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2007-12-28 16:18:33

#include "iostream.h"
int main()
g++ -o hello hello.cpp
-o 表示将编译后的二进制文件保存到名为hello的文件中

#include <iostream.h>
class base1
int a;//default is private,在类中是不能对变量进行初始化的,如这样是错误的int a=0;
int *p1,*p2;
int a1[4];
int b[2][3];
//int *p3=new int[5]//apply space for pointer,delete use delete []p3这一行有错
//p1=a1;this is wrong, can't initialize in defined class
const char xy;//const variable initial outer class
static int i;//静态成员只能在类外初始化;initialize static members outer class and it is needed;
void variable(base1 &y)
cout< }
void print();//function declare
}px;//define class object and this is the first method
int base1::i=0;//对静态成员的初始化和必须在类外定义; initialize the static members and they must outer class
void base1::print()/*fuction detail */

for(int k=0;k<4;k++)
}//还需建一个构造函数对里面建立的变量进行初始化; need construction a constructor to initialize the variables
int main()
base1 px2;//define a class object and this is the second method
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
cout< }
return 0;

exit and return 的区别 exit是一个函数,而return是一个基本c++操作,所以说,exit()中的常量放在括号中,而return则不放在括号中
exit and return'
s difference exit is a function, return is a c++ base operate; so, exit's const will put in brackets and return don't need;

compile and dubug c++ programme
load all probable alarms in secure, you can use the follow parameters.
$g++ -Wall -W test.cpp
if you want to shut down all alarms, you can use following directive and parameter
$g++ -W test.cpp
you had better donot do it, the directive may lose some serious defects

将警告转换成错识误 convert alarm to error
the following directive will convert all alarms to error
$g++ -Wall -Werror test.c++

compile a program have not error, but the program can't run , you can use the parameters to compile it:
$g++ -Wall -W test.c++

if you want to your promgram can transplant to other systems, you can use following parameters to test it
$g++ -Wtraditional test.cpp traditional(传统的,惯例的)

参数-ansi对实际的编程不是很需要,但对测试人员在测试GNU与标准的符合性,比较测试GNU c++版本和标识GNU C++与其它ANSI版本的差异时,则需要
there is a parameter -ansi, it didn'
t need for protical programmer, but it will be used for tester, who test the associate between GNU and standard or recognise the difference GNU C++ with other ANSI version

-E stop after preprocess, don't compile预处理后停止,不编译
-S stop after compile, don'
t assemble and suffix is .s编译后停止,不汇编,后缀为.s
-c stop after assemble and the suffix is .o, don't generate binary file 汇编后停止,不生成二进制文件,后缀为.o

check in issued all the directives in compile terms, use -v parameter as below:
g++ -v test.c++

如果你有两个或少数几个C源文件,也可以方便地利用GCC or g++编译、连接并生成可执行文件。例如,假设你有两个源文件 main.c 和 factorial.c 两个源文件,现在要编译生成一个计算阶乘的程序。

  清单 factorial.c
int factorial (int n)
if (n <= 1)
return 1;

return factorial (n - 1) * n;

清单 main.c
#include //我一般喜欢用g++,这里用的就是c++的头 I like use c++, so, it is c++ header in here
#include "factorial.c"

int factorial (int n);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
int n;

if (argc < 2) {
printf ("Usage: %s n ", argv [0]);
return -1;
else {
n = atoi (argv[1]);
printf ("Factorial of %d is %d. ", n, factorial (n));

return 0;
use follow directive can compile and generate a executable file and execute it
$g++ -c factorial.c //the first step
it can generate factorial.o file
$g++ -o linked main.c factorial.o //the second step
$./linked 8 //the third step

