dmysql 一个简单的PHP操作MySQL的类
异常简单的类,也没有进行 sql语句的容错、安全过滤,以及建立数据库之类的操作。希望在提交sql的时候已经做了安全消毒了:)
require_once( "dmysql.php" );
$DB = new DMYSQL( "localhost", "root", "", "address" );
if( $DB->execute( "INSERT INTO `table` VALUE ('','dorainm','')" ) { echo "affected " . $DB->rows_num . " row(s)\n"; } else { echo $DB->error; } ?>
如果成功,显示“affected 1 row(s)”,失败则显示错误信息。
require_once( "dmysql.php" );
$DB = new DMYSQL( "localhost", "root", "", "address" );
if( $DB->execute( "DELETE FROM `table` WHERE `id`<4" ) { echo "affected " . $DB->rows_num . " row(s)\n"; } else { echo $DB->error; } ?>
如果成功,显示“affected 3 row(s)”,失败则显示错误信息。
require_once( "dmysql.php" );
$DB = new DMYSQL( "localhost", "root", "", "address" );
$results = $DB->query( "SELECT * FROM `table`" ); if( $results ) { for( $i=0; $i<$DB->rows_num; $i++ ) { for( $j=0; $j<$DB->cols_num; $j++ ) { echo $results[$i][$j] . "\t"; } echo "\n"; } } else { echo $DB->error; } ?>
4 88250 5 xiaoq 6 dorainm |
/* DMYSQL * * dorainm MySQL Operation Class * a simple class to operate MySQL database * * * Author: dorainm * E-mail: * Date : 2008-11-13 */ class DMYSQL { /* * int : the fields number of query result by SELECT; */ public $cols_num; /* * int : the rows number of query result by SELECT or * affected by DELETE, UPDATE,...; */ public $rows_num; /* * string : error information if the event appeared; */ public $error;
// handle of mysql
private $dbh;
// displays the error message and exit the program
private function error( $msg ) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ?> <html> <head> <title>DMYSQL ERROR</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <p> <h1> <?=$msg?> h1> </p> <p><h2><?=@mysql_error()?></h2></p> </body> </html> <?php exit; }
/* * Connects to the Database Server and Selects a Database * * @param string $_host * @param string $_user * @param string $_passwd * @param string $_database * @param string $_charset * @return ture or exit; */ function __construct( $_host, $_user, $_passwd, $_database, $_charset=null ) { // connect to database
$this->dbh = @mysql_connect( $_host, $_user, $_passwd ); if( !$this->dbh ) { $this->error( "Can not CONNECT Database." ); }
// set charactor
if( !empty($_charset ) && version_compare(@mysql_get_server_info(), '4.1.0', '>=') ) { $this->execute("SET NAMES '$_charset'"); }
// use database
if( !@mysql_select_db($_database,$this->dbh) ) { $this->error("Can not USE Database."); }
return true; }
/* * Disconnects the Database and Free all */ function __destructor() { @mysql_close( $this->dbh ); return; }
/* * Execute a SQL string * * @param string $sql * @return boolean */ public function execute( $sql ) { if( $retval = @mysql_query( $sql, $this->dbh ) ) { $this->rows_num = @mysql_affected_rows(); $this->cols_num = 0; $this->error = null; } else { $this->rows_num = $this->cols_num = 0; $this->error = @mysql_error(); } return $retval; }
/* * Query the Database with a SQL string * * @param string $sql * @return false or the two-dimensional array of the result */ public function query( $sql ) { $retval = null;
$results = @mysql_query( $sql, $this->dbh ); if( $this->error=@mysql_error() ) { $this->rows_num = $this->cols_num = 0; return false; } $count = 0; while( $row = @mysql_fetch_array( $results ) ) { $retval[$count] = $row; $count ++; } $this->rows_num = mysql_num_rows( $results ); $this->cols_num = @mysql_num_fields( $results ); @mysql_free_result( $results );
return $retval; }
/* * Get one Value from the Database with a SQL string * * @param string $sql * @param int $x : the offset value of fields * @param int $y : the offset value of rows * @return false or the value queryed. */ public function value( $sql, $x=0, $y=0 ) { if( $results=$this->query($sql) ) { return $results[$y][$x]; } else { return false; }; } }
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