#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict; use LWP; use Encode; use IO::String; use Getopt::Long;
binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" ); binmode( STDIN, ":utf8" ); binmode( STDERR, ":utf8" );
( my $usage = <<EOF ) =~ s/^\s+//g; Usage: $0 [-h | --help] [city_name] EOF
my $help = ''; GetOptions( help => \$help, h => \$help ); die $usage if $help;
my $city = shift || "广州"; $city = encode("gbk", decode("utf8", $city) );
my $c = &do_POST( "", [ type => "text", city => $city ], ) or die "Can not get weather infomation\n";
$c =~ s/gb2312/utf8/; $c = decode("gbk", $c);
use utf8; $/ = "\r\n"; my $io = IO::String->new($c); while (<$io>) {
next unless /今日|明日|后天/; chomp; 1 while s/<[^<>]+>//g; s/\s//g; s/ / /g; print "-" x 50, "\n"; print $_, " ";
for my $line (1..13) { $_ = <$io>; chomp; 1 while s/<[^<>]+>//g; s/\s//g; s/ //g; s/\s//g; print $_, "\n" if length; }
print "\n"; }
sub do_POST { # Parameters:
# the URL,
# an arrayref or hashref for the key/value pairs,
# and then, optionally, any header lines: (key,value, key,value)
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $resp = $browser->post(@_); return undef unless $resp->is_success; return ($resp->content, $resp->status_line, $resp->is_success, $resp) if wantarray; return $resp->content; }