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分类: 系统运维

2007-11-05 21:29:24

Objective View

The CO2Levels object definition appears in a different JavaScript file, aptly named co2.js. Figure 1-2 shows a UML class diagram describing the object.

UML class diagram
Figure 1-2. UML class diagram

Here is the entire code for the CO2Levels object. The first line instantiates a new object, using syntax derived from Prototype. The levels local variable is an object, like an associative array, that links years with their CO2 levels. I have omitted most of the years for the sake of readability.

var CO2Levels=Class.create();
CO2Levels.prototype = {
Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
initialize: function(){
this.levels={ "1959":315.98,"1960":316.91,

getYear: function(year){
if (! isNaN(year)) {
return this.levelsHash[year];
} else {
return 377;

keys: function(){
return this.levelsHash.keys();

values: function(){
return this.levelsHash.values();

inspect: function(){
alert( this.levelsHash.inspect());

add: function(year,level){
var tmp = new Object();
tmp[year] = level;


Creating Prototype Objects

Using the Class.create() method in Prototype returns a JavaScript object that automatically provides new instances of this object with an initialize() method. This is similar to a constructor method, such as in Java. The initialize() method will be called each time the code creates a new CO2Levels object. The rest of the code defines the prototype, or blueprint, for this CO2Levels object, including the behavior for its initialize() method. What does initialize() do? It creates a local variable called levels, which refers to an object that holds all of the data: the CO2 levels associated with their years. The code then converts this object to a Prototype Hash object, to provide more functionality for the object (such as the ability to view the object contents and dynamically add new data).


Prototype Hash Object

There's that syntax again: $H(). This function takes a JavaScript object as its parameter and returns Prototype's Hash object. Similar to hash table structures in other languages, the Hash has an associative array structure, along with with several methods that are designed to manipulate its data, as well as add new data to the Hash.

For example, the Hash.keys() method returns an array of all of the Hash's keys (such as all of the years in our data). The values() method returns an array of values (the CO2 levels). The merge() method adds new keys and values to the Hash.


Our own CO2Levels object uses the concept of delegation, wherein calls to its own keys(), values(), and add() methods delegate the real work of these operations to the internal Hash object. This object is stored as a local variable: levelsHash.

Let's look at the getYear() method.

getYear: function(year){
if (! isNaN(year)) {
return this.levelsHash[year];
} else {
return 377;

The built-in JavaScript method isNaN() returns false if its parameter can be evaluated as a number (such as "2000"), and true otherwise (as in isNaN("hello")). If the getYear() parameter passes this test, then the code uses a common JavaScript expression to return the value of a key or property: this.levelsHash[year] (for example, this.levelsHash["2004"] evaluates to 377.38). The browser then displays this numerical value inside the HTML div element.

Add Stuff to an Existing Hash

The CO2Levels object has an add() method, which can add new keys and values (additional years and CO2 levels) to the existing data.

add: function(year,level){
var tmp = new Object();
tmp[year] = level;

This method creates a new Object from its two parameters (representing the year and CO2 level), which might look like: {"2005":381}

The code then passes this object to the Prototype Hash object's merge() method. This method combines the new object with the Hash's existing data, essentially merging them into one group of data or associative array.

The merge() method returns the existing data with the new property/value pair(s) appended to the end.

With some refactoring, the code could use XMLHttpRequest to fetch any new levels from the Mauna Loa Observatory, then add them to our existing client-side data.


Finally, Prototype's Hash object also has an inspect() method. This method creates a readable display of the Hash's contents, as in Figure 1-3.

alert window shwing hash contents
Figure 1-3. Looking inside a Hash

The CO2Levels object delegates the task of its own inspect() method to its internal Prototype Hash object.

inspect: function(){
alert( this.levelsHash.inspect());

This is a useful debugging tool for viewing the current contents of a Hash object.

An upcoming article discusses an AJAX caching strategy used with the same application. It introduces Prototype's Ajax.Request object, which reduces the amount of code that has to be devoted to using the XMLHttpRequest object. This is the important top-level JavaScript object used in AJAX applications for making HTTP connections with a server behind the scenes.

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