~/.vimrc
[dachuan@dachuanvm branch-0.1-trace]$ cat ~/.vimrc "for normal setting set encoding=gb2312 syn on set guifont=Luxi\ Mono\ 9 set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set autoindent set backspace=2 set smartindent set ai! set nu! set showmatch set ruler set incsearch set vb t_vb=
syntax enable syntax on "colorscheme desert
"for taglist let Tlist_Show_One_File=1 let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow=1
"for winmanager let g:winManagerWindowLayout='FileExplorer|TagList' nmap wm :WMToggle<cr>
"for cscope set cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-
nmap s :cs find s =expand("<cword>") nmap g :cs find g =expand("<cword>") nmap c :cs find c =expand("<cword>") nmap t :cs find t =expand("<cword>") nmap e :cs find e =expand("<cword>") nmap f :cs find f =expand("<cfile>") nmap i :cs find i ^=expand("<cfile>")$ nmap d :cs find d =expand("<cword>")
"for minibuffer let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBufs = 1 let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim = 1 let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows = 1
"for a: c/h nnoremap :A
"for grep nnoremap <silent> <F3> :Grep<CR>
"for omni-complete "these two following lines are for c/c++ code completion only. "and with ctrl+x ctrl+o support. "no code completion for c/c++ without these two lines "filetype plugin indent on "set completeopt=longest,menu
"for supertab "let g:SuperTabRetainCompletionType=2 "let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType="<C-X><C-O>"
"for javacomplete " Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands. ":if has("autocmd") ": autocmd Filetype java setlocal omnifunc=javacomplete#Complete ":endif
":setlocal completefunc=javacomplete#CompleteParamsInfo
"for vjde ":let g:vjde_completion_key=''
"for vim ant "autocmd BufRead *.java set efm=%A\ %#[javac]\ %f:%l:\ %m,%-Z\ %#[javac]\ %p^,%-C%.%# "autocmd BufRead set makeprg=ant\ -find\ build.xml
"for vim java src code. ctags "this is for normal javaproject "autocmd FileType java set tags=/home/dachuan/jdk1.6.0_18/.tags "this is for branch-0.1-trace java project :set tags=~/jdk1.6.0_18/.tags,~/branch-0.1-trace/.tags
"for vim java src code. cscope "this is for branch-0.1-trace java project :cs add ~/branch-0.1-trace/cscope.out ~/branch-0.1-trace
"for tab auto-completion, copy from web. http://blog.vinceliu.com/2008/12/tab-completion-for-vim-updated.html " Modified tab completion. It works fine now. My_TabComplete() let line = getline('.') " curline let substr = strpart(line, -1, col('.')+1) " from start to cursor let substr = matchstr(substr, "[^ \t]*$") " word till cursor if (strlen(substr)==0) " nothing to match on empty string return "\" endif let bool = match(substr, '\.') " position of period, if any if (bool==-1) return "\<C-X>\<C-P>" " existing text matching else return "\\"
我的tree ~/.vim
[dachuan@dachuanvm branch-0.1-trace]$ tree ~/.vim /home/dachuan/.vim |-- autoload | `-- xml | |-- jsf_c.vim | |-- jsf_h.vim | |-- stl_c.vim | |-- stl_fmt.vim | |-- stl_sql.vim | |-- stl_x.vim | |-- tc.vim | `-- tx.vim |-- compiler | `-- javac_ex.vim |-- doc | |-- arabic.cnx | |-- autocmd.cnx | |-- change.cnx | |-- cmdline.cnx | |-- debug.cnx | |-- debugger.cnx | |-- develop.cnx | |-- diff.cnx | |-- digraph.cnx | |-- editing.cnx | |-- eval.cnx | |-- farsi.cnx | |-- filetype.cnx | |-- fold.cnx | |-- ft_ada.cnx | |-- ft_sql.cnx | |-- gui.cnx | |-- gui_w16.cnx | |-- gui_w32.cnx | |-- gui_x11.cnx | |-- hangulin.cnx | |-- hebrew.cnx | |-- help.cnx | |-- howto.cnx | |-- if_cscop.cnx | |-- if_mzsch.cnx | |-- if_ole.cnx | |-- if_perl.cnx | |-- if_pyth.cnx | |-- if_ruby.cnx | |-- if_sniff.cnx | |-- if_tcl.cnx | |-- indent.cnx | |-- index.cnx | |-- insert.cnx | |-- intro.cnx | |-- map.cnx | |-- mbyte.cnx | |-- message.cnx | |-- mlang.cnx | |-- motion.cnx | |-- netbeans.cnx | |-- options.cnx | |-- os_390.cnx | |-- os_amiga.cnx | |-- os_beos.cnx | |-- os_dos.cnx | |-- os_mac.cnx | |-- os_mint.cnx | |-- os_msdos.cnx | |-- os_os2.cnx | |-- os_qnx.cnx | |-- os_risc.cnx | |-- os_unix.cnx | |-- os_vms.cnx | |-- os_win32.cnx | |-- pattern.cnx | |-- pi_getscript.cnx | |-- pi_gzip.cnx | |-- pi_netrw.cnx | |-- pi_paren.cnx | |-- pi_spec.cnx | |-- pi_tar.cnx | |-- pi_vimball.cnx | |-- pi_zip.cnx | |-- print.cnx | |-- quickfix.cnx | |-- quickref.cnx | |-- quotes.cnx | |-- recover.cnx | |-- remote.cnx | |-- repeat.cnx | |-- rileft.cnx | |-- russian.cnx | |-- scroll.cnx | |-- sign.cnx | |-- spell.cnx | |-- sponsor.cnx | |-- starting.cnx | |-- supertab.txt | |-- syntax.cnx | |-- tabpage.cnx | |-- taglist.txt | |-- tags | |-- tags-cn | |-- tagsrch.cnx | |-- term.cnx | |-- tips.cnx | |-- todo.cnx | |-- uganda.cnx | |-- undo.cnx | |-- usr_01.cnx | |-- usr_02.cnx | |-- usr_03.cnx | |-- usr_04.cnx | |-- usr_05.cnx | |-- usr_06.cnx | |-- usr_07.cnx | |-- usr_08.cnx | |-- usr_09.cnx | |-- usr_10.cnx | |-- usr_11.cnx | |-- usr_12.cnx | |-- usr_20.cnx | |-- usr_21.cnx | |-- usr_22.cnx | |-- usr_23.cnx | |-- usr_24.cnx | |-- usr_25.cnx | |-- usr_26.cnx | |-- usr_27.cnx | |-- usr_28.cnx | |-- usr_29.cnx | |-- usr_30.cnx | |-- usr_31.cnx | |-- usr_32.cnx | |-- usr_40.cnx | |-- usr_41.cnx | |-- usr_42.cnx | |-- usr_43.cnx | |-- usr_44.cnx | |-- usr_45.cnx | |-- usr_90.cnx | |-- usr_toc.cnx | |-- various.cnx | |-- vcde.txt | |-- version4.cnx | |-- version5.cnx | |-- version6.cnx | |-- version7.cnx | |-- vi_diff.cnx | |-- visual.cnx | |-- vjde.txt | |-- windows.cnx | |-- winmanager.txt | `-- workshop.cnx |-- plugin | |-- a.vim | |-- autoclose.vim | |-- grep.vim | |-- minibufexpl.vim | |-- taglist.vim | |-- visualmark.vim | |-- vjde | | |-- genvimdata.rb | | |-- jcommenter.vim | | |-- project.vim | | |-- readtags | | |-- readtags.exe | | |-- tipswnd.dll | | |-- tld2xmldata.rb | | |-- tlds | | | |-- gtkdoc.txt | | | |-- java.iab | | | |-- java.vjde | | | |-- permittedTaglibs.tld | | | |-- scriptfree.tld | | | |-- xdoclet.def | | | |-- xsd.def | | | |-- xsl.def | | | |-- xul.def | | | `-- xul_ref.def | | |-- vjde.jar | | |-- vjde_completion.rb | | |-- vjde_completion.vim | | |-- vjde_cpp_completion.vim | | |-- vjde_cpp_doc_reader.rb | | |-- vjde_cs_completion.vim | | |-- vjde_ctags_completion.vim | | |-- vjde_ctags_support.rb | | |-- vjde_ctags_support.vim | | |-- vjde_html_cfu.rb | | |-- vjde_iab.vim | | |-- vjde_java_completion.vim | | |-- vjde_java_iab.vim | | |-- vjde_java_utils.vim | | |-- vjde_javadoc.rb | | |-- vjde_javadoc.vim | | |-- vjde_menu_def.vim | | |-- vjde_preview.vim | | |-- vjde_ruby_completion.vim | | |-- vjde_struts2.rb | | |-- vjde_tag_loader.vim | | |-- vjde_taglib_cfu.rb | | |-- vjde_template.rb | | |-- vjde_template.vim | | |-- vjde_template_tool.vim | | |-- vjde_window.vim | | |-- vjde_xml_cfu.rb | | `-- wspawn.exe | |-- vjde.vim | |-- vjde_floatingwin.vim | |-- vjde_todolist.vim | |-- vjde_util.vim | |-- winfileexplorer.vim | |-- winmanager.vim | `-- wintagexplorer.vim `-- syntax |-- c.vim |-- preview.vim `-- vjde.vim
8 directories, 206 files
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