# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
#use Test;
use strict;
use constant USERID => "GnuPG Test";
use constant PASSWD => "test";
use constant UNTRUSTED => "Francis";
use Symbol;
$| = 1;
use GnuPG;
use GnuPG::Tie::Encrypt;
use GnuPG::Tie::Decrypt;
my $gpg = new GnuPG( homedir => "test", trace => $ENV{TRACING} );
sub gen_key_test {
printf "%-40s", "Key generation";
passphrase => PASSWD,
name => USERID,
sub import_test {
printf "%-40s", "Import new public key";
$gpg->import_keys( keys => "test/key1.pub" );
sub import2_test {
printf "%-40s", "Import existing public key";
$gpg->import_keys( keys => "test/key1.pub" );
sub import3_test {
printf "%-40s", "Import many public keys";
$gpg->import_keys( keys => [ qw( test/key1.pub test/key2.pub ) ] );
sub export_test {
printf "%-40s", "Public key export";
$gpg->export_keys( keys => USERID,
armor => 1,
output => "test/key.pub",
sub export2_test {
printf "%-40s", "Exporting public key ring";
$gpg->export_keys( armor => 1,
output => "test/keyring.pub",
sub export_secret_test {
printf "%-40s", "Exporting secret key";
$gpg->export_keys( secret => 1,
armor => 1,
output => "test/key.sec",
sub encrypt_test {
printf "%-40s", "Encrypt";
recipient => USERID,
output => "test/file.txt.gpg",
armor => 1,
plaintext => "test/file.txt",
sub pipe_encrypt_test {
printf "%-40s", "Pipe Encrypt";
open CAT, "| cat > test/pipe-file.txt.gpg"
or die "can't fork: $!\n";
recipient => USERID,
output => \*CAT,
armor => 1,
plaintext => "test/file.txt",
close CAT;
sub encrypt_sign_test {
printf "%-40s", "Encrypt and Sign";
recipient => USERID,
output => "test/file.txt.sgpg",
armor => 1,
sign => 1,
plaintext => "test/file.txt",
passphrase => PASSWD,
sub encrypt_sym_test {
printf "%-40s", "Symmetric encryption";
output => "test/file.txt.cipher",
armor => 1,
plaintext => "test/file.txt",
symmetric => 1,
passphrase => PASSWD,
sub encrypt_notrust_test {
printf "%-40s", "Encrypt to undefined trust";
recipient => UNTRUSTED,
output => "test/file.txt.dist.gpg",
armor => 1,
sign => 1,
plaintext => "test/file.txt",
passphrase => PASSWD,
sub sign_test {
printf "%-40s", "Sign a file";
recipient => USERID,
output => "test/file.txt.sig",
armor => 1,
plaintext => "test/file.txt",
passphrase => PASSWD,
sub detachsign_test {
printf "%-40s", "Detach signature of a file";
recipient => USERID,
output => "test/file.txt.asc",
"detach-sign" => 1,
armor => 1,
plaintext => "test/file.txt",
passphrase => PASSWD,
sub clearsign_test {
printf "%-40s", "Clear Sign a File";
output => "test/file.txt.clear",
armor => 1,
plaintext => "test/file.txt",
passphrase => PASSWD,
sub decrypt_test {
printf "%-40s", "Decrypt a file";
output => "test/file.txt.plain",
ciphertext => "test/file.txt.gpg",
passphrase => PASSWD,
sub pipe_decrypt_test {
printf "%-40s", "Pipe Decrypt";
open CAT, "cat test/file.txt.gpg|"
or die "can't fork: $!\n";
output => "test/file.txt.plain",
ciphertext => \*CAT,
passphrase => PASSWD,
close CAT;
sub decrypt_sign_test {
printf "%-40s", "Decrypt a Signed File";
output => "test/file.txt.plain2",
ciphertext => "test/file.txt.sgpg",
passphrase => PASSWD,
sub decrypt_sym_test {
printf "%-40s", "Symmetric decryption";
output => "test/file.txt.plain3",
ciphertext => "test/file.txt.cipher",
symmetric => 1,
passphrase => PASSWD,
sub verify_sign_test {
