2007-12-29 10:44:29
% matlab语言把多项式表达成一个行向量,该向量中的元素是按多项式 %降幂排列的。 % f(x)=an^n+an-1^n-1+……+a0 % 可用行向量 p=[an an-1 …… a1 a0]表示 clear all ; clc; close all; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 1. poly —— 产生特征多项式系数向量 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 特征多项式一定是n+1维的 % 特征多项式第一个元素一定是1 a=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 0]; p=poly(a) % p =1.00 -6.00 -72.00 -27.00 % p是多项式p(x)=x^3-6x^2-72x-27的matlab描述方法,我们可用: p1=poly2str(p,'x') %— 函数文件,显示 % 数学多项式的形式 % p1 =x^3 - 6 x^2 - 72 x - 27 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 2.roots —— 求多项式的根 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% r=roots(p) % r = 12.12 % -5.73 ——显然 r是矩阵a的特征值 % -0.39 % 当然我们可用poly令其返回多项式形式 p2 = poly(r) % p2 = % 1.00 -6.00 -72.00 -27.00 % matlab规定多项式系数向量用行向量表示,一组根用列向量表示 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 3.conv,convs多项式乘运算 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 例:a(x)=x^2+2x+3; b(x)=4x^2+5x+6; % c = (x^2+2x+3)(4x^2+5x+6) a=[1 2 3];b=[4 5 6]; c=conv(a,b) %=conv([1 2 3],[4 5 6]) % c = 4.00 13.00 28.00 27.00 18.00 p=poly2str(c,'x') % p = 4 x^4 + 13 x^3 + 28 x^2 + 27 x + 18 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 4.deconv多项式除运算 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% a=[1 2 3]; c = [4.00 13.00 28.00 27.00 18.00] d=deconv(c,a) % d =4.00 5.00 6.00 % [d,r]=deconv(c,a) % r为余数 % d为c除a后的整数 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 5.多项式微分 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % matlab提供了polyder函数多项式的微分。 % 命令格式: % polyder(p): 求p的微分 % polyder(a,b): 求多项式a,b乘积的微分 % [p,q]=polyder(a,b): 求多项式a,b商的微分 % 例: a=[1 2 3 4 5]; poly2str(a,'x') % ans = x^4 + 2 x^3 + 3 x^2 + 4 x + 5 b=polyder(a) % b = 4 6 6 4 poly2str(b,'x') % ans =4 x^3 + 6 x^2 + 6 x + 4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %6.多项式拟合 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % P = POLYFIT(X,Y,N) finds the coefficients of a polynomial P(X) of % degree N that fits the data Y best in a least-squares sense. P is a % row vector of length N+1 containing the polynomial coefficients in % descending powers, P(1)*X^N + P(2)*X^(N-1) +...+ P(N)*X + P(N+1). x0=0:0.1:1; y0=[-.447 1.978 3.11 5.25 5.02 4.66 4.01 4.58 3.45 5.35 9.22]; p=polyfit(x0,y0,3) % p = 56.6915 -87.1174 40.0070 -0.9043 % Y = POLYVAL(P,X) returns the value of a polynomial P evaluated at X. P % is a vector of length N+1 whose elements are the coefficients of the % polynomial in descending powers. % Y = P(1)*X^N + P(2)*X^(N-1) + ... + P(N)*X + P(N+1) xx=0:0.01:1;yy=polyval(p,xx); plot(xx,yy,'-b',x0,y0,'or') |