2008-06-26 17:29:00
This tutorial would detail the procedure for adding more infotypes in PA30.
Go to transaction PA30.
By default, following are the tabs (for various infotypes) are available for maintenance:
We can add new infotypes to the above screen by using the infotype V_T588B.
For this, we need to know the user group for which the user belongs. For this click on System -> User Profile -> Own data. Click on Parameters tab:
Check the value assigned for UGR.
Let us check the same:
Go to transaction SM30 and enter the view V_588B.
Enter the value 01 (Basic Personal data)
Click on Continue.
Here you can observe the infotypes related to Basic personal data being assigned to different user groups.
Scroll down the list for more information:
Thus any infotypes that you would look to appear in PA30 needs to be maintained here as per the infotype category.