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2010-05-20 01:03:57

arm-linux工具链制作 ----------------------转



交叉编译是嵌入式开发过程中的一项重要技术,其主要特征是某机器中执行的程 序代码不是在本机编译生成,而是由另一台机器编译生成,一般把前者称为目标机,后者称为主机。

采用交叉编译的主要原因在于,多数嵌入式目标系统不能提供足够的资源供编译 过程使用,因而只好将编译工程转移到高性能的主机中进行,这就需要在强大的pc机上建立一个用于目标机的交叉编译环境。这是一个由编译器、连接器和解释器组成的综合开发环境。

linux下的交叉 编译环境重要包括以下几个部分:



     3,目标系统的标准cglibc,有时出于减小libc 库大小的考虑,你也可以用别的c库来代替glibc,例如uClibcnewlib等;



       本文实验所使用的主机环境为cygwin,所以在编译交叉工具链的时候要注意cygwin版本的问题,建议将cygwin在线升级至最新版本,本文试验中cygwin DLL版本号为1.5.21

       因为gccbinutilsglibc以及linux内核头文件均有各自的版本号,并不是任意组合都可以编译成功并最终建立一个交叉编译环境的。一些可以 直接利用的组合方式,可以通过该网址查看: 当我们选择了某一种组合以后,仍然需要对源代码做相应的修改,才能最终 编译成功。

       本文使用的组合为gcc-3.4.5+glibc-2.2.5+binutils-2.15+linux-2.6.8(头文件),因为本文建立的交叉编译环境是用来编译linux-2.6系列内核,以及运行在 该系列内核上的程序,故选择了linux-2.6.8内核的头文件,当然也可以选择其他合适的linux-2.6版本的内核。

       针对上面的这种组合,我们还需要打相应的补丁,这些补丁可以 通过如下网址下载到: 解压后在patch文件夹中可以找到相应的补丁。下面给出一些下载的链接,便于下载。




gcc-3.4.5.tar.bz2这个压缩包主要是为GNU系统提供C 编译器。现在支持多种语言,这其中包括C/C++FortranJavaObjective-CAda等。

       glibc-2.2.5.tar.gzLibc是很多用户层应用都要用到的库, 用于定义系统调用和其它一些基本的函数调用。





2),主要是生成include/linux/version.h include/linux/autoconf.h 文件,这是编译 glibc 是要用到的,version.h autoconf.h 文件的存在,也说明了你生成了正确的头文件。

3)创建binutils。这个过程结束后,会创建类似arm-linux-ld等工具。binutils是一组开发工具,包括链接器、汇编器以及其他用于目标文件和档案的工具.首先安装软件包binutils是非常重要的,因为glibcgcc会针对可用的连接器和汇编器进行多 种测试,以决定打开某些特性。

4)创建一个交叉编译版本的gcc(称为bootstrap gcc)。注意:在这个过程中只能编译C程序,而不能编译C++程序。创建一个完整的交叉编译版本gcc,需要交叉编译版本的glibc及其头文件,而交叉编译版本的glibc是通过交叉编译版本的gcc创建的。面对这个先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题,解决办法是先编译仅支持C语言的bootstrap gcc编译器,并禁 止支持线程。


6)重新创建gcc(称为full gcc)。因为前面创建gcc的过程没有编译C++编译器,现在glibc已经准备好了,所以这个步骤将产生一个更完整的full gcc编译器。

3-1 交叉编译环境建立过程


41工作目录及环境变量 的设置

因为项目空间中目录众多, 我们可以通过export命令设置一些环境变量以方便后面的工作,见表4-1。目录结构如图4-1所示。

4-1 目录结构图


因为交叉工具链工具链是针对特定的处 理器和操作系统的,因此在编译之前就需要对linux内核进行配制,可以通过“make config”或“make menuconfig”命令对内核进行配制,配制完成后,在linux源文件的目录下就会生成一个.config文件,这就是我们所需要的 文件。如果你有现成的配制文件,可以在“make menuconfig”中加载进来,或者使用cp命令把配制文件复制到linux源文件目录下并改名为.config

