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2010-03-15 00:17:01

Build and Install MySQL

First, we create the group and user that "owns" MySQL. For security purposes, we don't want MySQL running as root on the system. To be able to easily identify MySQL processes in top or a ps list, we'll make a user and group named mysql:

groupadd mysql
useradd -g mysql -c "MySQL Server" mysql

If you get any messages about the group or user already existing, that's fine. The goal is just to make sure we have them on the system.

What the useradd command is doing is creating a user mysql in the group mysql with the "name" of MySQL Server. This way when it's showed in various user and process watching apps, you'll be able to tell what it is right away.

Now we'll change to the "working" directory where the source code is, change the file 'ownership' for the source tree (this prevents build issues in reported in some cases where the packager's username was included on the source and you aren't using the exact same name to compile with!) and start building.

The configure command has many options you can specify. I have listed some fairly common ones; if you'd like to see others, do:

./configure --help | less

to see them all. Read the documentation on the MySQL website for a more detailed explanation of each option.

cd /usr/local/src/mysql-4.1.22

chown -R root.root *

make clean

./configure \
--prefix=/usr/local/mysql \
--localstatedir=/usr/local/mysql/data \
--disable-maintainer-mode \
--with-mysqld-user=mysql \
--with-unix-socket-path=/tmp/mysql.sock \
--without-comment \
--without-debug \
--without-bench \

-enable-large-files \

--with-big-tables \

--with-charset=utf8 \


可以用configure –help查看可以使用的所有参数

18-Jul-2005: If you are installing MySQL 4.0.x on Fedora Core 4, there is a problem with LinuxThreads that prevents MySQL from compiling properly. Installing on Fedora Core 3 works fine though. Thanks to Kevin Spencer for bringing this to my attention. There is a workaround listed at . Thanks to Collin Campbell for that link. Another solution can be found at . Thanks to Kaloyan Raev for that one.

Now comes the long part, where the source code is actually compiled and then installed. Plan to get some coffee or take a break while this step runs. It could be 10-15 minutes or more, depending on your system's free memory, load average, etc.

make && make install

Configure MySQL

MySQL is "installed" but we have a few more steps until it's actually "done" and ready to start. First run the script which actually sets up MySQL's internal database (named, oddly enough, mysql).


Then we want to set the proper ownership for the MySQL directories and data files, so that only MySQL (and root) can do anything with them.

chown -R root:mysql /usr/local/mysql
chown -R mysql:mysql /usr/local/mysql/data

Copy the default configuration file for the expected size of the database (small, medium, large, huge)

cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
chown root:sys /etc/my.cnf
chmod 644 /etc/my.cnf

If you get an error message about the data directory not existing, etc., something went wrong in the mysql_install_db step above. Go back and review that; make sure you didn't get some sort of error message when you ran it, etc.

Now we have to tell the system where to find some of the dynamic libraries that MySQL will need to run. We use dynamic libraries instead of static to keep the memory usage of the MySQL program itself to a minimum.

echo "/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql" >> /etc/

Now create a startup script, which enables MySQL auto-start each time your server is restarted.

cp ./support-files/mysql.server /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 mysql on

Then set up symlinks for all the MySQL binaries, so they can be run from anyplace without having to include/specify long paths, etc.

cd /usr/local/mysql/bin
for file in *; do ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/$file /usr/bin/$file; done

MySQL Security Issues

First, we will assume that only applications on the same server will be allowed to access the database (i.e., not a program running on a physically separate server). So we'll tell MySQL not to even listen on port 3306 for TCP connections like it does by default.

Edit /etc/my.cnf and uncomment the


line (delete the leading #).

For more security info, check this great tutorial over at SecurityFocus.

Start MySQL

First, test the linked copy of the startup script in the normal server runlevel start directory, to make sure the symlink was properly set up:

cd ~
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S90mysql start

If you ever want to manually start or stop the MySQL server, use these commands:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop

Let's "test" the install to see what version of MySQL we're running now:

mysqladmin version

It should answer back with the version we've just installed...

Now we'll set a password for the MySQL root user (note that the MySQL root user is not the same as the system root user, and definitely should not have the same password as the system root user!).

mysqladmin -u root password new-password

(obviously, insert your own password in the above command instead of the "new-password" string!)

You're done! MySQL is now installed and running on your server. It is highly recommended that you read about MySQL security and lock down your server as much as possible. The MySQL site has info at .

Test MySQL

To run a quick test, use the command line program mysql:

mysql -u root -p

and enter your new root user password when prompted. You will then see the MySQL prompt:


First, while we're in here, we'll take care of another security issue and delete the sample database test and all default accounts except for the MySQL root user. Enter each of these lines at the mysql> prompt:

drop database test;
use mysql;
delete from db;
delete from user where not (host="localhost" and user="root");
flush privileges;

As another security measure, I like to change the MySQL administrator account name from root to something harder to guess. This will make it that much harder for someone who gains shell access to your server to take control of MySQL.



update user set user="sqladmin" where user="root";
flush privileges;

Now, on with the "standard" testing... First, create a new database:

create database foo;

You should see the result:

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)


Delete the database:

drop database foo;

You should see the result:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)


To exit from mysql enter \q:


mysql源码安装删除方法:回到源码目录,如果可以运行make uninstall就可以卸载。如果没

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