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2010-03-16 02:07:01

The Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) Application Software Production Page

How to write application sofware using the SCTP userland library(Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris....)
  • get the tar file from SCTP depends on GLIB, so make sure that glib() is present on the machine
  • untar file > tar xfz sctplib-x.y.z.tar.gz
  • configure before compile > ./configure
  • Look if something is missing .. try to solve missing references....
  • Compile library > make
  • Install library > make install
  • /usr/local/include should contain sctp.h
  • /usr/local/lib should contain libsctplib.a and ....
  • You can now develop your own software in a separate directory. Don't forget to do the following in your the you use GNU autoconf tools) or directly in the makefile...
  • INCLUDES = -I/usr/local/include (resolves the "#include sctp.h" in your code)
  • xxxx_LIBADD= -lsctplib -lglib (allows the actually linking of your code with the SCTPlibrary possible )
  • -L /usr/local/lib (optional reference to library path.. depends on tools used..) Sometimes this is done via the ./configure generation(seems to be a science/art in itself...)
How to write application sofware using the using the SCTP userland library (Windows)
  • Get the installer from It includes both the sctplib library file and the sctpl.h file(sctp.h to be found in sctplib.x.y.z.tar.gz)
  • Install the sctplib. Installation will register sctplib in the windows registry and can be uninstalled later ...
  • Install Visual C/C++ vs6.0 as development enviroment on your PC
  • Make directory (without spaces in the names) "C:\dev-libs\glib-1.2-dev\src\glib-1.2" and put glib files there..(see information in sctplib itself)
  • Make directory (without spaces in the names) "C:\dev-libs\sctplib-1.0.4-dev" and put both SCTP files there..
  • Make a config.nmake file in your application development directory with the following:
  • GLIB_DIR=C:\dev-libs\glib-1.2-dev\src\glib-1.2
  • SCTP_DIR=C:\dev-libs\sctplib-1.0.4-dev
  • Make a makefile.nmake file in your application development directory with the following:
  • CFLAGS=/Od /I$(SCTP_DIR) The SCTP_DIR is found in another config.nmake file.
  • CVARSDLL=-DWIN32 -DMBCS -DHAVE_RPT_SCTP Sets a couple of compiler varaibles to defined. Needs the WIN32 and certainly HAVE_RPT_SCTP.
  • complete the makefile.nmake with the C/C++ files to compile and start developing...
  • ...

How to write application sofware using the Kernel SCTP Implementations (Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris)

  • Linux: a modprob sctp is needed, otherwise the sctp module will NOT be loaded. Has to be done manually after every boot.
  • Automatic modprobe of SCTP: insert entry "sctp" in sysconfig file. It is NOT possible to use libsctp on the same machine once kernel sctp has been loaded. Kernel sctp will abort any traffic destined for sctplib associations.
  • Linux: download the kernel SCTPlib from sourcforge
  • Untar the sctplib tools
  • install the sctplib tools
  • /usr/include/netinet/ directory contains the sctp.h
  • /usr/local/lib directory contains the libsctp.a


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