syntax expand [option] files convert tabs in the files to spaces
parameter -t,-i ;it is print the contents on the terminate.I have tested.
syntax fmt [options] files format text to a specified width by filling lines and removing newline characters.multip files from the command line are concatenated
parameter -u ,-w
syntax paste [options] files
paste together corresponding lines of one or more files into vertical columns
frequence used parameters -d"n" separate columns with character n in place of the default tab -s merge line from one file into a single line.when multiple files are specified,their contents will replace a individual lines of output.one per file.
syntax pr [options] files it is very useful to pinting
parameter -d ;double space -h header ;use header in place of filename in the header -l lines ;set the page length to lines.the default is 66 -o width;set the margin to width
split [options][infile][outfile]
split infile into a specified number of line groups,with output going into a succession of files.outfileaa,outfileab,and so on;the command can't looking the consequence from the terminate.but the files was created and exist the current directory