2008-05-04 15:39:54
In the past few days, I devlivered a version of driver for camera to colleagues in TaiWai. Not long before that, the feedback comes back, saying, " when running the test code, it prints " -bash: /bin/ls: Accessing a corrupted shared library".
In the beginning, I concentrated on the funcitonality of camera, that is to say, to make it work, ignoring the affections to other components of the platform. So, the problems comes, and it will come out sooner or later.
Now that, the bug comes, which means my anguished days come. Fortunately, it tooks me a little more than two days to dispose the bug.
The root reason for the phenomenone that “ Accessing a corrupted shared libraies” has been found out, which results from the definition of registers
and the read and write operation functions to the corresponding registers.
I strongly recommond to define a header file, which could not be changed unless permission was obtained.
The frame rate for capturing pic is set to 15 frames per second, or else, the judgement for whether the MPEG DMA is transferring data will not pass.