如果你想查看main.c 是否正常加载了factorial.c里的文件,你可以通过下面的命令查看源代码
if you want to check in the main.c had load the factorial.c or not ,you can use the follow directive look:
$g++ -E main.c

reduce compile time and cut some idle code, can use the parameter -O or plus digit 0,1,2,3
such as, compile test.c++ and use 1 optimization:
g++ -O1 -o test test.c++
0 display don'
t optimization
   -O0 不进行优化处理。
  -O 或 -O1 优化生成代码。
  -O2 进一步优化。
  -O3 比 -O2 更进一步优化,包括 inline 函数。
  -shared 生成共享目标文件。通常用在建立共享库时。
  -static 禁止使用共享连接。
  -Wall 生成所有警告信息。
              debug (gdb)
parameter -quiet can cancel the verbose version and other informations
$gdb -quiet or -silent
if you want to look the directories used ordinary, you can type the follow order:
(gdb)help data
if you want to know how to use some directive, such as: break, you can type follow format:
(gdb)help break
if you want to look the source code, you can input the follow code
if you want to at line 15 set a breakpoint, you can type follow order:
(gdb)b 15
b is abbreviate of break
now, run programme and stop at the breakpoint of line 15
run single step
run the below all codes
(gdb)continue or cont
cont is only a abbreviate of continue cont仅仅是continue的一个缩写

if you want to quit, you can input follow directive
quit or Ctrl-d

here is a simple illustrate:

assume there is a c++ file debug.c++
list debug.c++
      int main()
       float flo;
       cout<<"please input the temperature"<      cin>>flo;
      float flo1=(flo-32*5.0)/9.0;
       cout<       }
 $g++ -g -o debug debug.++   //running dubug.c++
 $gdb -quiet debug   //invoking gdb debugger
(gdb) ls
Undefined command: "ls".  Try "help".
(gdb) l
1       #include
2       int main()
3       {
4       float flo;
5       cout<<"please input the temperature"<6       cin>>flo;
7       float flo1=(flo-32*5.0)/9.0;
8       cout<9       }
(gdb) b 7
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80486ea: file debug.c++, line 7.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/zhang/c++/debug
please input the temperature
Breakpoint 1, main () at debug.c++:7
7       float flo1=(flo-32*5.0)/9.0;
(gdb) ne
Ambiguous command "ne": next, nexti.
(gdb) next
8       cout<(gdb) p flo
$1 = 12.3000002
(gdb) p flo1
$2 = -16.4111118
(gdb) nexti
0x08048703      8       cout<(gdb) next

(gdb) pt flo1
type = float

9       }
(gdb) p $1
$3 = 12.3000002

(gdb) q
The program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n) y

                    c++ programme
 list main.c++:
  #include <iostream.h>
#include "type.h" //need displaytype()
//void displaytype();
int main()
return 0;

list type.h
void displaytype();

list type.c++
#include <iostream.h>
void displaytype()
 int i;
 char c;
 short s;

 bool b;
 long l;
double d;
long double ld;
cout<<"sizeof int == "<<sizeof(i)<<endl;
cout<<"sizeof char == "<<sizeof(c)<<endl;
cout<<"sizeof double == "<<sizeof(d)<<endl;
cout<<"sizeof short == "<<sizeof(s)<<endl;

cout<<"sizeof bool == "<
cout<<"sizeof long == "<<sizeof(l)<<endl;
cout<<"sizeof long double == "<<sizeof(ld)<<endl;

type.h 和type.c++的名字可以不同
 type.h and type.c++'s name can different
 runnint like this:
 $g++ -c type.c++
 $g++ -o main main.c++ type.o
 the result as follow:
sizeof int == 4
sizeof char == 1
sizeof double == 8
sizeof short == 2

sizeof bool ==1

sizeof long == 4
sizeof long double == 12

unsign is only positive and 0

grobal variable auto initialize 0, and local variable initialize in assignment
invoking a grobal variable in class, must add class_name and ::
if in a fuction, don't need class_name, need only two colons
int a;
void display()
int a;
cout<<"print the grobal variable"<<::a<}

#define red 0
#define yellow 1
#define green 2
#define blue 3
#define orange 4
#define indigo 5
enum(red, yellow,green,blue,orange,indigo)
the enum is equl to the above the #define
in enum, the red is 0, and yellow is 1,and so on
such as:
list bnum.c++
typedef enum{red,yellow,green,blue,orange,indigo}bcolor;
int main()
bcolor color=blue;
cout<return 0;

the result is 3;

you can also set the value in enum
such as:typedef enum{red,yellow,green,blue=9,orange,indigo}bcolor;

bool variable: true and false
illustrate: bool xy; and the size of bool is 1 byte

if assignment a hex to a value, and the default output value is decima

list string.c++
const int sizes=128;
void string1(char *s)
char *p;
p=new char[sizes];
//strcpy(p,s);//duplicat string s to string p
//cout<<"the size of pointer == "<//cout<<"the length of after copy == "<//cout<<"the duplicate string == "<strncpy可以限制复制的字符数
strncpy limit the copy mount
只将s 的前10个字符复制,后面的抛弃
strncpy(p,s,10);//it only can copy the former
//ten characters and the below will be discard
cout<<"the size of pointer == "<cout<<"the length of after copy == "<cout<<"the duplicate string == "<delete []p;//must detele the apply's space
list main.c++

