提示:C- 表示Ctrl, M- 表示Alt !! Often called bang-band this command refers to the most current command(上一命令) !n Refer to command n from the history. You'll use the history command to display these numbers !-n Refer to the current command minus n from the history(当前命令顺序号减去n后的命令) !sting Refer to the most recent command starting with string(以string开始的最当前的命令) !?string Refer to the most recent command containing string(包含string的最当前的命令) ^string1^string2 Quick substitution. Repeat the last command, replacing the first occurrence of string1 with string2 C-P Previous line(also up arrow) C-n Next line(also down arrow) C-b Back one character(also left arrow) C-a Forward one character(also right arrow) C-e Ending of line C-a Beging of line C-l or clear Clear the screen, leaving the current line at the top of the screen C-d Delete from the right C-k Delete(kill) test from cursor to end of line C-M-y paste(yank) text from cursor to the end of line C-r text Reverse search for text C-s text Forward search for text M-< Top of the history M-> Bottom of the history