此时的.config还不是完整的,因为有些信 息在配置文件中没有给出,需要用户通过控制台输入,可以使用“make ARCH=arm oldconfig”命令,该命令可以使内核设置进程读取用户已有的设置信息,从而提示用户输入某 一内核设置变量的值,这一变量在已有的内核设置文件中是找不到的,此处ARCH=arm就是我们输入的值。


make ARCH=$ARCH include/asm include/linux/version.h include/asm-$ARCH/.arch

执行完后,在linux2.6.8/include目录下生成version.hautoconfig.h。这两个文件,在编译glibc时会 用到。至此,linux的头文件已经生成完毕,现在通过如下命令,将编译交叉工具链时用到的头文件拷贝到$HEADERDIR目录下。图4-2为目录结构图。

cp -r include/asm-generic $HEADERDIR/asm-generic

cp -r include/linux $HEADERDIR

cp -r include/asm-${ARCH} $HEADERDIR/asm


4-2 linux内核头文件目录结构




mkdir -p build-binutils;

cd build-binutils

${BINUTILS_DIR}/configure --target=$TARGET --host=$GCC_HOST --prefix=$PREFIX --disable-nls -with-sysroot=$SYSROOT

make all

make install

export PATH="$PREFIX/bin:$PATH"


binutils工 具生成以后,要将其路径加入环境变量PATH中,以便在后续编译过程中能够找到它们。生成的工具如图4-3所示。

4-3 生成的binutils工具


为了生成交叉编译版的glibc,我们就必须创建一个交叉编译 版本的gcc。但是在资源 有限的条件下,不可能拥有一个完整的交叉编译版的gcc(因为编译完整的gcc是需要交叉编译版的glibc及其头文件,而现在还没有)。我们现在只能够先利用主机的gcc编译出一个简单的交叉编译版gcc,即arm-linux-gcc及相关工具。arm-linux-gcc只能编译C程序,而不能编译C++程序。编译过程如下所示。

${GCC_CORE_DIR}/configure --target=$TARGET --host=$GCC_HOST \

--prefix=$CORE_PREFIX \

        --with-local-prefix=$SYSROOT \

        --disable-multilib \

        --with-newlib \

        --disable-nls \

        --enable-threads=no \

        --enable-symvers=gnu \

        --enable-__cxa_atexit \

        --enable-languages=c \


make all-gcc

make install-gcc

export PATH="$CORE_PREFIX/bin:${PATH}"

bootstrap gcc生成以后,要将其路径加入环境变量PATH中,以便在后续编译过程中能够找到它们。生成的工具如图4-4所示。

4-4 生成bootstrap gcc后的目录结构 图


glibc是一个提 供系统调用和基本函数的C语言库,比如open,mallocprintf等,所有动态链接的程序都要用到它,这里最容易出现问题,并且创建glibc需要的时间很长。这时候编译器 将会使用上一步生成的arm-linux-gcc,同时会用到一开始准备的linux内核头文件。编译glibc的命令如下所示。

BUILD_CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O -fno-unit-at-a-time" CC="${TARGET}-gcc

       AR=${TARGET}-ar RANLIB=${TARGET}-ranlib \

        ${GLIBC_DIR}/configure --prefix=/usr \

        --build=$BUILD --host=$TARGET \

        --without-cvs --disable-profile --disable-debug --without-gd \

        --enable-shared \

        --enable-add-ons=linuxthreads --with-headers=$HEADERDIR

make LD=${TARGET}-ld RANLIB=${TARGET}-ranlib all

make install_root=${SYSROOT} install


因为前面创建gcc的过程没有编译C++编译器,现在glibc已经准备好了,所以这个步骤将产生一个更完整的full gcc编译器,命令如下所示。


${GCC_DIR}/configure --target=$TARGET --host=$GCC_HOST --prefix=$PREFIX \

        --with-local-prefix=${SYSROOT} \

        --disable-nls \

        --enable-threads=posix \

        --enable-symvers=gnu \

        --enable-__cxa_atexit \

        --enable-languages= c,c++ \

        --enable-shared \

        --enable-c99 \


make all

make install







4-5生成full gcc后的目录结构图

五、configure选 项说明



Specify the toplevel installation directory. This is the recommended way to install the tools into a directory other than the default. The toplevel installation directory defaults to /usr/local.


Specify the installation directory for local include files. The default is /usr/local. Specify this option if you want the compiler to search directory dirname/include for locally installed header files instead of /usr/local/include.

