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2011-08-24 17:54:49

   一 我的新电脑
   由于前段时间看过部分oprofile的文章,感觉很感兴趣,就想自己也做做实验,于是读了一下intel manual 3B的关于硬件性能检测的部分,无比兴奋的就开始了实验,可是老是不成功,自己设的事件采集老是失败,后来才知道我的台式机和笔记本都不支持硬件性能检测。不过幸运的是现在机会终于来了,现在用的是intel  E6550的CPU,两个物理核心,每个物理核又有两个逻辑核,有点可惜的是,不支持超线程的技术,现在流行的intel core i7是四核,8线程的,让我羡慕不已阿!

cpu family :代表处理器属于哪一个系列,6指的是6系列,主要包括:Pentium Pro、Pentium II、Pentium II Xeon、Pentium III和Pentium III Xeon处理器
model:型号,可用来确定处理器的制作技术以及属于该系列的第几代设计(或核心,通常和cpu family配合使用
core id: 是我们通常说的CPU ID
cpu cores:这个处理器上有几个核
apic id: 高级可编程中断控制器的编号
cpuid level:这个东西没怎么搞清楚,如果有明白的朋友清给我留言。

二 oprofile
1 现面来看看我的机器支持的硬件事件,大体上解释解释

1 CPU_CLK_UNHALTED: (counter: all)
    Clock cycles when not halted (min count: 6000)
    Unit masks (default 0x0)
    0x00: Unhalted core cycles
    0x01: Unhalted bus cycles
    0x02: Unhalted bus cycles of this core while the other core is halted
(1)不在unhalted 状态的cpu的周期数
2 INST_RETIRED.ANY_P: (counter: all)
    number of instructions retired (min count: 6000)

3 L2_RQSTS: (counter: all)
    number of L2 cache requests (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x7f)
    0xc0: core: all cores
    0x40: core: this core
    0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
    0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
    0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2 cache请求的数目,又分为以下几种情况:
(1)所有核的L2 cache的请求
(2)当前核的L2 cache的请求
(3)所有核预取时对L2 cache的请求
(4)仅包含硬件预取时,L2 cache的请求
(5)预取时,除硬件预取之外的其他的L2 cache请求
(6)访问处于M态的L2 cache请求的次数
(7)访问处于E态的L2 cache请求的次数
4 LLC_MISSES: (counter: all)
    L2 cache demand requests from this core that missed the L2 (min count: 6000)
    Unit masks (default 0x41)
    0x41: No unit mask
5 LLC_REFS: (counter: all)
    L2 cache demand requests from this core (min count: 6000)
    Unit masks (default 0x4f)
    0x4f: No unit mask
当前核上L2 请求的数量

6 MISALIGN_MEM_REF: (counter: all)
    number of misaligned data memory references (min count: 500)

7 SEGMENT_REG_LOADS: (counter: all)
    number of segment register loads (min count: 500)

8 DTLB_MISSES: (counter: all)
    DTLB miss events (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xf)
    0x01: ANY    Memory accesses that missed the DTLB.
    0x02: MISS_LD    DTLB misses due to load operations.
    0x04: L0_MISS_LD L0 DTLB misses due to load operations.
    0x08: MISS_ST    TLB misses due to store operations.
DTLB 未命中的数量,有分为以下几种情况:
(3)加载操作时L0 DTLB的缺失数

9 PAGE_WALKS: (counter: all)
    Page table walk events (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x2)
    0x01: COUNT    Number of page-walks executed.
    0x02: CYCLES    Duration of page-walks in core cycles.

MUL: (counter: all)
    number of multiplies (min count: 1000)
DIV: (counter: all)
    number of divides (min count: 500)
CYCLES_DIV_BUSY: (counter: all)
    cycles divider is busy (min count: 1000)
IDLE_DURING_DIV: (counter: all)
    cycles divider is busy and all other execution units are idle. (min count: 1000)


11 L2_ADS: (counter: all)
    Cycles the L2 address bus is in use. (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x40)
    0xc0: All cores
    0x40: This core
L2 地址线的使用的cycle数

12 L2_DBUS_BUSY_RD: (counter: all)
    Cycles the L2 transfers data to the core. (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x40)
    0xc0: All cores
    0x40: This core
L2 数据总线向内核传送数据的周期数

13 L2_LINES_IN: (counter: all)
    number of allocated lines in L2 (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x70)
    0xc0: core: all cores
    0x40: core: this core
    0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
    0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
    0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
L2 line 分配的次数(应该是写分配的协议)

