2009-08-08 20:19:13
renzhenmac2009-08-16 17:29:41
这是我从国外一位大哥的博客抄来的,大概意思是这两个参数会显示gcc怀疑的编程错误(而不仅是语法错误)。 不管你编程多牛,不努力榨干gcc、不让编译器帮你最大程度地找错,都是划不来的,所以是"Stupid" http://dirac.org/linux/gdb/04-Breakpoints_And_Watchpoints.php 原话在这里 Note that the compiler generated a warning. That's because we used -W -Wall which instructs gcc to tell us when it sees what it thinks might be a common programming error. The best way to debug your program is to not put the bugs in the program to begin with. You should always use these gcc bug finding options. Let me b
chinaunix网友2009-08-14 17:45:17
呵呵,下边的链接不错,有兴趣的看看 gcc环境变量基础 http://blog.chinaunix.net/u3/93893/showart_2021423.html