You should specify --with-local-prefix only if your site has a different convention (not /usr/local) for where to put site-specific files.

The default value for --with-local-prefix is /usr/local regardless of the value of --prefix. Specifying --prefix has no effect on which directory GCC searches for local header files. This may seem counterintuitive, but actually it is logical.

The purpose of --prefix is to specify where to install GCC. The local header files in /usr/local/include-if you put any in that directory-are not part of GCC. They are part of other programs-perhaps many others. (GCC installs its own header files in another directory which is based on the --prefix value.)

Both the local-prefix include directory and the GCC-prefix include directory are part of GCC's "system include" directories. Although these two directories are not fixed, they need to be searched in the proper order for the correct processing of the include_next directive. The local-prefix include directory is searched before the GCC-prefix include directory. Another characteristic of system include directories is that pedantic warnings are turned off for headers in these directories.

Some autoconf macros add -I directory options to the compiler command line, to ensure that directories containing installed packages' headers are searched. When directory is one of GCC's system include directories, GCC will ignore the option so that system directories continue to be processed in the correct order. This may result in a search order different from what was specified but the directory will still be searched.

GCC automatically searches for ordinary libraries using GCC_EXEC_PREFIX. Thus, when the same installation prefix is used for both GCC and packages, GCC will automatically search for both headers and libraries. This provides a configuration that is easy to use. GCC behaves in a manner similar to that when it is installed as a system compiler in /usr.

Sites that need to install multiple versions of GCC may not want to use the above simple configuration. It is possible to use the --program-prefix, --program-suffix and --program-transform-name options to install multiple versions into a single directory, but it may be simpler to use different prefixes and the --with-local-prefix option to specify the location of the site-specific files for each version. It will then be necessary for users to specify explicitly the location of local site libraries (e.g., with LIBRARY_PATH).

The same value can be used for both --with-local-prefix and --prefix provided it is not /usr. This can be used to avoid the default search of /usr/local/include.


Build shared versions of libraries, if shared libraries are supported on the target platform. Unlike GCC 2.95.x and earlier, shared libraries are enabled by default on all platforms that support shared libraries, except for `libobjc' which is built as a static library only by default.

If a list of packages is given as an argument, build shared libraries only for the listed packages. For other packages, only static libraries will be built. Package names currently recognized in the GCC tree are `libgcc' (also known as `gcc'), `libstdc++' (not `libstdc++-v3'), `libffi', `zlib', `boehm-gc' and `libjava'. Note that `libobjc' does not recognize itself by any name, so, if you list package names in --enable-shared, you will only get static Objective-C libraries. `libf2c' and `libiberty' do not support shared libraries at all.

Use --disable-shared to build only static libraries. Note that --disable-shared does not accept a list of package names as argument, only --enable-shared does.



Tells GCC to consider dir as the root of a tree that contains a (subset of) the root filesystem of the target operating system. Target system headers, libraries and run-time object files will be searched in there. The specified directory is not copied into the install tree, unlike the options --with-headers and --with-libs that this option obsoletes. The default value, in case --with-sysroot is not given an argument, is ${gcc_tooldir}/sys-root. If the specified directory is a subdirectory of ${exec_prefix}, then it will be found relative to the GCC binaries if the installation tree is moved.



Deprecated in favor of --with-sysroot. Specifies that target headers are available when building a cross compiler. The dir argument specifies a directory which has the target include files. These include files will be copied into the gcc install directory. This option with the dir argument is required when building a cross compiler, if prefix/target/sys-include doesn't pre-exist. If prefix/target/sys-include does pre-exist, the dir argument may be omitted. fixincludes will be run on these files to make them compatible with GCC.


Tells GCC not use any target headers from a libc when building a cross compiler. When crossing to GNU/Linux, you need the headers so GCC can build the exception handling for libgcc. See for more information on this option.


--with-libs=``dir1 dir2 ... dirN''

Deprecated in favor of --with-sysroot. Specifies a list of directories which contain the target runtime libraries. These libraries will be copied into the gcc install directory. If the directory list is omitted, this option has no effect.


Specifies that `newlib' is being used as the target C library. This causes __eprintf to be omitted from libgcc.a on the assumption that it will be provided by `newlib'

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