14 L2_M_LINES_IN: (counter: all)
    number of modified lines allocated in L2 (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x40)
    0xc0: All cores
    0x40: This core
处于M态的L2 line分配的次数

15 L2_LINES_OUT: (counter: all)
    number of recovered lines from L2 (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x70)
    0xc0: core: all cores
    0x40: core: this core
    0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
    0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
    0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
L2 line被覆盖的次数

L2_M_LINES_OUT: (counter: all)
    number of modified lines removed from L2 (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x70)
    0xc0: core: all cores
    0x40: core: this core
    0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
    0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
    0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
处于M态的L2 line被覆盖的次数,这时被覆盖的话,根据不同的cache一致性协议,或者协会内存,或者到别的状态。

16 L2_IFETCH: (counter: all)
    number of L2 cacheable instruction fetches (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x4f)
    0xc0: core: all cores
    0x40: core: this core
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid

17 L2_LD: (counter: all)
    number of L2 data loads (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x7f)
    0xc0: core: all cores
    0x40: core: this core
    0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
    0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
    0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
18 L2_ST: (counter: all)
    number of L2 data stores (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x4f)
    0xc0: core: all cores
    0x40: core: this core
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2_LOCK: (counter: all)
    number of locked L2 data accesses (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x4f)
    0xc0: core: all cores
    0x40: core: this core
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
19 L2_REJECT_BUSQ: (counter: all)
    Rejected L2 cache requests (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x7f)
    0xc0: core: all cores
    0x40: core: this core
    0x30: prefetch: all inclusive
    0x10: prefetch: Hardware prefetch only
    0x00: prefetch: exclude hardware prefetch
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L2_NO_REQ: (counter: all)
    Cycles no L2 cache requests are pending (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x40)
    0xc0: All cores
    0x40: This core
20 EIST_TRANS_ALL: (counter: all)
    Intel(tm) Enhanced SpeedStep(r) Technology transitions (min count: 500)
THERMAL_TRIP: (counter: all)
    Number of thermal trips (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xc0)
    0xc0: No unit mask

21 L1 cache的相关操作
L1D_CACHE_LD: (counter: all)
    L1 cacheable data read operations (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xf)
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L1D_CACHE_ST: (counter: all)
    L1 cacheable data write operations (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xf)
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L1D_CACHE_LOCK: (counter: all)
    L1 cacheable lock read operations (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xf)
    ----------L1D_CACHE_LD: (counter: all)
    L1 cacheable data read operations (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xf)
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L1D_CACHE_ST: (counter: all)
    L1 cacheable data write operations (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xf)
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L1D_CACHE_LOCK: (counter: all)
    L1 cacheable lock read operations (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xf)
    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L1D_CACHE_LOCK_DURATION: (counter: all)
    Duration of L1 data cacheable locked operations (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x10)
    0x10: No unit mask
L1D_ALL_REF: (counter: all)
    All references to the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x10)
    0x10: No unit mask
L1D_ALL_CACHE_REF: (counter: all)
    L1 data cacheable reads and writes (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x2)
    0x02: No unit mask
L1D_REPL: (counter: all)
    Cache lines allocated in the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xf)
    0x0f: No unit mask
L1D_M_REPL: (counter: all)
    Modified cache lines allocated in the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
L1D_M_EVICT: (counter: all)
    Modified cache lines evicted from the L1 data cache (min count: 500)

    0x08: (M)ESI: Modified
    0x04: M(E)SI: Exclusive
    0x02: ME(S)I: Shared
    0x01: MES(I): Invalid
L1D_CACHE_LOCK_DURATION: (counter: all)
    Duration of L1 data cacheable locked operations (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x10)
    0x10: No unit mask
L1D_ALL_REF: (counter: all)
    All references to the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x10)
    0x10: No unit mask
L1D_ALL_CACHE_REF: (counter: all)
    L1 data cacheable reads and writes (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x2)
    0x02: No unit mask
L1D_REPL: (counter: all)
    Cache lines allocated in the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0xf)
    0x0f: No unit mask
L1D_M_REPL: (counter: all)
    Modified cache lines allocated in the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
L1D_M_EVICT: (counter: all)
    Modified cache lines evicted from the L1 data cache (min count: 500)
L1D_PEND_MISS: (counter: all)
    Total number of outstanding L1 data cache misses at any cycle (min count: 500)
L1D_SPLIT: (counter: all)
    Cache line split load/stores (min count: 500)
    Unit masks (default 0x1)
    0x01: split loads
    0x02: split stores

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