The enhancement RSR00001 (BW: Enhancements for Global Variables in
is called up several times during execution of the report. Here,
parameter I_STEP specifies when the enhancement is called up.
following values are valid for I_STEP:
· I_STEP = 1
up takes place directly before variable entry
· I_STEP = 2
up takes place directly after variable entry. This step is only started
up when the same variable could not be filled at I_STEP=1.
I_STEP = 3
In this call up, you can check the values of the
variables. Triggering an
exception (RAISE) causes the variable
screen to appear once more.
Afterwards, I_STEP=2 is also called up
· I_STEP = 0
The enhancement is not called from the
variable screen. The call up can come
from the authorization check
or from the Monitor.
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