NetBSD Packages Collection获得。
Soren Jacobsen has announced the availability of the fourth release candidate for
5.0, a BSD operating system designed to run on a large number of
processor architectures: "Today,we have two things to be happy about.
First, the fourth releasecandidate of NetBSD 5.0 is available for
download. Second, thisannouncement, like RC3's, coincides with an
important birthday: that ofBilly West. Below are some highlighted
changes since RC3: added theRLIMIT_AS resource, which limits the total
address space available toprocesses; improved NFS server stability; FFS
improvements; a fix for apf(4) DoS; re(4) now works with the RealTek
8111C, which is found onmany current motherboards with Intel chipsets.
As usual,src/doc/CHANGES-5.0 has the full details." Here is the brief . As usual, CD images for 41 processor architectures are available from NetBSD's and its . Two quick links to the i386 and amd64 installation CD images: (229MB), (241MB).
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