2009-04-30 20:10:42
Mandriva Linux 2009.1 has been released: "Mandrivaannouncestodaythe launch of the final version of Mandriva Linux2009.1.Quicker,easier and even more secure, this new version bringsyou ahost ofinnovative features. Main components: KDE 4.2.2, GNOME2.26,X.OrgServer 1.6, Linux kernel 2.6.29, Xfce 4.6. MandrivaLinux2009.1comes with a big improvement in boot time and theMandrivaControlCenter tools have been also optimized. Networkcenter isnowsupporting advanced network configuration, togetherwithadditionalpre-configured Internet providers, integration withnewnetwork devicesand support for different wirelessregulatorydomains. The Mandrivasecurity framework, msec, has beenalsoredesigned. The ext4 filesystem is now supported in stableversionand available duringinstallation." Read the releaseannouncement,product overviewand release notes for further details.Quickdownload links to theinstallable "One" live CDs and the"Free"installation DVDs: mandriva-one-2009.1-KDE4-i586.iso (686MB,MD5,torrent), mandriva-one-2009.1-GNOME-i586.iso (682MB, MD5,torrent),mandriva-linux-free-2009.1-i586.iso (4,452MB, MD5,torrent),mandriva-linux-free-2009.1-x86_64.iso (4,458MB, MD5,torrent).