printf "%-40s", "Verify a signed file";
$gpg->verify( signature => "test/file.txt.sig" );
sub verify_detachsign_test {
printf "%-40s", "Verify a detach signature";
$gpg->verify( signature => "test/file.txt.asc",
file => "test/file.txt",
sub verify_clearsign_test {
printf "%-40s", "Verify a clearsigned file";
$gpg->verify( signature => "test/file.txt.clear" );
sub encrypt_from_fh_test {
printf "%-40s", "Encrypt from file handle";
open ( FH, "test/file.txt" )
or die "error opening file: $!\n";
recipient => UNTRUSTED,
output => "test/file-fh.txt.gpg",
armor => 1,
plaintext => \*FH,
close ( FH )
or die "error closing file: $!\n";
sub encrypt_to_fh_test {
printf "%-40s", "Encrypt to file handle";
open ( FH, ">test/file-fho.txt.gpg" )
or die "error opening file: $!\n";
recipient => UNTRUSTED,
output => \*FH,
armor => 1,
plaintext => "test/file.txt",
close ( FH )
or die "error closing file: $!\n";
sub tie_encrypt_test {
printf "%-40s", "Tied encrypt interface";
open( PLAINTEXT, "test/file.txt" )
or die "error opening file: $!\n";
open( CIPHER_OUT, ">test/file-tie.txt.asc" )
or die "error writing encrypting file\n";
tie *CIPHER, 'GnuPG::Tie::Encrypt', homedir => "test",
recipient => 'GnuPG', armor => 1, trace => $ENV{TRACING};
while (<PLAINTEXT>) {
print CIPHER $_;
while (<CIPHER>) {
print CIPHER_OUT $_;
close CIPHER;
untie *CIPHER;
sub tie_decrypt_test {
printf "%-40s", "Tied decrypt interface";
open( PLAINTEXT, "test/file.txt" )
or die "error opening plaintext file: $!\n";
my $plaintext_orig = "";
$plaintext_orig .= $_ while ( <PLAINTEXT>);
open( CIPHER, "test/file-tie.txt.asc" )
or die "error opening encrypted file\n";
tie *GNUPG, 'GnuPG::Tie::Decrypt', homedir => "test",
passphrase => PASSWD, trace => $ENV{TRACING};
while ( <CIPHER> ) {
print GNUPG $_;
my $plaintext = "";
while ( <GNUPG> ) {
$plaintext .= $_;
close GNUPG;
untie *GNUPG;
close CIPHER;
die "plaintext doesn't match\n" unless $plaintext_orig eq $plaintext;
sub tie_decrypt_para_mode_test {
printf "%-40s", "Tied decrypt in paragraph mode";
my $plaintext = <<EOF;
This is a paragraph.
This is another paragraph
which continue on another line.
This is the final paragraph.
tie *CIPHER, 'GnuPG::Tie::Encrypt', homedir => "test",
recipient => 'GnuPG', armor => 1, trace => $ENV{TRACING};
print CIPHER $plaintext;
local $/ = undef;
my $cipher = <CIPHER>;
close CIPHER;
untie *CIPHER;
local $/ = "";
tie *TEST, 'GnuPG::Tie::Decrypt', homedir => "test", passphrase => PASSWD;
print TEST $cipher;
my @para = <TEST>;
close TEST;
untie *TEST;
my $count = @para;
die "paragraph count should be 3: $count\n" unless $count == 3;
die "plaintext doesn't match input\n" unless join( "", @para) eq $plaintext;
my @tests = qw(
import_test import2_test import3_test
export_test export2_test export_secret_test
encrypt_test pipe_encrypt_test pipe_decrypt_test
encrypt_sign_test encrypt_sym_test
decrypt_test decrypt_sign_test decrypt_sym_test
sign_test detachsign_test clearsign_test
verify_sign_test verify_detachsign_test verify_clearsign_test
tie_encrypt_test tie_decrypt_test tie_decrypt_para_mode_test
if ( defined $ENV{TESTS} ) {
@tests = split /\s+/, $ENV{TESTS};
print "1..", scalar @tests, "\n";
my $i = 1;
for ( @tests ) {
eval {
no strict 'refs'; # We are using symbolic references
if ( $@ ) {
print "not ok $i: $@";
} else {
print "ok $i\n";