分类: C/C++
2008-05-09 06:22:22
/* 下面是两个方向的链表,从文件读取字符,一个按行,一个按列。*/ /* Linked lists in two directions */ /* Written by Myst Shen in May,2008 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> typedef struct data { char val; bool selected; struct data *next; struct data *next2; }NODE; NODE *head,*tail,*p; FILE *fp; int x, y, max, c; /*The 1st linked list reads from the rows*/ NODE * init (void){ head=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); head->next = NULL; tail = head; if ( (fp = fopen( "data", "r" )) == NULL ) { printf ("Cannot open this file.\n"); exit(0); }; while (1){ c = fgetc(fp); if( c == EOF ) break; p=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); p->val = c; p->selected = false; p->next = NULL; tail->next = p; tail = p; } return head; } /*The 2nd linked list reads from the columns*/ NODE * init2 (void){ head=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); head->next2 = NULL; tail = head; max = width(); rewind(fp); y=0; for ( x=1; x<=max; x++ ) { while (1){ y++; c = fgetc (fp); if ( c == EOF ) break; if ( y == x ) { p = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); p->val = c; p->selected = false; p->next2 = NULL; tail->next2 = p; tail = p; } if ( c == '\n' ) y = 0; } p = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); p->val = '\n'; p->selected = false; p->next2 = NULL; tail->next2 = p; tail = p; rewind (fp); y=0; } fclose(fp); return head; } /*Get the width of the file*/ int width(void){ rewind(fp); x = 0; max = 0; while (1){ c=fgetc(fp); if ( c == '\n' ) { if ( max < x ) max = x; x=0; continue; } x++; if ( c == EOF) break; } return max; } /*Print the 1st linked list*/ void print1 (NODE *head){ p = head; while(1){ p = p->next; if ( p == NULL ) break; printf("%c", p->val); } putchar ('\n'); } /*Print the 2nd linked list*/ void print2 (NODE *head){ p = head; while(1){ p = p->next2; if ( p == NULL ) break; printf("%c", p->val); } putchar ('\n'); } void main(void){ print1(init()); print2(init2()); }
/* 下面是两个方向的链表,从文件读取字符,一个按行,一个按列。*/ /* Linked lists in two directions */ /* Written by Myst Shen in May,2008 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> typedef struct data { char val; bool selected; struct data *next; struct data *next2; }NODE; NODE *head,*tail,*p; FILE *fp; int x, y, max, c; /*The 1st linked list reads from the rows*/ NODE * init (void){ head=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); head->next = NULL; tail = head;
if ( (fp = fopen( "data", "r" )) == NULL ) {
printf ("Cannot open this file.\n"); exit(0); }; while (1){ c = fgetc(fp); if( c == EOF ) break; p=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); p->val = c; p->selected = false; p->next = NULL; tail->next = p; tail = p; } return head; } /*The 2nd linked list reads from the columns*/ NODE * init2 (void){ head=(NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); head->next2 = NULL; tail = head; max = width(); rewind(fp); y=0; for ( x=1; x<=max; x++ ) { while (1){ y++; c = fgetc (fp); if ( c == EOF ) break; if ( y == x ) { p = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); p->val = c; p->selected = false; p->next2 = NULL; tail->next2 = p; tail = p; } if ( c == '\n' ) y = 0; } p = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); p->val = '\n'; p->selected = false; p->next2 = NULL; tail->next2 = p; tail = p; rewind (fp); y=0; } fclose(fp); return head; } /*Get the width of the file*/ int width(void){ rewind(fp); x = 0; max = 0; while (1){ c=fgetc(fp); if ( c == '\n' ) { if ( max < x ) max = x; x=0; continue; } x++; if ( c == EOF) break; } return max; } /*Print the 1st linked list*/ void print1 (NODE *head){ p = head; while(1){ p = p->next; if ( p == NULL ) break; printf("%c", p->val); } putchar ('\n'); } /*Print the 2nd linked list*/ void print2 (NODE *head){ p = head; while(1){ p = p->next2; if ( p == NULL ) break; printf("%c", p->val); } putchar ('\n'); } void main(void){ print1(init()); print2(init2()); }
上一篇:Perl 与 Python
下一篇:[Perl脚本] 统计文件中的整数
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