2011-11-18 16:14:52
作者:fireaxe_hq@hotmail.com 博客:fireaxe.blog.chinaunix.net The first problem is that there was no the file: curses.h, so that I cannot run the command, make menuconfig, to config the kernel. I searhed on the Baidu and find the problem is the lack of libcurses. Run command as below in the termimal: apt-get install libcurses*-dev Then I can run the “make menuconfig”. The second problem is that the target “prepare3” in the top makefile(896) should not run the command, so I delete the it:
The last problem is that the command, “cp ./drivers/video/logo/logo_linux_240320_clut224.ppm ./drivers/video/logo/logo_linux_clut224.ppm”, can not be executed. I should change the first “.” to “..”, as below: “cp ../drivers/video/logo/logo_linux_240320_clut224.ppm ./drivers/video/logo/logo_linux_clut224.ppm”. Now, I can finish the compile of the kernel. The next step is to modify the config from the sdk2410 to sdk2440. Good night. 本文乃fireaxe原创,使用GPL发布,可以自由拷贝,转载。但转载请保持文档的完整性,并注明原作者及原链接,严禁用于任何商业用途。
作者:fireaxe_hq@hotmail.com 博客:fireaxe.blog.chinaunix.net