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2008-05-03 12:30:02

  google 上看到的关于uue的观点,外国人写的,挺有意思的,以下把这些内容贴上来给大家看看,有点语句不够文雅,请大家见谅,不过,也可以随便学学外国人怎么表达,呵呵
有一名是这么讲的:Boys, if you're gonna feed a dog a bone, at least stay around to see if he chokes or not.
Comment #1 by on 2007-02-01, 18:28 GMT  
Don't even try this version. It's terrible. It crashed everytime I've tried to install it on my laptop - Dell XPS 1210. It looks terrible and quite slow on my older desktop. I love Ubuntu and never have any problem with Edgy Eft and Dapper Drake but this version is a joke. Wait for a much more polished version.

Reply #1.1 by on 2007-02-02, 10:39 GMT
I don't think so... It's very good version for those, who have no speed connection (all in one distributtion). I have no crashes with this version and all works fine for me. GOOD JOB, thanks!

Reply #1.2 by on 2007-02-17, 15:16 GMT
I cant get it to install. Gets to 90 percent and get an error "Error removing linux-image 2.6.17-10-generic" Can't find anyone to contact for support either. Boys, if you're gonna feed a dog a bone, at least stay around to see if he chokes or not.

Reply #1.3 by on 2007-09-05, 22:14 GMT
I built it and want to post my opinion I see nothing short of millions and millions of hits, it is a rare post when I see someone that has a problem with it. You however slam my distro, just because it does not work on your computer and tell millions of others total crap because it does not work on yours? I suggest you browse my thread and see the un-countless thanks, before posting such garbage. Just my 2 cents. I want you to remember I am 1 man, TheeMahn there. I do appologise you *nix experience was not as cardinally invited as many others have been but no reason to call it out as you have done.

once again my 2 cents

Reply #1.4 by on 2007-10-05, 04:05 GMT
RE - Reply #1.3

I completely agree with what you are saying here.
My first Linux experience was with Edgy Eft. I found it damn confusing at first, but after some searching, it installed fine!

I placed it onto my laptop, and sure, it ran slow and took quite a while to log in, but that wasnt the fault of the distro, that was down to the hardware on my laptop!

Sometimes, Operating systems do not work on some hardware. Just because someone was unfortunate enough to find that this happened does not give them the right to slate it.
We are all entitled to opinions, and i think you will find that most people find this works very well.

For the others who have problems, well, why not check out the ubuntu forums? Just do some research folks!

Reply #1.5 by on 2008-01-29, 16:31 GMT
Ever think it might be YOUR computer? Dells generally suck, even though there are a few good ones out there. If I can install it and have it work perfectly fine on my computer (oh, and Beryl) which is a Gateway m460, I'm sure it'd take a really bad computer (or operator) to make it not work.

Comment #2 by Sam on 2008-01-10, 13:00 GMT  
This is damn good OS. Ive installed it and it works like a breeze. Good work Ultimate, infact great work.

All those who are grating it, are either pissed off as they can get a better OS and thay have already paid for 'not-so-good' Vista or just cant accept the fact that Linux can be so good.

Keep up the good work.
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