#include "type.h"
void string1(char *s);
//void displaytype();
int main()
char *p1;
p1=new char[35];
cout<<"enter a string and the size less than 34"<cin>>p1;
delete []p1;
return 0;

strncat, strncmp的用法与strncpy相同
strncat, strncmp's use method like strncpy
strcasecmp's function is distinguish the bigcase and lowcase
such as:

char *p="hello";
the output result is 0

search string

 strstr() can search a substring in a string, and return a char pointer, which value is start match string and end the string
strstr()used to check the externed name of a file, such as strstr(p,".txt")//p is a char pointer
append follow sentences in above string.c++ :
//search substring in a string
//the strstr() return a char pointer
//the strstr() usually used to extern name such as .txt and so on
cout<<"there are substring \"you\" in string pointer p"<cout<}

assume the input string is :yuiyouyuuyuii

the output result:
there are substring "you" in string pointer p

strfry() chang the source string's sequence

it will practice in string.c++, we append following sentences in it:
//this is a function which change the characters sequences in string
//strfry()  which need includce string.h header file
cout<<"the source string== "<strfry(p);
cout<<"the string after changed == "<
the output result:
the source string== todayisago
the string after changed == aoadgstyoi

             convert   string
there are some function can use ,such as atol(ASCII to long) atof(ASCII to float) atoi(ASCII to integer) strtol(string to long) strtod(string to double) strtoul(string to unsigned long) 
all the functions need the header file stdlib.h

null define 0 

the below is string.c++ soure code

const int sizes=128;
void string1(char *s)
char *p;
p=new char[sizes];
//strcpy(p,s);//duplicat string s to string p
//cout<<"the size of pointer == "<//cout<<"the length of after copy == "<//cout<<"the duplicate string == "<//limit the copy mount
strncpy(p,s,10);//it only can copy the former
//ten characters and the below will be discard
cout<<"the size of pointer == "<cout<<"the length of after copy == "<cout<<"the duplicate string == "<delete []p;
char *cmp1="hello";
char *cmp2="HEllo";
//strcasecmp don't distinguish the bigcase and lowcase
char *cmp2="HEllo";
//strcasecmp don't distinguish the bigcase and lowcase
cout<<"this is compare result of \"hello and HEllo \"== "<//cout<<"this is compare result of \"hello and HEllo \"== "<//search substring in a string
//the strstr() return a char pointer
//the strstr() usually used to extern name such as .txt and so on
cout<<"there are substring \"you\" in string pointer p"<cout<}
else cout<<"have not match sting found"<//this is a function which change the characters sequences in string
//strfry()  which need includce string.h header file
cout<<"the source string== "<//if run the follow function have some alarms, append the follow sentences
//the reason is didn't declaration
//extern "C"

//char *strfry(char *string);
//note:the strfry() used only in linux and GNU C Standard libary
cout<<"the string after changed == "<//the are convert string functions
//such as atol(ASCII to long), atoi(integer),strtod(double),strtof,strtoul
//strtoul(string to unsigned long) atof()
char *con;
con=new char[sizes];
double dou;
float fl;
cout<<"please input a ASCII value"<cin>>con;
cout<<"the is the source string"<cout<<" the atof(con) == "<cout<<" the atoi(con) == "<//cout<<" the strtof(con) == "<//cout<<" the strtod(con) == "<//cout<<" the strtol(con) == "<

delete []con;



#define Pi 3.1415926
void main()
 char  a[4];
 //int *p=(int *)malloc(5*sizeof(int));
 char *p=a;
 char ch=128;
 int x=3;
 char b[3]="ab";
 int i=2,h=1;
 short c;



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