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满随天外云卷云舒 静观庭前花开花落











2010-05-19 08:46:45

先取消安装,我的电脑 ---〉属性---〉高级 ----〉启动和故障恢复中选设置 ---〉将系统启动 ---〉编辑 ---〉修改默认操作系统的值,将/noexecute 后的值改为AlwaysOff(保存好修改之前的值,装完acrgis9后改回来)。重新启动,重新安装ARCGIS9就可以了


Error Message
Attempting to install ArcGIS products on a machine with a processor that supports "D.E.P" (data execution prevention) and Windows XP Service Pack 2 results in a failed installation. This includes the AMD Athlon 64 Family processors, as well as newer Intel Xeon, Pentium 4, Pentium M or "Centrino" processors, and Celeron-D processors. The following error message or similar is returned:
For ArcGIS 8.3:
"Error 1904. Module E:\arcgis\arcexe83\bin\AfuiCust.dll failed to
register. HRESULT -2147023898. Contact your support personnel."
For ArcGIS 9.0:
"Error 1904: failed to register c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin\xmlsupportui.dll" (or 3dsymbolsui.dll)
Various other DLL's fail to register during the process.
As of Windows XP SP2, Microsoft has enabled Data Execution Prevention (DEP); a feature that is included in newer processor series from AMD and Intel. Data execution prevention (DEP) is a set of hardware and software technologies that perform additional checks on memory to help protect against malicious code exploits. Intel refers to their version of DEP as XD or "execution disabling bit". AMD refers to their version of DEP as the "NX-bit" or "No Execute bit".
Solution or Workaround
Disable DEP in Windows XP SP2 using the steps below.
Users with Intel processors may also need to disable the "XD" or Execution Disabling Bit in their computer's CMOS/BIOS. Since each computer's CMOS is different, reference the computer's manual or contact the manufacturer of the computer in question for assistance with this step.
WARNING: The instructions below include making changes to essential parts of your operating system. It is recommended that you backup your operating system and files, including the registry, before proceeding. Consult with a qualified computer systems professional, if necessary.
ESRI cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while following these instructions. Therefore, use caution and proceed at your own risk.
Verify the Administrator account is running for Windows XP.
Go to Start->Control Panel and choose the System applet.
XP Home users may need to choose the "Classic View" link to be able to see the System applet.
Click on the Advanced tab.
Select the Settings button under Startup and Recovery.
Locate and change the boot.ini, by clicking on the Edit button, and then change the string /NoExecute=OptIn to /NoExecute=AlwaysOff.
Save the file and reboot.
Now ArcGIS should install with no error 1904 messages.
After installation, change the boot.ini back to its original state, returning the added layer of security.
Below are the different switches for the NoExecute parameter.
The boot.ini file switches:
/NoExecute=OptIn - This is the default. DEP is enabled. There are four options to this switch:
- OptIn - Default setting. Only Windows system binaries are monitored by DEP.
- OptOut - Enables DEP for all processes. Users can create a list of applications which are not monitored by DEP using the DEP configuration options listed in the System Control Panel applet.
- AlwaysOn - Enables DEP for all processes. DEP is always applied, and exceptions lists are ignored and not available for users to apply.
- AlwaysOff - Disables DEP.
/execute - Disables DEP.
This instance of the 1904 error occurs only on computers running Windows XP Service Pack 2 on hardware that supports the "NX-bit" or "DEP" feature. For other types of 1904 errors, see the related links section.


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