2008-11-06 10:22:28
The setlocale() function sets locale information.
Locale information is language, monetary, time and other information specific for a geographical area.
This function returns the current locale settings, or FALSE on failure.
setlocale(constant,location) |
Parameter参数 | Description描述 |
constant | Required. Specifies what locale information should be set. 必要参数。指定需要设置的场景信息 Available constants:
location | Required.
Specifies what country/region to set the locale information to. Can be
a string or an array. If the location is an array, setlocale() will try
each array element until it finds a valid language or region code. This
is very useful if a region is known under different names on different
systems. 必要参数。指定需要进行场景信息设置的国家或区域。它可以由一个字符串或一个数组组成。如果本地区域是一个数组,那么setlocale()函数将尝试每 个数组元素直到它从中获取有效的语言和区域代码信息为止。如果一个区域处于不同操作系统中的不同名称下,那么这个参数将非常有用。 Note: Here you can find . |
Note: The setlocale() function changes the locale only for the current script.
Tip: The locale information can be set to system default with setlocale(LC_ALL,NULL)
In this example we will set the locale to US English and then back to default again:
在下面这个案例中,我们把场景设置成美国英语[US English]之后,再将转会默认的场景信息:
echo setlocale(LC_ALL,"En-Us"); |
The output of the code above will be:
English_United States.1252
Norwegian (Bokm?l)_Norway.1252